Does God love Satan?



Does God love Satan?

If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?

If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him love?

Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted to.

Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
be any (good).

Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
without evil.

If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.

After about a few million years of beef stew, (no matter how good the stew
was), you would get pretty darn sick of it.

A few billion centuries of nicy nice, one would start screaming; "ENOUGH OF
THIS **** "!
"Ghamph" <> wrote in message
> Does God love Satan?
> If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
> If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
> shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him
> love?
> Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted
> to.

if the USELESS PILE OF CRAP christian god really was ALL-POWERFUL, then that
children from being raped and murdered

> Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
> be any (good).
> Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
> without evil.
> If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
> boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.
> After about a few million years of beef stew, (no matter how good the stew
> was), you would get pretty darn sick of it.
> A few billion centuries of nicy nice, one would start screaming; "ENOUGH
> OF
> THIS **** "!
On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
<> wrote:

>Does God love Satan?
>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him love?

Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
for forgiveness.

>Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted to.
>Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
>be any (good).
>Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
>without evil.
>If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
>boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.

So this is why you think it's ok that people are evil: you'd get
bored. What can a person say to that?!

At the start you asked:
>Does God love Satan?

Well you certainly make it seem like you do.

It's good at least to see your conscience is aware of the truth
of God. The severe amount of time you spend talking about Him
almost every day is a clear indication of this. One day you'll
hopefully listen to your own conscience.

>After about a few million years of beef stew, (no matter how good the stew
>was), you would get pretty darn sick of it.
>A few billion centuries of nicy nice, one would start screaming; "ENOUGH OF
>THIS **** "!
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
> <> wrote:
>>Does God love Satan?
>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him

> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
> for forgiveness.

God chooses

>>Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted

Rev. says He will.

>>Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
>>be any (good).
>>Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
>>without evil.
>>If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
>>boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.

> So this is why you think it's ok that people are evil: you'd get
> bored. What can a person say to that?!
> At the start you asked:
>>Does God love Satan?

> Well you certainly make it seem like you do.
> It's good at least to see your conscience is aware of the truth
> of God. The severe amount of time you spend talking about Him
> almost every day is a clear indication of this. One day you'll
> hopefully listen to your own conscience.

God chooses.
Also see John 12:40
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
> <> wrote:
>>Does God love Satan?
>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him

> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
> for forgiveness.

We humans have to forgive people every day that don't ask for forgiveness.
Looks like we humans can do something that your version of God can't.

>>Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted
>>Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
>>be any (good).
>>Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
>>without evil.
>>If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
>>boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.

> So this is why you think it's ok that people are evil: you'd get
> bored. What can a person say to that?!

You can call it 'evil' if you like. The Creator calls it diversity.
Remember that nothing can harm the almighty. Unless of course your God is
not really almighty.

> At the start you asked:
>>Does God love Satan?

> Well you certainly make it seem like you do.
> It's good at least to see your conscience is aware of the truth
> of God. The severe amount of time you spend talking about Him
> almost every day is a clear indication of this. One day you'll
> hopefully listen to your own conscience.

I hope you never become a psychiatrist.

There are many reasons why atheists and agnostics come here.
Some want to try to help people like you. Some come here for fun. Most are
just tired of the insidious proselytising and babbling of the Christian
fraternity and want to clean it up.

Andrew W.

"You must unlearn what you have learned" ~ Yoda

Channelled lessons about ET's, ascended masters like Jesus Christ, spirit
guides, earth changes.

The true Creator wants us to be happy and abundant.
Audio version.

Think you know what ego is? Think again. The Bible is full of it!

Religion Exposed!
On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:12:28 +1100, "Andrew W"
<> wrote:

>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
>> <> wrote:
>>>Does God love Satan?
>>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him

>> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
>> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
>> for forgiveness.

>We humans have to forgive people every day that don't ask for forgiveness.
>Looks like we humans can do something that your version of God can't.

That's my fault: I should have put it more accurately: To be
saved from the wages of our sins. There must be punishment for
sins against a holy and righteous God, and we can choose to pay
those wages ourselves, or trust on the blood of Christ save us
from the wages of our sins.

And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.

Matthew 7:22-23 KJVR
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and
in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:
depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

>>>Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted
>>>Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
>>>be any (good).
>>>Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
>>>without evil.
>>>If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
>>>boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.

>> So this is why you think it's ok that people are evil: you'd get
>> bored. What can a person say to that?!

>You can call it 'evil' if you like.

Interesting how you want to avoid calling things that are not
good as something besides evil.

Isaiah 5:20-21 KJVR
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that
put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter
for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and
prudent in their own sight!

>The Creator calls it diversity.

He calls wickedness "diversity"?! Perhaps your version of God
does, the version that a couple in 1960 had conversations with
Jesus Christ, and wrote them down for others to follow instead of
the Word of God that has survived 3,500 years of such heretical
efforts to undermine it. More lies created by satan, to be sure,
and thoroughly refuted in every way. One such refutation can be
found here.

>Remember that nothing can harm the almighty. Unless of course your God is
>not really almighty.

You're not being entirely honest, Andrew. Who said anything about
being able to harm the almighty? Can you quote where I said that

>> At the start you asked:
>>>Does God love Satan?

>> Well you certainly make it seem like you do.
>> It's good at least to see your conscience is aware of the truth
>> of God. The severe amount of time you spend talking about Him
>> almost every day is a clear indication of this. One day you'll
>> hopefully listen to your own conscience.

>I hope you never become a psychiatrist.
>There are many reasons why atheists and agnostics come here.
>Some want to try to help people like you.

Helping by insulting and attacking? Again you are not being
totally honest, Andrew.

And you're not helping anyone by completely rejecting the Word of
God, and accepting a new cult version handed to you by some woman
who claims to have spoken with Jesus Christ in the 1960's. That
is damnable heresy.

>Some come here for fun. Most are
>just tired of the insidious proselytising and babbling

Well seems like you might be projecting, here. Because you're the
one visiting newsgroups that believe something you don't,
proselytizing to get more followers to your cult disguised as a
course of miracles told by a woman claiming to hear the voice of
Jesus Christ in 1960. This is a newsgroup about the true God and
his only begotton Son Jesus Christ as told in His Word - not your
God born of a course meant to make money off those who would find
any excuse to reject God and worship instead a version they're
more comfortable with. :-(


> of the Christian
>fraternity and want to clean it up.
Shall we compare body counts in the bible?

Let's see, the loving, caring christian god character drowned the whole
world, killed the firstborn of Egypt as well as its army after a devastating
series of plagues, ordered and personally participated in the slaughter of
individuals during a genocidal rampage of his chosen people, fathered a
son specifically to be killed, and personally tortured a poor slob named
Job on a bet, and don't forget about demanding that Abraham MURDER his only

The dreaded satan character did... Uhh... I don't know. I suppose he might
have killed someone at some point, but I'm not sure.

The satan character is a sweetheart compared to the evil monster
COLD-HEARTED ******* character called the christian god

now of course, christians will try and tell you that that's the old
testament, that in the new testament their sky pixie is an all-loving sky
pixie. let's examine that evidence for a second shall we?
from the new testament, the christ jackass says he's here to tear families
new testament, all-loving christian god jackass is here to turn people
against their families.

Matthew 10
32"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my
Father in heaven. 33But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him
before my Father in heaven.

34"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not
come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
" 'a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law -
36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'[e]

37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me;
anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;

The christian god sure is an EGOTISTICAL *******
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:12:28 +1100, "Andrew W"
> <> wrote:
>>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>Does God love Satan?
>>>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>>>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>>>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him
>>> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
>>> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
>>> for forgiveness.

>>We humans have to forgive people every day that don't ask for forgiveness.
>>Looks like we humans can do something that your version of God can't.

> That's my fault: I should have put it more accurately: To be
> saved from the wages of our sins. There must be punishment for
> sins against a holy and righteous God, and we can choose to pay
> those wages ourselves, or trust on the blood of Christ save us
> from the wages of our sins.
> And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
> trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
> own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
> he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
> create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
> recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
> Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
> everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.

Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created numerous imaginary gods!

Gods, Devils, Saints, Angels, Spirits, Heavens, Hells, Goblins, Ghosts,
Wizards, Witches etc. all are nothing more than the figments of peoples
"Bill M" <> wrote in message
> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> > On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:12:28 +1100, "Andrew W"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Does God love Satan?
> >>>>
> >>>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
> >>>>
> >>>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
> >>>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him
> >>>>love?
> >>>
> >>> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
> >>> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
> >>> for forgiveness.
> >>
> >>We humans have to forgive people every day that don't ask for

> >>Looks like we humans can do something that your version of God can't.

> >
> > That's my fault: I should have put it more accurately: To be
> > saved from the wages of our sins. There must be punishment for
> > sins against a holy and righteous God, and we can choose to pay
> > those wages ourselves, or trust on the blood of Christ save us
> > from the wages of our sins.
> >
> > And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
> > trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
> > own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
> > he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
> > create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
> > recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
> > Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
> > everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.
> >

> Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
> seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.
> The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
> that man created numerous imaginary gods!
> Gods, Devils, Saints, Angels, Spirits, Heavens, Hells, Goblins, Ghosts,
> Wizards, Witches etc. all are nothing more than the figments of peoples
> imaginations.

You get an (A). Some sense in the darkness.
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:12:28 +1100, "Andrew W"
> <> wrote:
>>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>Does God love Satan?
>>>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>>>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>>>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him
>>> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
>>> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
>>> for forgiveness.

>>We humans have to forgive people every day that don't ask for forgiveness.
>>Looks like we humans can do something that your version of God can't.

> That's my fault: I should have put it more accurately: To be
> saved from the wages of our sins.

No better.
Why does your god charge such high prices? He's just like a greedy
Love is free.

> There must be punishment for
> sins against a holy and righteous God, and we can choose to pay
> those wages ourselves, or trust on the blood of Christ save us
> from the wages of our sins.

"Holiness" and "righteous" should never be put above life itself.
Your god is full of himself to the extreme.

> And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
> trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
> own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
> he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
> create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
> recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
> Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
> everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.

Satan is just the concept of ego. It is not a single individual.
When are you going to grow up and leave behind those old fairytales that
used personifications to illustrate certain concepts to the ancient
I really can't understand why Christians are so childish.
Do you still believe in Santa? Same thing. Santa is the personification of
giving gifts.

> Matthew 7:22-23 KJVR
> 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
> prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and
> in thy name done many wonderful works?
> 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:
> depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

So he quotes an out of context Bible verse.

>>> So this is why you think it's ok that people are evil: you'd get
>>> bored. What can a person say to that?!

>>You can call it 'evil' if you like.

> Interesting how you want to avoid calling things that are not
> good as something besides evil.
> Isaiah 5:20-21 KJVR
> 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that
> put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter
> for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
> 21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and
> prudent in their own sight!

The writer of that verse had as little understanding of things as you do.

>>The Creator calls it diversity.

> He calls wickedness "diversity"?! Perhaps your version of God
> does, the version that a couple in 1960 had conversations with
> Jesus Christ, and wrote them down for others to follow instead of
> the Word of God that has survived 3,500 years of such heretical
> efforts to undermine it. More lies created by satan, to be sure,
> and thoroughly refuted in every way. One such refutation can be
> found here.

No one has ever refuted them, except in their own religious delusions.

"3,500 years" or what ever means nothing. Popularity and longevity do not
create truth.
Mankind is basically stupid and foolish (and in your words "wicked"), so the
scripture's popularity and longevity is really more proof of how much
(wicked) crap it is.

And regarding how A Course in Miracles was received, it was received the
very same way that your scriptures were.
Talk about double standards.


That webpage is nearly 18 years out of date. Its so old that the website it
obtained its quotes from (The Holy Encounter) is now in support of A Course
in Miracles.
Looks like your refusal to do proper research has yet again caused you to
fail to acquire the truth.

>>Remember that nothing can harm the almighty. Unless of course your God is
>>not really almighty.

> You're not being entirely honest, Andrew. Who said anything about
> being able to harm the almighty? Can you quote where I said that
> please?

If nothing can harm your version of the almighty then why would he feel the
need to threaten to destroy and torture us so heartlessly?
What's his problem exactly?
When are you going to start thinking for yourself instead of just blindly
worshipping a story book power monger?
I think that you and other Christians are just impressed and wooed by power.
Power is of the ego remember.

>>> At the start you asked:
>>>>Does God love Satan?
>>> Well you certainly make it seem like you do.
>>> It's good at least to see your conscience is aware of the truth
>>> of God. The severe amount of time you spend talking about Him
>>> almost every day is a clear indication of this. One day you'll
>>> hopefully listen to your own conscience.

>>I hope you never become a psychiatrist.
>>There are many reasons why atheists and agnostics come here.
>>Some want to try to help people like you.

> Helping by insulting and attacking? Again you are not being
> totally honest, Andrew.

Insulting a fanatic is not insulting. Fanatics are offended by the smallest
things regarding their religion.
It is every clear thinking individual's duty to keep this world from
descending back into the middle ages where witch hunts and bloody crusades
were rampant.

> And you're not helping anyone by completely rejecting the Word of
> God,

There's no such thing. It was all written and edited by men.
You live in a pious dream world.

> and accepting a new cult version handed to you by some woman
> who claims to have spoken with Jesus Christ in the 1960's. That
> is damnable heresy.

There's no heresy like the original heresy.
The heresy that our loving Creator is angry and vengeful and shakes his
fists at us every day is the true heresy.
But of course you just believe everything you read in your favourite story

>>Some come here for fun. Most are
>>just tired of the insidious proselytising and babbling

> Well seems like you might be projecting, here.


> Because you're the
> one visiting newsgroups that believe something you don't,
> proselytizing to get more followers to your cult disguised as a

Not a cult.

> course of miracles told by a woman claiming to hear the voice of
> Jesus Christ in 1960. This is a newsgroup about the true God and


> his only begotton Son Jesus Christ as told in His Word - not your
> God born of a course meant to make money off those who would find

As much money as many Christian preachers pilfer? Not a chance.
Why don't you find out how much money goes to the maintainers of the website
before you make accusations?

> any excuse to reject God and worship instead a version they're
> more comfortable with. :-(

Does something have to be uncomfortable before it can be the truth?

> Gabriel

Andrew W.

"You must unlearn what you have learned" ~ Yoda

Channelled lessons about ET's, ascended masters like Jesus Christ, spirit
guides, earth changes.

The true Creator wants us to be happy and abundant.
Audio version.

Think you know what ego is? Think again. The Bible is full of it!

Religion Exposed!
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:51:31 +1100, "Andrew W"
<> wrote:


As I said, you are free to believe a woman spoke directly to
Jesus Christ in 1960 if you want - that is your right. You are
free to reject God and instead worship her false version of Him.
In the meantime your lack of understanding of what people point
out to you, ignoring the refutations they've given, and stating
your claims all over again as if you've never seen them refuted,
your mere opinion, and finally your personal attacks do not serve
as proof of anything you claim; but instead those same fruits you
show are clear evidence of you being a false teacher:

Matthew 7:15-20 KJVR
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes
of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a
corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

You may think you're following God just because you're speaking
of Him, and just because you think you're doing His will. The
people who wanted to crucify Christ and his apostles also thought
they were doing God's Will.

Matthew 7:21-23 KJVR
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of
my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and
in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:
depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I hope one day you turn away from those false teachings and find
God! And He loves all of so much He will always forgive those of
us who finally repent and ask Christ to save us from our sins. He
loves all of us so much, He died on the cross while we were yet

Romans 5:6-8 KJVR
6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ
died for the ungodly.
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet
peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Now that's love we can't even come close to. Praise the Lord!
On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:04:01 -0000, "Bill M"
<> wrote:

>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:12:28 +1100, "Andrew W"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:01:57 -0500, "Ghamph"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>Does God love Satan?
>>>>>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?
>>>>>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>>>>>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him
>>>> Correct. And if satan doesn't ask to be forgiven? Then what? And
>>>> that's the situation we have now. Satan has not and will not ask
>>>> for forgiveness.
>>>We humans have to forgive people every day that don't ask for forgiveness.
>>>Looks like we humans can do something that your version of God can't.

>> That's my fault: I should have put it more accurately: To be
>> saved from the wages of our sins. There must be punishment for
>> sins against a holy and righteous God, and we can choose to pay
>> those wages ourselves, or trust on the blood of Christ save us
>> from the wages of our sins.
>> And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
>> trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
>> own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
>> he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
>> create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
>> recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
>> Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
>> everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.

>Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
>seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

So according to you science has seen the big bang? No, they
haven't. So it's not science. But they like to guess that's what
happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's

So according to you science has seen land animals, like dogs,
give birth to offspring that suddenly decided to grow feathers
and wings many generations down the line? Of course not. So
that's not science either. They like to guess that's what
happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's

It seems that this thing you follow called evolution is exactly
that: things not yet seen or proven. By your own admission, a

God is the creator. Getting scientific, the evidence all around
us points to a designer much more than it even hints at some
random big bang god who created life from lifelessness after one
day. So even your religious guess of a big bang doesn't compared
to the religious truth of God.

But you already have your mind made up, unfortunately. But for
others who are still open to truth, may this shed some light on
the deception those practicing the religion of evolution will
pass off as science. :-/


>The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
>that man created numerous imaginary gods!
>Gods, Devils, Saints, Angels, Spirits, Heavens, Hells, Goblins, Ghosts,
>Wizards, Witches etc. all are nothing more than the figments of peoples
**** the christian god, I guess he was busy taking a dump on 9/11/2001?
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:51:31 +1100, "Andrew W"
> <> wrote:
> [snip]
> As I said, you are free to believe a woman spoke directly to
> Jesus Christ in 1960 if you want - that is your right.

Since when do Christians care what kind of individual relays higher

> You are
> free to reject God and instead worship her false version of Him.

I don't reject God. I only reject false gods like the Christian version.
You're the one being put on notice.

> In the meantime your lack of understanding of what people point
> out to you, ignoring the refutations they've given, and stating
> your claims all over again as if you've never seen them refuted,

These so called refutations are just opinions by other people like yourself.
They carry no credibility. They do not come from God.
You Christians are hard core triumphalists.

> your mere opinion, and finally your personal attacks do not serve
> as proof of anything you claim; but instead those same fruits you
> show are clear evidence of you being a false teacher:

I'm not here to prove anything. I just want to get you to start thinking for
yourself and search for the truth, instead of getting it from a mass
produced book that was hashed together by the corrupt Roman government.
But looks like that's impossible. You refuse to use your God given brain.

> Matthew 7:15-20 KJVR
> 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's
> clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
> 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes
> of thorns, or figs of thistles?
> 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a
> corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
> 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
> corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
> 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
> down, and cast into the fire.
> 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
> You may think you're following God just because you're speaking
> of Him, and just because you think you're doing His will. The
> people who wanted to crucify Christ and his apostles also thought
> they were doing God's Will.
> Matthew 7:21-23 KJVR
> 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
> enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of
> my Father which is in heaven.
> 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
> prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and
> in thy name done many wonderful works?
> 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:
> depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
> I hope one day you turn away from those false teachings and find
> God! And He loves all of so much He will always forgive those of
> us who finally repent and ask Christ to save us from our sins. He
> loves all of us so much, He died on the cross while we were yet
> sinners.
> Romans 5:6-8 KJVR
> 6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ
> died for the ungodly.
> 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet
> peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
> 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
> were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
> Now that's love we can't even come close to. Praise the Lord!

Andrew W.

"You must unlearn what you have learned" ~ Yoda

Channelled lessons about ET's, ascended masters like Jesus Christ, spirit
guides, earth changes.

The true Creator wants us to be happy and abundant.
Audio version.

Think you know what ego is? Think again. The Bible is full of it!

Religion Exposed!
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:05:59 +1100, "Andrew W"
<> wrote:

>You refuse to use your God given brain.

Is this what your version of God teaches you? To insult others
who's opinion differs from you? More evidence that what you teach
is not of God - you who preach God is "love", as you contradict
what you say with your own behavior. And God warns us of false
teachers by their fruits. Perhaps you should consider looking
into why you say one thing and behave in a different manner. That
might get you started down the road of truth. But if you can't
see your own behavior clearly, and how it contradicts what you
try to claim, what chance have you to really see the truth of
God? I hope this changes for you.

"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:04:01 -0000, "Bill M"
> <> wrote:
>>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>> And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
>>> trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
>>> own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
>>> he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
>>> create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
>>> recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
>>> Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
>>> everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.

>>Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
>>seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

> So according to you science has seen the big bang? No, they
> haven't. So it's not science. But they like to guess that's what
> happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's
> true.

Not a guess. The planets, stars and debris are moving out from a central
point at a high velocity.
Where else could they have come from but a central point? What pushed them
out so fast and why?

> So according to you science has seen land animals, like dogs,
> give birth to offspring that suddenly decided to grow feathers
> and wings many generations down the line? Of course not. So
> that's not science either. They like to guess that's what
> happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's
> true.
> It seems that this thing you follow called evolution is exactly
> that: things not yet seen or proven. By your own admission, a
> religion.
> God is the creator. Getting scientific, the evidence all around
> us points to a designer much more than it even hints at some
> random big bang god who created life from lifelessness after one
> day. So even your religious guess of a big bang doesn't compared
> to the religious truth of God.
> But you already have your mind made up, unfortunately. But for
> others who are still open to truth, may this shed some light on
> the deception those practicing the religion of evolution will
> pass off as science. :-/
> Gabriel

Andrew W.

"You must unlearn what you have learned" ~ Yoda

Channelled lessons about ET's, ascended masters like Jesus Christ, spirit
guides, earth changes.

The true Creator wants us to be happy and abundant.
Audio version.

Think you know what ego is? Think again. The Bible is full of it!

Religion Exposed!
"Andrew W" <> wrote in message
> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> > On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:04:01 -0000, "Bill M"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>>
> >>> And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
> >>> trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
> >>> own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
> >>> he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
> >>> create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
> >>> recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
> >>> Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
> >>> everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is

> >>seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

> >
> > So according to you science has seen the big bang? No, they
> > haven't. So it's not science. But they like to guess that's what
> > happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's
> > true.

> Not a guess. The planets, stars and debris are moving out from a central
> point at a high velocity.
> Where else could they have come from but a central point? What pushed them
> out so fast and why?

You should know better than to use logic with a (superstitious cave dweller)
They have hung their brain on an antique Genesis myth and all logic has gone
out of the window.
> >
> > So according to you science has seen land animals, like dogs,
> > give birth to offspring that suddenly decided to grow feathers
> > and wings many generations down the line? Of course not. So
> > that's not science either. They like to guess that's what
> > happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's
> > true.
> >
> > It seems that this thing you follow called evolution is exactly
> > that: things not yet seen or proven. By your own admission, a
> > religion.
> >
> > God is the creator. Getting scientific, the evidence all around
> > us points to a designer much more than it even hints at some
> > random big bang god who created life from lifelessness after one
> > day. So even your religious guess of a big bang doesn't compared
> > to the religious truth of God.
> >
> > But you already have your mind made up, unfortunately. But for
> > others who are still open to truth, may this shed some light on
> > the deception those practicing the religion of evolution will
> > pass off as science. :-/
> >
> > Gabriel

> --
> Andrew W.
> "You must unlearn what you have learned" ~ Yoda
> Channelled lessons about ET's, ascended masters like Jesus Christ, spirit
> guides, earth changes.
> The true Creator wants us to be happy and abundant.
> Audio version.
> Think you know what ego is? Think again. The Bible is full of it!
> Religion Exposed!
hey christian nut,

why don't you try quit worshipping a MASS-MURDERING *******?