Do you know what Impeachment means??


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
People keep saying to impeach Bush. Are you all aware that this is a legal process, not just someone in Congress saying "he's impeached, you can go home now George"

"IMPEACHMENT - (1) The process of calling something into question, as in "impeaching the testimony of a witness." (2) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate. "

An impeachment proceeding takes the form of a trial in the House. Evidence is presented and argued.
No president has ever been impeached. Nixon was not impeached, he resigned. The supreme court and Judiciary commitee had started to gather evidence but the proceeding never started. I'm sure Nixon saw the writing on the wall. Clinton stuck to his guns and was acquitted. Given the evidence against Clinton, I'm amazed he survived it. Remember, his approval rating at the time this was going on was 70%.

"Article 1: Perjury before Independent Counsel Ken Starr's grand jury.
Article 2: Perjury in the Paula Jones civil case.
Article 3: Obstruction of Justice related to the Jones case.
Article 4: Abuse of Power by making perjurious statements to Congress in his answers to the 81 questions posed by the Judiciary Committee."

Given this information I really don't think they will be able to gather enough information to have him impeached. Its not that I wouldn't like to see him run out of town, I just don't think they will be able to...
Lethalfind said:
...No president has ever been impeached.
FALSE... There have been 2 prseidential impeachments.

1) Andrew Johnson
2) Bill Clinton

The House will vote to impeach and the Senate will vote to remove from office. What you meant to say is that no president has ever been removed from office after his impeachment.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
FALSE... There have been 2 prseidential impeachments.

1) Andrew Johnson
2) Bill Clinton

The House will vote to impeach and the Senate will vote to remove from office. What you meant to say is that no president has ever been removed from office after his impeachment.

yes that is what I meant to say...
I also wanted to point out that while its a nice fantasy to see George run out of town on the perverbial rail, I just don't see it happening. They couldn't run Clinton out when it was pretty clear he was lying to everyone. It would be so easy for George to just claim I was stupid...not lying.
Lethalfind said:
yes that is what I meant to say...
I also wanted to point out that while its a nice fantasy to see George run out of town on the perverbial rail, I just don't see it happening. They couldn't run Clinton out when it was pretty clear he was lying to everyone. It would be so easy for George to just claim I was stupid...not lying.
It would also set a very bad precident. Andrew Johnson was impeached because he was soft on the south during reconstruction and the republicans wanted blood (although trumped up charges were levied, the real reasons were political). He was also a southerner. The Senate almost removed him from office, but the final senator to vote did not want to set such a bad example... It's an interresting story that centers around secretary of war Stanton. Johnson's "high crimes and misdemeanors" were supposed violations of the "tenure act" which ironically was struck down by the supreame court as unconstitional.
Get over the Clinton thing already . He only lied about his private sex life .

Bush has killed 1000's with his lies .

I d' give "W" extra points if he was getting head eating Pizza and the economy was good and we were not in a war
We all know what Impeachment means > so let's get it done already
8 mecos said:
Get over the Clinton thing already . He only lied about his private sex life .

Bush has killed 1000's with his lies .

I d' give "W" extra points if he was getting head eating Pizza and the economy was good and we were not in a war
We all know what Impeachment means > so let's get it done already
8 sperms for a brain,

Listen up, retard. Bill Clinton Lied to Grand Jury (perjury is a misdemeanor) and Lieing to Federal Grand Jury is a serious offense.

George Bush has not lied, at least he has not been found guilty of perjury to court in the US. If you think he lied, that is great. But no one is going to accept the testimany of retard with 8 sperm cells swimming around in his head that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
8 sperms for a brain,

Listen up, retard. Bill Clinton Lied to Grand Jury (perjury is a misdemeanor) and Lieing to Federal Grand Jury is a serious offense.

George Bush has not lied, at least he has not been found guilty of perjury to court in the US. If you think he lied, that is great. But no one is going to accept the testimany of retard with 8 sperm cells swimming around in his head that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Well said... But couldn't that have yet to be proven? Or am I mistaken? I don't know much about US poli. :eek:
Also, maybe the world has benefited from Saddam Hussein's removal from Iraq, but if GWB is also greatly based on helping the Iraq people, I seriously see no benefit for them.... They captured Saddam? So now what? More Soldiers and Iraqi Civilians need to die? :mad:
Obvisouly my 8 sperm have more brains then you or are you blind to what is really going on in the world?
Hamza123 said:
Well said... But couldn't that have yet to be proven? Or am I mistaken? I don't know much about US poli. :eek:
Yes, it has to be proven. They're not supposed to just show up on the front lawn of 1600 Pensylvania Ave, Washington DC. with torches and pitchforks, although the retards (like 8 sperms) think it is legal.
IN MY OPINION, the only thing we can prove about Bush is that he is an idiot and I don't think thats grounds for impeachment.
Its easy to throw this word around but thats all it is, word play.
I don't see it ever even being attempted...
Hamza123 said:
Also, maybe the world has benefited from Saddam Hussein's removal from Iraq, but if GWB is also greatly based on helping the Iraq people, I seriously see no benefit for them.... They captured Saddam? So now what? More Soldiers and Iraqi Civilians need to die? :mad:
Maybe the world has benifited from Saddam Hussein's removal from Iraq???
Maybe...Oh, perhaps it was a mistake to remove him afterall he quietly chose the tens of thousands to die cruel deaths disagreeing with him that we only learned of after his removal in the most part. If your mom, dad, brother or sister were dropped off a three story building bound would you be so doubtful that his removal was a good thing? What about the dead moms holding dead babies that he gassed? Maybe the world has benifited?

So now what? More Soldiers and Iraqi Civilians need to die? Who is killing the people and why are they killing the people? Are the killings justified since the nation was liberated by a nation using bad intellegence? Let me clear my mind to the facts and reverse the situation and say GWB gassed the folks in New Hampshire and sidewalk bounced all citizens that complained of his ruling practices and Saddam came to the assistance of the American people would you volunteer to drive a truck bomb into a funeral procession of those who supported Saddam's forces or would you blow yourself up to kill some of Sadam's liberating soldiers?

People who think the war was a bad idea, when looking at it from the majority of the Iraqies view (consider the reverse situation) are brain dead! How would you feel as the foreign invader liberated you if you were in the majority and being killed systematically by your leader?

Do you think the Sunni's are better than the majority of the Iraqi citizens and the majority should agree to be rulled by them? Again, reverse the situation and change the Sunni's with Black or Mexican American's doing the car bombings and think for a change before some more stupid falls out of your open mouth!
Crispy Critter said:
Maybe the world has benifited from Saddam Hussein's removal from Iraq???
Maybe...Oh, perhaps it was a mistake to remove him afterall he quietly chose the tens of thousands to die cruel deaths disagreeing with him that we only learned of after his removal in the most part. If your mom, dad, brother or sister were dropped off a three story building bound would you be so doubtful that his removal was a good thing? What about the dead moms holding dead babies that he gassed? Maybe the world has benifited?

So now what? More Soldiers and Iraqi Civilians need to die? Who is killing the people and why are they killing the people? Are the killings justified since the nation was liberated by a nation using bad intellegence? Let me clear my mind to the facts and reverse the situation and say GWB gassed the folks in New Hampshire and sidewalk bounced all citizens that complained of his ruling practices and Saddam came to the assistance of the American people would you volunteer to drive a truck bomb into a funeral procession of those who supported Saddam's forces or would you blow yourself up to kill some of Sadam's liberating soldiers?

People who think the war was a bad idea, when looking at it from the majority of the Iraqies view (consider the reverse situation) are brain dead! How would you feel as the foreign invader liberated you if you were in the majority and being killed systematically by your leader?

Do you think the Sunni's are better than the majority of the Iraqi citizens and the majority should agree to be rulled by them? Again, reverse the situation and change the Sunni's with Black or Mexican American's doing the car bombings and think for a change before some more stupid falls out of your open mouth!

Whats truly sad is I agree with your humanitarian take on Saddam, I hate what he did to his own people. The innocent people that are dead because of him. I know our troops feel that way. BUT yet the rest of the world treats us like we are as bad as Saddam or worse...That really pisses me off. He would still be there killing, maming his own people not too mention what his psychotic sons would be doing...
Lethalfind said:
What's truly sad is I agree with your humanitarian take on Saddam, I hate what he did to his own people. The innocent people that are dead because of him. I know our troops feel that way. BUT the rest of the world treats us like we are as bad as Saddam or worse...That really pisses me off!! He would still be there killing, maming his own people, not too mention what his psychotic sons would be doing...
Hear hear! That bastich needed offing in the WORST possible way!!:mad: :mad: :mad: