do you dislike any [LP] song ?

There isn't really any Linkin Park songs that I dislike. But an LP song that I like the least is "Easier to Run." I don't know, I'm just not feeling that song, lol.
don't think there is anything wrong with CC, yeah Okay so it's Jay-Z hm.
don't like all songs from that album but I think PTS/99 problems/OSC rocks c:
the only song that really gets on me pisses is H! Vltg3...
this is the only song that kills the Reanimation cd for me ....
Mikes_Shadow said:
everything on the CC.
it must die.

haha, I could almost say I agree with you, but I probably would be an LP fan if it wasn't for Numb Encore... I don't like Jay-Z at all...
i love all their work!
(i hate their collaaboration with JayZ..but what can i do? I respect the guys decisions on who they wanna collaborate with....I only hope and dream of a new pure LP album ... I even allow them to collaborate with other rock stars lol...but no JayZ, 50C or Puffy D or whatever his name is these days :p )
BAM said:
i love all their work!
(i hate their collaaboration with JayZ..but what can i do? I respect the guys decisions on who they wanna collaborate with....I only hope and dream of a new pure LP album ... I even allow them to collaborate with other rock stars lol...but no JayZ, 50C or Puffy D or whatever his name is these days :p )

i think you mean "whatever there names are" besides whats the deal with hatting on Jay-Z... he's a cool dude that basicly now is going to help out lp even more (espcially in any other side projects, just like Fort Minor).
Krwlng....Aaron lewis is a great singer, great guy but the track totally sucked. All they really did was repeat "crawling in my skin" and "Without a sense of confidence"

have you even HEARD Krwlng?
shingo said:
i think you mean "whatever there names are" besides whats the deal with hatting on Jay-Z... he's a cool dude that basicly now is going to help out lp even more (espcially in any other side projects, just like Fort Minor).

Puffy diddi or whatever his stage name is these days...I thought Puffy is just one which case i used the words right. I was just reffering to P.diddy.. in my previous post (i know the others stage names..but only PuffyD keeps change it)

I don't hate Jay-Z!! God!!! i don't even know the man LOL I just hate the collaboration they had with him ..Okay so maybe "hate" is a strong word to use..i give you that. Their friendship is not bothering me at all!! I just don't like the musical influence he had on Linkin Park. Other then LP, whatever side-projects they have (like Mike...) i don't mind at all!!!

PS my english sucks because it's not my native language ;)
i change my mine on reanimation lol now i have DVD-A and i only hate H! VLTG3 because of that annoying loop they have...the beat blows..lyrically its cool though.....until other guy that isn't Mike comes on