Do you still like Linkin Park?

Well my message it about the same as the rest. Im not worshipping them in the begging. Whenever they relase something new I get into a phase for about 2-4 months where i just love em. But after that I just listen to them when i feel like it.
^^^ i agree Linkin Park was the very first rock band that I fell inlove with... now ive gotten as far as to lovin metal
i don't listen to them as much as i used to but i still think they are great, i was unimpressed when they did the stuff with jay-z that pissed me off. they are supposed to be original and they go and do something like that and ruin it all, they did it for the money just like loads of other bands do. hopefully they wont have anymore moments of insanity like that ever again.
I haven't listened to them for a while, I'm losing interest I guess. However when they come out with new material I'm sure I'll love them as much as I used to.
Ive somewhat lost intrest, but I still love them as much as I did in the beginning. I havent listened to one of their cds for about a month, but Ive just recently got back into their pre-Hybrid Theory stuff, from the EP...thats some good stuff right there! But once they start becoming more active and stuff, and releasing random things, I'll definatly get back into them, as are most other fans.
I love LP more than any other band in the world.I admire the guys and their music.It`s good why not like them?!;)
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I'm a LP Gizzle, still gotta love them. I mean I dont listen to them as much as i did in 01-04, but i still think theyre the best and because of them i started listening to music anyways, i'll love them more than ever probz in 06 with their new album, anyways fort minor is doing their job right now, and im fine with mike doing his thing right now, so jsut keep it kool till the new album man ;)
I'll never get bored of LP.
I'll continue to get every album I can I continue collecting desktapes, remixes, videos, etc.
Personally, I don't collect merchandise. Just the music.
No matter what LP do, I'll still like them. If they replace Mike and Chester I'd still like it...
Never going to hate them. To me they are the best band EVER. No exceptions.
yes but I call my self a semi-fan cause I'm a fan of their music
not thee devoted kind but I still would collect their stuff i have two flag's some pin up's and a cd-case a neckllace and 3 cap's all their album's and stuff like that
spike91232004 said:
Ok I'm making this thread, because I suddenly feel like I don't like them anymore... O_O

I don't know why though. It just happened. I hope I'm just being stupid today and tomorrow I will like them. But I haven't listened to any of their CD's for a couple months.

So who on here still likes them as much as they used to or their like'ness for them has faded away a bit?

I mean how can LP expect people to still like them as much after they haven't released a new album for 2 and a half years..O__O


I still love LP
Aww, I felt sure that I've posted in this thread. I've got that overwhelming sensation of De Ja Vu o_0

Oh well. Yes of course I still like them =) Always have and always well. Not as obsessive as a couple months back, but the love is still there lol. I don't play the cds that often anymore, but a couple of their songs are on my Itunes "25 Most Played Songs" so that's a good sign. Fort Minor is great news, and this community on the forums has stopped me from distancing away from their music. Lp has helped me open doors to more music though, this time last year, I wouldn't even be listening to rock music, let alone anything else that isn't in the charts:D I'm liking a lot of other bands now though (Wo0t, go Funeral For A Friend & Story Of The Year \m/!) but Lp are still really high up there:D
I would probably collect their merchandise if I could, and get loads of stuff, but money is a huge set back and I spend it all before I even have it even:D Oh well! I have all of Lp's albums (Except Reanimation), their DVD's, their book, and 4 badges. That will do me for now =)