Do you share?


New member
Wow...he's a *** addict and she hates *** lol? Not exactly a match made to stand the test of time huh?
My guess, and I'm no **** *** therapist here, is that the meaning of *** is different for these two.
Mr. *** fiend seems to like the ACT of ***, so that means his pre game show isn't impressing his wife. He should be sentenced to watch 100 hours of date and chick flicks, and 2 weeks of lifetime movie network, a bit of an estrogen injection wouldn't hurt either. He needs to cry a little on his wife's shoulder, and learn to make love. :rolleyes:





New member
My guess, and I'm no **** *** therapist here, is that the meaning of *** is different for these two.
Mr. *** fiend seems to like the ACT of ***, so that means his pre game show isn't impressing his wife. He should be sentenced to watch 100 hours of date and chick flicks, and 2 weeks of lifetime movie network, a bit of an estrogen injection wouldn't hurt either. He needs to cry a little on his wife's shoulder, and learn to make love. :rolleyes:


You could be right on the money.


New member
I recently had a debate with some friends of mine, and noone could come to an agreement. Since they are women I figured I'd ask you guys. What does it mean when a new man in the neighborhood, or at work, spills all his sexual secrets with you (even though he's married), and you've only known him for a few weeks. Every conversation eventually turns sexual. Is he just an open book, or hitting on you?
Lemme let you in on something. If a man holds the door for you, he's hitting on you. If a man says "Howdy", he's hitting on you. If a man acknowledges you in any way, he's hitting on you.



New member
Lemme let you in on something. If a man holds the door for you, he's hitting on you. If a man says "Howdy", he's hitting on you. If a man acknowledges you in any way, he's hitting on you.
and the Oracle has spoken? So if a man acknowledges you in any way, shape or form...consider yourself hit on? jots down notes



New member
and the Oracle has spoken? So if a man acknowledges you in any way, shape or form...consider yourself hit on? jots down notes
Yes. I am hitting on you right now. Did you know that?

How does that make you feel?



New member
Yes. I am hitting on you right now. Did you know that?
How does that make you feel?
I'm ecstatic! All those years, all those restraining orders....that incident that ended in a pistol whipping. I was right...after all these years!!! I told those dumbass cops they were hitting on ME...and they wouldn't listen.

I'm gonna dig out my ski mask, camo gear and my telephoto lens!!

Thanks Jhony!!!! BTW you look cute in pink.....

squeals with delight



New member
Thanks Jhony!!!! BTW you look cute in pink.....
I like being in pink. Being in pink feels soooo good.

It's true, if you have a hole, a guy will hit on you. Even if your **** ugly.
We've all had those occasions. The bar is closing. It's 2am. The quandary arises; **** or the butterface (every things hot, but her face) who's sipping a Long Island Iced Tea at the end of the bar.




New member
We've all had those occasions. The bar is closing. It's 2am. The quandary arises; **** or the butterface (every things hot, but her face) sipping a Long Island Iced Tea at the end of the bar?
The kind of night where your standards are... "Well, I guess having 6 kids already ain't soooo bad..., long as none of em are mine".





New member
i'm ecstatic! All those years, all those restraining orders....that incident that ended in a pistol whipping. I was right...after all these years!!! I told those dumbass cops they were hitting on me...and they wouldn't listen.
I'm gonna dig out my ski mask, camo gear and my telephoto lens!!

Thanks jhony!!!! Btw you look cute in pink.....

squeals with delight
roflmao :D


New member
what does "dose" mean?

Main Entry: 1dose

Pronunciation: \ˈdōs\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin dosis, from Greek, literally, act of giving, from didonai to give — more at date

Date: 15th century

1 a: the measured quantity of a therapeutic agent to be taken at one time b: the quantity of radiation administered or absorbed

2: a portion of a substance added during a process

3: an amount of something likened to a prescribed or measured quantity of medicine <a daily dose of hard work> <a dose of scandal>

4: a gonorrheal infection ( :p at this one, did not know that)



New member
what does "dose" mean?

Main Entry: 1dose Pronunciation: ˈdōs

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin dosis, from Greek, literally, act of giving, from didonai to give ? more at date

Date: 15th century

1 a: the measured quantity of a therapeutic agent to be taken at one time b: the quantity of radiation administered or absorbed

2: a portion of a substance added during a process

3: an amount of something likened to a prescribed or measured quantity of medicine <a daily dose of hard work> <a dose of scandal>

4: a gonorrheal infection ( :p at this one, did not know that)

It's an inside joke with Charlie, he has always used dose instead of does. You'd have to ask CB :D

You guys quit pickin on me!

Okay I'll work on my spelling but I'm not promising anything.

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