Do you still like Linkin Park?


New member
Aww, I felt sure that I've posted in this thread. I've got that overwhelming sensation of De Ja Vu o_0

Oh well. Yes of course I still like them =) Always have and always well. Not as obsessive as a couple months back, but the love is still there lol. I don't play the cds that often anymore, but a couple of their songs are on my Itunes "25 Most Played Songs" so that's a good sign. Fort Minor is great news, and this community on the forums has stopped me from distancing away from their music. Lp has helped me open doors to more music though, this time last year, I wouldn't even be listening to rock music, let alone anything else that isn't in the charts:D I'm liking a lot of other bands now though (Wo0t, go Funeral For A Friend & Story Of The Year \m/!) but Lp are still really high up there:D

I would probably collect their merchandise if I could, and get loads of stuff, but money is a huge set back and I spend it all before I even have it even:D Oh well! I have all of Lp's albums (Except Reanimation), their DVD's, their book, and 4 badges. That will do me for now =)



New member
True Linkin Park Fans Will Always n Forever Love Them No Matter What We Still Stick With Them No Matter What Choices They Make... i Myself Dont Ever Fade Away From Them I Mean i Do Have My Moments Were i Dont Listen To Them For A While n Stuff But That Doesnt Really Mean Anything i Mean You Dont Have To Always Be Listenin To Them TO Love Them i Can Bet i Love Them More Then Most Of The People Here n i Dont ALWAYS Listen To Them iM iNTo Rap Right Now iT Changes Alot Tho But iF You Like Them n There Music Whether You Listen to THem Alot Or Not You Still Like Them May Not Be As Much As When Their Up N Goin Sellin Out Albums But iT Prolly Faded For You alil Bit You Might Just Not Be The Obsessive Fan Like Most Of Us On This Site Doesnt Mean Your Not A Fan Or Dont Like Them...

<33 Jamie



New member
I DO My only fear is that their next album is gonna be more on the rap side of LP then rock long as those two are "blend together properly" lol i'm all cool. I love them, i love their sound, their voices, their lyrics. The problem with me is that it's hard until i find a band that i like, tottaly like, but once i found it..i stick with it and i would love their music forfuckinever ..I do not change my mind easily...i mean go with the popular bands just because they're on the spotlight....

And even if it happenes to not like their next album (but i don't see how's possible)...i will always have their old stuff :)

I would love them to get more active in the LP then their own projects...and get to tour a lot and release a new **** album lol My others fav bands KoRn and Slipknot are in the fire right albums, touring, TV, press and promotion and i only wish for LP to re-enter into the madness :)



New member
Of course I do! I am dissapointed, but I still like their songs and the group as a whole. I am so sorry they stopped making new songs or videos ( as a group) and I hope they didn't break up. BUT I am still listening to their songs because they're one of my favorites! So many hits don't deserve to be forgotten by the people. I hope they're gonna make more of them and they're not gonna stop it!


New member
i don't listen to them as much as i used to but i still think they are great' date=' i was unimpressed when they did the stuff with jay-z that ****** me off. they are supposed to be original and they go and do something like that and ruin it all, they did it for the money just like loads of other bands do. hopefully they wont have anymore moments of insanity like that ever again.[/quote']i was lil offened on what u said lp didnt do it for the money but since mike is more a hip-hop/rap type of guy he thought he could sumthing like a battle with jay-z but like u said i didnt like the jz lp thing but hey it got lp back up cuz most ***** r into rap and hip hop now


New member
still like them -- yes. listen to them -- no. i do every now and then, but all their old material has turned worn and faded. i've listened myself sick of them, but i still love the band. if that makes sense, lol


New member
Meh..I don't like them anymore and i don't listen to them either. My taste in music completely changed.Im not into metal or nu metal or whatever its called, anymore.Im more into Indie music now.>.<

So yeah,pretty much..not a fan.^.^



New member
they haven't broken up yet and if anyone has told u other wise, they're stupid. they're in the process of making a new album that is coming out sometime in 06.


New member
I still love em! I listen to their music everyday. If its not MCR or Greenday or anything its LP. LP is the first choice and a playlist on ma ipod. So its cool!


New member
they haven't broken up yet and if anyone has told u other wise' date=' they're stupid. they're in the process of making a new album that is coming out sometime in 06.[/quote']
Thank you captain random?


New member
i will always like them, even if i dont listen to them asmuch, i always remember the bad times when all i had was my cd player and my LP cd to comfort me :p

shadowy starr

New member
I still LOVE LP! Even when they're gone, which will be along time from now! :D , I'll probably still be listening to them. Maybe not as often, but I don't think I'll ever just forget about them, and I think if you feel as if you don't like them anymore or haven't heard them in awhile, you should put on one of their CDs and hopefully you'll remember why you liked them in the first place :thumbsup:


New member
I actually hadn't listened to Meteora in the longest time, I finally listened today, and I loved it, it got me back into LP, since I sort of lost intrest.


New member

:D HeLLO!!~ Sad to hear some arent Big Fans anymore : :( Gosh.. i listen to LP everyday, and to FortMinor everyday... Both i <33, i want New music from them 2 really bad, so for now its still the old stuff and The Rising Tied... :thumbsup: (¯`·._.·¤ LïÑKïÑ« »LåÐîë ¤¤ ·._.·´¯) \m/ :p \m/





New member
I love them' date=' they will always be my favourite band. I don't listen to them much anymore, but that doesn't change anything.[/quote'] :eek: Can i ask why dont you listen to LP much anymore????billboard05_11.jpg

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