Do you pray? Why?

Jhony5 said:
Right...O.K. Ummm.....What?
You were full of **** about religion in America.

God must first appear in order for him to disappear. Where is this god you speak of? Has he given me rights by way of government decree?
It's self-evident! Just like I haven't materially appeared I screw with your mind and you have faith I exist. Now on your knees sleeze and pray for my demise. Note: I like you, sleeze just happened to rhyme.

We hold these truths to be self-evident

tizz if you check out the cheezy Encarta links I gave you earlier you will find a fellow "father" of your college speciality Lewis Henery Morgan, nicknamed the bridge by Indian tribes was the father of evolutionary stages savagery, barbarism and civilization. Locke practically wrote the bill of rights.

America is a Christian Nation founded on common law and based on the self evident rights given by the Creator and protected by government. So I guess if you beleive in god you should pray but if you don't god gave your rights anyway and the government is simply protecting them. On your knees!
Crispy Critter said:
It's self-evident! Just like I haven't materially appeared I screw with your mind and you have faith I exist. Now on your knees sleeze and pray for my demise. Note: I like you, sleeze just happened to rhyme.

We hold these truths to be self-evident

tizz if you check out the cheezy Encarta links I gave you earlier you will find a fellow "father" of your college speciality Lewis Henery Morgan, nicknamed the bridge by Indian tribes was the father of evolutionary stages savagery, barbarism and civilization. Locke practically wrote the bill of rights.

America is a Christian Nation founded on common law and based on the self evident rights given by the Creator and protected by government. So I guess if you beleive in god you should pray but if you don't god gave your rights anyway and the government is simply protecting them. On your knees!

Crispy, yo, you are far more real to me than is god.

Might I start praying to you? Will you listen? :D
If prayer worked we wouldnt see many things like cancer, dead babies, child molestation...etc

I agree, but I've had the conversation before and prayer to many people is really just a comforting thing to them.
Jhony5 said:
Just curious how many of you believe in prayer and why. Praying seems a contradiction to me. In short it is the act of asking an invisible man to grant your wish. A wish evolving from selfishness. I do not subscribe to religion as it is created by man for man.
If you are truly Cristian and you believe the book of lies then you believe its teaching of an eternal plan set out by god from the beginning. The bible states god has a plan for all of us, right? When a child dies a senseless death those who wish to offer comfort always say "god had a plan for him/her ". Its all part of gods plan they say.
So it is with this I ask "what ****in good does it do to pray"? Really, think about that ****. Who are you to ask god to change his eternal plan to fit your needs and wants. If he planned for your wife to die of breast cancer then shes toast. Why are you even bothering god to selfishly ask him to grant your wish? Nothing burns my ass more than a god damn prayer vigil. Like when a kid is missing and presumed to have been kid napped. They stand around with candle crying and saying prayers. GO OUT AND LOOK FOR THE ****IN' KID. Don't just stand their and talk to the sky. Well that should do it for my first official rant.

faith!!! "believe that you have recieved".....examine this statement closely (I'll wait)

as for granting wishes....only if it serves his will