Does God love Satan?

On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:36:52 +1100, "Andrew W"
<> wrote:

>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:04:01 -0000, "Bill M"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>>> And satan will not asked to be saved from His sins; will not
>>>> trust on Christ. It's clear he's going out of His way to do his
>>>> own thing, to spread lies and deceive others from the truth, as
>>>> he's gotten some posters even doing 'in the name of God'. He'll
>>>> create false religions and cults and convince people, even as
>>>> recently as 1960, that they've had conversations with Jesus
>>>> Christ and needed to make a course about it that they can sell to
>>>> everyone desperate for a way to reject the truth of God.
>>>Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
>>>seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

>> So according to you science has seen the big bang? No, they
>> haven't. So it's not science. But they like to guess that's what
>> happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's
>> true.

>Not a guess. The planets, stars and debris are moving out from a central
>point at a high velocity.

Only for the 1 millionth of 1 percent of the past "supposed" 10+
billion years. And this is where they make it a religion and
guess that's what it's been doing.

Let's look at the numbers: They only witness an "accurate"
(that's being generous) window of at most 100 years (and that's
being generous as well) of some of the billions of stars out
there, and then guess what they've all (including the billions
they've yet to even see) been doing for the past, "supposed", 10+
BILLION of years?! That's 1 millionth of 1 percent of its entire
movement they /see/, and then guess on the rest. Absurd.
Certainly not scientific, but rather a guess.

That's similar to looking at what the earth does in its orbit for
only 0.3 seconds (1 millionth of 1 percent of its entire orbit,
which on that small of a window would be movement in one
direction), and then assume it must have been moving in that
exact same direction for the past 31,500,000 seconds (1 year) and
beyond. Absurd. Of course this would be completely false, as it's
not moving in a straight line, but rather in an elliptical orbit.
A joke to say the least to say otherwise on such a small window
of observation, as we know you can't tell what the Earth's
complete actions are based on such a small window of what it's
done over the past 1 millionth of 1 percent of it's complete
orbital movement (i.e., 3/10ths of one second)

So as you can clearly see, it's nothing more than a guess.
Certainly not observable with only that 0.3 seconds; only that 1
millionth of 1 percent of the entire movement you're trying to
claim knowledge of for the billions of heavenly bodies in the
entire universe.

Not to mention they add this ridiculous notion that they all came
from the initial big bang, one initial mass of lifeless matter,
into perfect orbits of billions of heavenly bodies. More guesses.
Certainly not observable; not verifiable; not testable; not

Add to that the absurdity that everything started out as this
lifeless ball of matter, and it then magically created life from
lifelessness one day because it decided to.

Add to that the same problem of "what created this lifeless ball
of matter".

They have no more than they condemn: a religion based on a
creator. Except their creator is a lifeless ball of matter.

All of it is a far cry from actual science, and is an insult to
actual scientists.

Even scientists claim they cannot calculate the position of one
planet in its orbit past many millions of years. One planet. And
atheists insist they know exactly where every single heavenly
body of the billions of them were 10+ BILLION years ago. Absurd.

>Where else could they have come from but a central point? What pushed them
>out so fast and why?

A pointless query that begs the question, as they have no idea
that they've been coming from the same area for their entire


>> So according to you science has seen land animals, like dogs,
>> give birth to offspring that suddenly decided to grow feathers
>> and wings many generations down the line? Of course not. So
>> that's not science either. They like to guess that's what
>> happened and pass it off as scientific fact, and then hope it's
>> true.
>> It seems that this thing you follow called evolution is exactly
>> that: things not yet seen or proven. By your own admission, a
>> religion.
>> God is the creator. Getting scientific, the evidence all around
>> us points to a designer much more than it even hints at some
>> random big bang god who created life from lifelessness after one
>> day. So even your religious guess of a big bang doesn't compared
>> to the religious truth of God.
>> But you already have your mind made up, unfortunately. But for
>> others who are still open to truth, may this shed some light on
>> the deception those practicing the religion of evolution will
>> pass off as science. :-/
>> Gabriel
>"Ghamph" <>

>Re: Does God love Satan?

>Does God love Satan?


God hates what is bad and wants His true followers to do the same. (Ps
97:10) Satan was a perfect being who willfully went bad. There is also
no indication in the Bible that he was ever repentant. Thus it would
be unlikely that God would continually love a perpetually willful
rebellious opposer such as Satan.

>If God made heaven and earth he also made hell, right?

Actually, the Bible "hell" comes from the Hebrew word "sheol" and the
Greek word "hades". If you look them up in a good reference work, you
will see that they do not mean a 'hellfire' type place, but rather
represent the common grave of all of dead mankind. The Bible does
refer to a symbolic lake of fire place, which many get 'hell' confused
with. (such as Re 20:14)

For example, the righteous man Job, who was suffering greatly at the
time, wanted to get RELIEF from his suffering by going to "hell"
(sheol). (see Job 14:13 Douey version)

Since the Bible says that dead people are not conscience of anything
(see Ec 9:5,10; Ps 146:3,4), Job wanted to die and go to the grave
(hell- sheol) in order to not feel pain and suffering anymore.

>If turning the other cheek and forgiving people is a Godly trait, then
>shouldn't God forgive Satan and invite him into his house, showing him love?

Again, apparently Satan never showed any signs of wanting to be
forgiven. On the contrary, Satan continually opposes God and His
servants, all throughout the writings of the Bible. And the book of
Revelation shows that he will continue to do so, right up to the end.
(see Re 20:7-10)

>Since God is all powerful, he could destroy Satan and hell if he wanted to.
>Since God allows Satan and hell to exist, it must be required for there to
>be any (good).
>Just like hot and cold or light and darkness there would not be any good
>without evil.

Actually, the Bible shows us that 'good' is really the act of obeying
God. Evil is the act of disobedience to God. Thus you can have good
(all beings obeying God all the time) without having evil. In other
words, 'evil' is not necessary for there to be 'good', just as there
doesn't have to be worms in some apples in order to people to fully
enjoy those apples without them.

>If all were good and loving all the time forever, it would get really
>boring, just like having beef stew for every meal.
>After about a few million years of beef stew, (no matter how good the stew
>was), you would get pretty darn sick of it.

Then you must like bad things happen to you once in a while to break
the boredom of peace and happiness, such as to get robbed occasionally
so that you can appreciate the things you have.

Many people would not agree with such ideals, and would prefer peace
and happiness all the time, if they could get. In this old world, such
things are not attainable continually, at this time. But according to
the Bible, soon such things will. (see Re 21:3,4)

And concerning your "beef stew" statement, that is how it would not be
when God removes all badness. Just as you today enjoy a variety of
foods, you will also be able to enjoy ALL the foods the world has to
offer that God has provided.

Yes, in God's new world without badness, you can "have your cake, and
eat it to", and fully enjoy it forever.

Sincerely, James

If you wish to have a discussion with me, please use email since I
do not follow ng threads

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