Do you think all women have a maternal instinct

angie said:
It's indescribeable. As my due date slowly draws nearer, I am almost torn. I love being pregnant, and feeling her rolling around, kicking inside of me, and at the same time, I can't wait to hold her in my arms.

I SO envy you Angie. I would LOVE to have another baby. I remember seeing Diane's profile on a sonogram when she was 20 weeks old. Thats when I found out she was a girl and I already had her name picked out. I enjoyed being pregnant to a point but I had some medical problems that made it a difficult time. I was on bed rest all but 4 hours a day, I had horrible back problems and rarely slept long at all...When I saw her, I don't have words...
When they took her from me to measure, weight, etc. It was the longest time to me until they brought her back. I felt an instant pull when she started to cry while they were examining her. Luckily I gave birth in a room where the baby was able to stay with me. The nurse asked me if I wanted her to go to the nursary so I could sleep. I thought she was out of her mind. I hadn't gone through 40 weeks of pregnancy only to have someone take her from me. I could'nt sleep and watched her all night.
The whole thing even now, is the most amazing experience of my life. Diane is 8 now and it really does seem like just yesterday when she was a baby. I see babies when we're out and I know its baby lust.
I can't imagine how nice it would be to be married to the childs Father and he giving a damn, being there to rub my feet, get me something for a craving...I didn't even go to child birth classes. When I went out shopping for baby things, it cut like a knife to see the other couples out.
I relate so much with what you said about seeing couples together. I remember for a good solid year after my wife left, just seeing a commercial showing a happy family together on TV would make me feel ill. Even now, after four years, I still feel like somethings missing when I take my daughter out on weekends.
Jhony5 said:
I relate so much with what you said about seeing couples together. I remember for a good solid year after my wife left, just seeing a commercial showing a happy family together on TV would make me feel ill. Even now, after four years, I still feel like somethings missing when I take my daughter out on weekends.

Its not so bad now but it used to tear me up. When Diane was a baby, I couldn't get through the supermarket without people stopping me to play with her. She was such a flirt, trying to pick up men before she was out of diapers. It was fun when she would draw one in until he called over his wife...
The other night the man I have been seeing, Diane and I went to Disney World. Diane and I have always gone together. It was a completely different experience to sit back and watch her playing around the park with him. There were a couple rides I didn't want to go on so I watched them. It was a poignant moment for me. I thought "this is how it should have always been for her, she should have had both parents, one to play with while the other was tired."
It was SO much worse when I was pregnant because of all the hormones pumping through my veins. I felt like a power house of volative chemicals.
angie said:
I think he's looking for title/author, hun.

The World of Psychology

Samuel E.Wood
Ellen R. Green Wood
Eileen Wood
Serge Desmarais

4th Canadian Edition.
Pearson Publishing
Short answer to the original question. No.

Our gov is concerned that our people are not breeding fast enough to sustain the growth they require to sustain our economy, so they offered a Baby Bonus of 3 grand. Trouble is, those who took on the challenge are those who are already sapping on the economy, meaning dole bludgers and welfare cheats.

I see this riff-raff carting around their snott-nosed offspring, using bullying tactics and outright abuse to keep their gravy-train kids in line.

Not to be saying they are all bad mothers, but in many cases, the bottom-feeders are breeding even more welfare-reliant, clueless, uneducated, fatherless kids, to further undermine the quality of the gene pool.

Motherhood is such an important role. More so than fatherhood, in my book. Take on the role in a haphazard, slap-dash fashion, and what is the result? More of the same is what happens.
I have spoken with a couple of people, both men and women who had not had children during their child bearing years in preference for their career and lived to regret it. Then gotten to a certain age where technically medicine might be able to help them have a child but their not sure at their age they should.
What a sad place to be.
My daughter is the ONE person in the world I feel a real emotional tie to. I was adopted when I was only a couple days old. I don't feel that connection with the people who adopted me and unfortunately I don't feel it with my biological family that I was eventually able to find.
Before I had my daughter I felt very alone in the world not being tied to anyone. She means everything to me. I can't imagine nature being so cruel to let a woman be born without the drive to have a child and therefore be deprived of this feeling.
I don't think all women can have motherly instincts when they can harm their children. A female with motherly instincts could never harm her child and only wants to protect it.
LilBit said:
I don't think all women can have motherly instincts when they can harm their children. A female with motherly instincts could never harm her child and only wants to protect it.

What your saying is clear but lets set this group aside because they are clearly mentally unfit as mothers.
I'm talking about law abiding, reasonably sane people.
I believe some women do not have a maternal instinct, and they should not be nagged or bullied into doing something that is un-natural to them.