Do you like green day?

i hate how people/groups/bands etc are sterotyped.

i mean, people call my friend emo, just caus she has black hair and coloured streaks, i mean, how on earth does that make someone emo.

And, the whole idea of being Emo, was to be different and uncategorised, but, the minute you become "emo", your not longer different.

Green Day ARENT emo, just cause they wrote a few "emotional" songs, doesnt make them emo, i mean, compare that to their songs about masturbation and rebellion and **** like that.

Someone once asked Billie Joe, "Whats Punk", and he kicked something over (a garbage bin i think), and he said thats punk, so the interviewer did the same thing and was like "Im punk", and billie joe said "no, thats following a trend"....or something similar to that, but yeah, he is so right, there is a difference between being punk/emo/goth etc etc, and just following a trend.
Green Day is ok now, I dont know I kinda stoped listening to them. I still enjoy their songs though(but not blvd. of broken dreams >< ughhh, and other over played songs). I think people are starting to forget about them now, I guess the new trend is Fall Out Boy or am I wrong? I never considered them emo, every band has a few emotional songs. Yea but they are ok.
yeh, its all just "following a trend", and it sucks. Everyone trys to be cool and fit in by pretending to like the same stuff, or be punk or whatever.

Just be yourself it works so much better !!!
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
How is Greenday "Emo"?!?!?! C'mon lol. Just because they're very popular doesn't mean their music is like that. They are definatly a rock band. Maybe punk *shrugs* But VERY far from that genre :D They do not have the haircuts, or the voice, or the tight pants or whatever it is you guys class as "Emo". The only way they're associated with the "emo" mainstream look is the eyeliner. And there's nothing wrong with that ;) And they've been doing it for years before this trend started:D

I agree with Keza, Matt is seriously anti-emoism! Quite whining emo kid ;) *I'm gonna get a slap for that one lol* *Runs*!

im quite proud i could do that...seeing as i cant actually see the quote button..its invisible on my comp...special computer *pats it*
anywho yeah...matt everything except the music u listen to emo...cuz everything i seem to listen to is...and i dont really share that opinion..>.< lol<33
Green Day is cool. I am not like a big fan but they got some good tracks going on.
I dodnt say they where emo.... yet

But they are getting their... the new trend, Fall Out Boy, are an emo band but their music is worse then Green Days! I dont like this trend :O no sir e bob :(
Green Day is not an emo band. They are a decent band. Now they went a little mainstream, but they ARE NOT EMO. Listen to The Used, or From First to Last. That is freaking emo. GD might be whiney, or sing "emotional" songs, but that does not make them emo, or an emo band. LP sings emotional songs, but they are not an emo band. Yes, Green Day has turned a little more to the emoish side, but they are a punk band. Actually since they went mainstream, they've become like a pop/punk band. But who gived a **** what genre they are, they'll making great music for me to listen to. :D

My crappy rant is done.

I'm just waiting for their new CD... since I heard that they're in the studio again...?
^ You go Ryan! Haha......Green Day is definately not emo. They're punk, but no techinally pop/punk or mainstream punk. Emo is definately not mainstream. It's becoming more popular, but definately not mainstream. And Green Day definately does not fit into that category. Almost every band has at least a few "emo" songs if you think anything emotional or sad is emo.

I think Green Day is ok. Not amazing, but some of their songs I really like. Just not them as a whole (as in their CDs usually suck).