Does France deserve the rioting?

France deserves anything bad that happens to them. I'm not one to generalize a group of people but for some reason I just hate the French.

It seems the only stand they will ever take is just to bitch about what other countries are doing. They are like the person that sits there and criticises what others do about a problem but never comes up with any ideas on how to handle the problem differently.

The French just suck ass.
They refuse to accept the fact that islam is a violent, evil pile of horseshit so let the dickheads get what they deserve.
French secret service ****ers bombed an Aussie yacht in New Zealand in 1985.

The Greenpeace yacht, The Rainbow Warrior, was on it's way to Mururoa Atoll to protest the French testing of nuclear weapons.

AT 10 minutes to midnight a bomb blast rips open the Rainbow Warrior, moored at Marsden Wharf. A crew member, photographer, Fernando Pereira, aged 36, the father of two young children, tries to retrieve his equipment. A second bomb explodes. As the Rainbow Warrior sinks, Pereira drowns.

Despite claims that the agents operated without consent, Australians generally disbelieved French President Mitterand's advisors. Two agents were eventually extradited to NZ and sentenced to 10 years for manslaughter. The French retaliated by placing economic sanctions on NZ, and demanding the release of their men. It's a long story, but that is French terrorism for you.

Almost a year later, in the terms of the ruling, France paid the New Zealand Government $13 million in compensation. Also in terms of the ruling, Prieur and Mafart were released by New Zealand to spend three years confined to the island of Hao, in French Polynesea. Joel Prieur, Dominiques husband is made Head of Security at Hao Atoll

Australians don't think much of the Frogs. Wonder why.
I put my thoughts into action, and deliberately avoid buying any products manufactured in France or owned by French companies. Hit them where it hurts because their arrogance allows them to disregard the insults and world opinion about them...
The french are reaping what they have sewn. They need to placate and suck up to the muslems like the american youth have.