Do you pray? Why?

Crispy Critter said:
Jhony5 and tizz

Check out Encarta Encyclopedia, key in find Anthropology then read sub section IX, C., 1. Evolutionary Theory & 2. Anthropological Evolutionary Theories And Tizz you read 3. Cultural Evolution, Colonialism, and Social Darwinism

Jhony 5 I answered two posts in my last post and the second part was directed to tizz who doesn't beleive in evil.

There are only three or four paragraphs. Also read find search key words Ages of Man select the second of choice and read it to give further background.

Do you always let an encyclopedia talk for you? If you want to provide me with information to support your ideas then do so. But I'm not digging through endless paragraphs in order to figure you out. Just tell us what thoughts your brain is capable of instead of expecting us to research your ideals on your request.
Crispy Critter said:
Jhony5 and tizz

Check out Encarta Encyclopedia, key in find Anthropology then read sub section IX, C., 1. Evolutionary Theory & 2. Anthropological Evolutionary Theories And Tizz you read 3. Cultural Evolution, Colonialism, and Social Darwinism

Jhony 5 I answered two posts in my last post and the second part was directed to tizz who doesn't beleive in evil.

There are only three or four paragraphs. Also read find search key words Ages of Man select the second of choice and read it to give further background.

UMMM I don't need to go to some cheezy microsoft kid's encyclopedia, I studdied it in college thanx. My center of study of enthnology
tizz said:
UMMM I don't need to go to some cheezy microsoft kid's encyclopedia, I studdied it in college thanx. My center of study of enthnology
Ummm I don't know what enthnology is and my cheezy microsoft kid's encyclopedia doesn't either. I studied in college too but I sitll don't know what to make of enthnology.

Sorry to refer you guys to a reference for my stated opinion. I pretty much base my opinion on things I read and learned from factual source. Please give me a reference or correct spelling to enthnology.

Alright I found Ethnology in google and my kids cheezy encyclopedia recognizes it...

My point to refer you guys to the difficult reading is to point out my opinion wasn't pulled out of my ass.

So tizz you study language anthropology are you teaching black kids or are you teaching American Indians? If you are interested in anthropology a little tour down the "survival of the fittest" lane shouldn't cause you too much discomfort.
Ethnology is the study of living cultures by participant observation.

As for survival of the fittest? What is scary about that? The strongest genes survive the generations allowing for mutations to become a part of the general gene pool and sometimes reversing the dominant/resesive genes.

As for who I teach, I teach whoever enroles in my school. No questions asked. I teach about all cultures history and sociology in an age specific cirriculum.

OH BTW I meant ethnology, I worked an opposite schedual today and is screwing me al up.

As for Encarta, give it back to the ten year old you stole it from, it is essentially useless. That's why it is free with every computer package out there.

Also I stil fail to see where barbarians was a justifiable term to use in your argument, unless you really are a dolt and believe it the way it sounds
In the beginning people evolved from apes, the fit of the fittest survived and the rest of the apes were only fit to be apes and eat bugs from other apes. Then there were plenty of bananas so there was peace, then a banana shortage caused the humans to compete for food. So humans would kill other humans to have enough bananas to survive kind of like the pecking order in the hen house, kind of like barbarians. After thousands of years humans found it hard to live looking over their shoulders for those who would kill for food so they joined in communities so they could share a common norm of having bananas and not worrying about those who didn
OK after the first sentaence I choked and spit my drink out my nose!!!! How freaking old is you Encarta man? Man came from APES??????????? Umm that is circa so old I will have to ask an earlier generation where to date it!!!

I hope you are joking because you didn't even get survival of the fittest right. If you are serious and good god I hope you aren't, you really should try to at least get your education from PBS or discovery if you must get it from TV, not the television shows of the '50's
BTW most of my proffessors weren't old enough to dodge any draft and the one signifigant one that was old enough was rejected for a medical condition.
tizz said:
BTW most of my proffessors weren't old enough to dodge any draft and the one signifigant one that was old enough was rejected for a medical condition.
Then write your own history if we don't want to review references with credentials.

The way I wrote it is the way I see it. We were white supermist and now half of America wants to suck the world's dick.

We evolved from the superior thing but if we don't get off our knees someone will put us there permanently.
OK I am quickly realizing this conversation is no longer worth my time and really rather pointless.
Your arguments are partially valid. Man of course does require a moral code in order to live in a society and though most are based on religious value, there are a few that are based only on nature and living in harmony with it as well a few planned societies that base their moral codes on the greater good. Look up "Christiania" which I believe is in Amsterdam if memory serves. As for the beliefes of our forefathers, well of course they are dated to the times but being the intelligent men they were, they allowed for change and growth. As any intelligent person knows, no man knows everything and therefore has to be open to change as new information is gainedand new discoveries uncovered.

Evil is still a subject term based on our own perceptions and therefore not real or provable except by comparrison to your own standards. One man'e evil is another man's good. This is of course part of the human dilema. Few things if any can be absolutely prooved positive, adjectives being on the absolute bottom of that list. This is the kind of thinking that leads to discourse and war. One person judging another by false comparrison and saying you suck because you are not like me and you are evil. THe other person of course gets offended at the comment and well, you know the rest.
I looked up Christiania on Google and it is a commune that attempted to establish its own government outside of the Holland government, kind of like a self appointed sovereign reservation. It sounded like a commune located in a village that held meetings for popular consent on rules for the commune. I don
Crispy Critter said:
I looked up Christiania on Google and it is a commune that attempted to establish its own government outside of the Holland government, kind of like a self appointed sovereign reservation. It sounded like a commune located in a village that held meetings for popular consent on rules for the commune. I don
OK yes that is the christiania I was speaking of and it has been around for sometime and becoming quite a source for the of social behaviour. As for our govt seeing others as evil, well since bushy baby maybe and his "evil doers" but I hardly consider bush to be an expert on anything other that bullshit. And what is this "being of a lesser god" crap? So i guess we are to assume you are a pagan and believe in multiple gods?????

You appear to have gotten your entire education from a combination of old "land of the lost" reruns and bush speaches.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP! OK I have decided I should pity you and allow you to spew whatever it is you call this crap
tizz said:
OK yes that is the christiania I was speaking of and it has been around for sometime and becoming quite a source for the of social behaviour. As for our govt seeing others as evil, well since bushy baby maybe and his "evil doers" but I hardly consider bush to be an expert on anything other that bullshit. And what is this "being of a lesser god" crap? So i guess we are to assume you are a pagan and believe in multiple gods?????

You appear to have gotten your entire education from a combination of old "land of the lost" reruns and bush speaches.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP! OK I have decided I should pity you and allow you to spew whatever it is you call this crap

Who is the you that your refering too? Come on people, lets make it a little more clear who were talking to.
Jhony5 said:
Our people are free by the will of our higher god? Your ****ed. One of the biggest reasons european pilgrims came to America was to escape religious persecution. You have to see through the terminology of the phrase "god given rights". I have rights as a human being. And it is those rights, that have so many countless times throughout history, brrn violated by the church.

How in the hell are you arriving at the conclusion that god is where humans get their rights? It is because our nations forfathers were religious that they used the references to god and country. Our forfathers also owned slaves just like the bible said to do.

In short, your statement that god or religion were responsible for human rights is backwards. It is the religions of god that took rights from man.
Read the whole ****ing post http://Off Topic from 1 to 22
OK so I had originally had it addressed to crispy but half way through I lost the post and got lazy the second time. Sorry!!!! But come on now if you are reading through you should be able to get it just from teh references