Do you pray? Why?

tizz said:
OK so a flodd did not cover the earth but then how is it that around the same time the myans believe that their area of teh world was also flooded and have their own noah stories there? When you study any given religion and look into it's actual history, you are always best to study other religions and cultures of the same period and never discount oral histories. Anthropolgists are discovering now that oral histories are far more acurate than written ones. Also the single continent theories are still just that, theories. Becareful not to rely too heavily on science simply because it disproves what you choose not to believe in. Personally I look more to science than religion but also know that religion carries with it often very accurate history even if it is geographically specific. There is a fine line between the two and if you look at both closely you will see more truth in the two combine than wither one seperately.

Europe kept some remarkably long standing recordings through both word-of-mouth and written text. No mention or proof of flooding was ever uncovered having taken place in europe.

Also the single continent theories are still just that, theories.

It is theoretical as to exactly what the earth looked like. However, by studying the movement of tectonic plates and mountain & valley formations we know that the earths land masses have been moving for millions of years. This is not guess work, rather proven fact.
Yes we know that they have been moving but we only assume they once touched. Always keep in mind what has been proven and what is simply assumed simply from that observation. Hell darwin though we came from apes!!! But then given what proof he had uncovered it wasn't a horrible theory but too many people assumed it fact when it was nothing but a simple theory based on the limited information he had available. Never go beyond what has been proven or you will most likely end up eating your words. Even science has finally figured that one out. LOL MR. neandertal hehe
tizz said:
Yes we know that they have been moving but we only assume they once touched. Always keep in mind what has been proven and what is simply assumed simply from that observation. Hell darwin though we came from apes!!! But then given what proof he had uncovered it wasn't a horrible theory but too many people assumed it fact when it was nothing but a simple theory based on the limited information he had available. Never go beyond what has been proven or you will most likely end up eating your words. Even science has finally figured that one out. LOL MR. neandertal hehe

Minerals that are indigenous to certain areas have been found on the coast of other continents. Strongly suggesting, even proving, that two land masses that are thousands of miles apart, did indeed at one point touch.

The theory of evolution is indeed a theory. I reject much of it as there is not solid evidence. Science does infer that this theory is strongly possible, as even today we can site examples of animals and man evolving. Examples that are inarguable fact.
Well the theories about human eveolution are just theories but the concept of evolution existing in nature is proven
Posted by Crispy Critter: Do you believe that humans are born other than evil?

I'd say that the word evil is a little strong. I would think that humans are born nuetral. Like a sponge ready to absorb what they surrounded by. If they are surrounded by evil, then it is likely that that is what they will absorb. My dog knows nothing of religion. But she knows its wrong to **** on my floor. She feels guilty when she eats out of the trash. I don't even have to see what she did. You can see the guilt. In a sense this is her "moral code". If I had been evil to her from a pup then she would likely bit children and **** on my floor with no sense of guilt or "morals".

If two humans were left alone from infancy (nevermind how they ate or what not) to raise themselves without outside influences, how would they act towards each other? Wouldn't they instinctively know it is wrong to kill each other? Would they not have morals just because they were not taught morality?
I actually think it makes more sense that infants are born with a memory of universal knowledge that is easilt lost as they are introduced to whatever world they live in. But then that goes along with my beliefe in reincarnation and souls and such. Oh and I don't believe in evil

I know this is between Johny and crispy but I am bored and I hate being left out so there hehe
Reincarnation huh? Well its to early for me to get into that. Its a novel thought I guess, but it sounds like fantasy to me. Don't know what reason one could possibly have for believing that. I like to believe that when I die I'll live in heavenly bliss sitting next to a mountain of skunk buds while getting my dick sucked for all eternity. But that too is fantasy.
Well I don't believe in an infinite number of souls, nor do I believe that life on this planet is pointless. Without believeing in a seperate heaven and hell, I am led to believe that we are hear for the benefit of our souls and learning from experience. Therefore I come to the conclusion that we come back to get it right.

That's why I believe in reincarnation.
Jhony5 said:
I'd say that the word evil is a little strong. I would think that humans are born nuetral. Like a sponge ready to absorb what they surrounded by. If they are surrounded by evil, then it is likely that that is what they will absorb.

If two humans were left alone from infancy (nevermind how they ate or what not) to raise themselves without outside influences, how would they act towards each other? Wouldn't they instinctively know it is wrong to kill each other? Would they not have morals just because they were not taught morality?

Perhaps a little strong saying evil but barbarian would fit nicely. Anthropologists have studied people in places not in contact with the outside world and that is why I conclude they would be barbarians. If everyone in a new generation would stop believing in god the world would not instantly turn barbarian. Morals would decline, work ethics would decline, and people would be more about self and would not want to be bothered by many moral laws. An outside force would witness the weakness that would prevail in the same way we viewed the American Indians when we arrived and they would defeat us and we would be no longer unless they allow us to exist.

tizz said:
I actually think it makes more sense that infants are born with a memory of universal knowledge that is easilt lost as they are introduced to whatever world they live in. But then that goes along with my beliefe in reincarnation and souls and such. Oh and I don't believe in evil

I know this is between Johny and crispy but I am bored and I hate being left out so there hehe

Babies are born cute and cuddly so their parents won
Spend a day in pre k??????? UM I spend ever day in pre k I teach preschool and daycare!!!

Evil may exist in a form but it is created by man through free will, not a natural phenomenon. Evil is also a subjective term.

And babies are all but cute and cuddly when they are born actually they are kind ofreaky looking and get cuter as they get older. If a three year old kis wasn't cute they's be out the window real fast. Trust me I have one and watch 6 others everyday.

As for us taking over the natives, are you saying they have nor moral laws or beliefe system? If so........ ARE YOU DAFT MAN?????????? They have a much stricter and defined moral code than any other western beliefe system and they don't justify doing wrong iin the na,me of some god. I hope I am confused as to what you are trying to say there
Crispy Critter said:
Perhaps a little strong saying evil but barbarian would fit nicely. Anthropologists have studied people in places not in contact with the outside world and that is why I conclude they would be barbarians. If everyone in a new generation would stop believing in god the world would not instantly turn barbarian. Morals would decline, work ethics would decline, and people would be more about self and would not want to be bothered by many moral laws. An outside force would witness the weakness that would prevail in the same way we viewed the American Indians when we arrived and they would defeat us and we would be no longer unless they allow us to exist.

Babies are born cute and cuddly so their parents won
There has never been a case of someone existing without any living contact. There are children raised by dogs who end up taking on the characteristics of teh dags yet still holding onto some basic human characteristics, and tribes such as the one found in machu pichu in the late '70's that had not experienced human contact of anykind outside of themselves or other tribes and therefore never influenced by the modern world.

I believe you will have to define what you mean by barbarian
I can understnad a piece of this definition but I believe you are missing the true understanding of the word here. Using the word barbarian to simply describe a primitive society is rarely used and hardly accepted.

tizz said:
I can understnad a piece of this definition but I believe you are missing the true understanding of the word here. Using the word barbarian to simply describe a primitive society is rarely used and hardly accepted.

I don't know any educated circle where the term "barbarians" would be acceptable in this conversation
OK so am I starting to sound like a bitch here? For some reason I am beginning to feel like one LOL but that's ok I accept myself the way I am HEHE
tizz said:
OK so am I starting to sound like a bitch here? For some reason I am beginning to feel like one LOL but that's ok I accept myself the way I am HEHE

Maybe your a barbarian?
Jhony5 and tizz

Check out Encarta Encyclopedia, key in find Anthropology then read sub section IX, C., 1. Evolutionary Theory & 2. Anthropological Evolutionary Theories And Tizz you read 3. Cultural Evolution, Colonialism, and Social Darwinism

Jhony 5 I answered two posts in my last post and the second part was directed to tizz who doesn't beleive in evil.

There are only three or four paragraphs. Also read find search key words Ages of Man select the second of choice and read it to give further background.