Wish it was Sunday, cause that's my funday, just another manic Monday.You don't look remotely like any of The Bangles.
Sure I can....because Canada once had a P.M. who was less intelligent the rock. How do I know this? I know this because he failed to prevent millions of fanatical islamics immigrate and gain Canadian citizenship.
The people of Canada voted his *** out of office and elected somebody else. The new PM is 10000000000000000000000000% anti-fanatical Islam.
Soon....all of your cousins who are hiding in Canada will find their ***** deported back to Pakistan.
As far as ownage goes....my dogs own3d yer mom last night....which reminds me.... my dog wants his money from your mom.
Tell the ***** to pay up!
And here I was worried nobody would get it.Wish it was Sunday, cause that's my funday, just another manic Monday.
Oh shut up, Gallytuck. He was removed by a vote of no confidence. He was a memeber the party that allowed excessive arab imigration. Now Canada is overrun by terrorists.I doubt we've ever had a leader as dense as your current president. And we've had some bad ones.
Where do you get your Canadian news? Our politicians rarely do anything they say they'll get around to doing.
Our voting system doesn't work quite like yours does. We don't vote for who we want as Prime Minister directly, but rather we vote for the candidate respresenting his or her party in our ridings. So if we want to have Joe Douchebag, who is the national leader of the Sheeple Party, as our Prime Minister, we would vote for Cherry Pawper, who is the Sheeple Party's local candidate for my riding.
That having been explained, our last Prime Minister wasn't voted out strictly for personal ****-ups, but rather he was voted out because people were sick of his party being in power.
They were probably too busy killing Brits to have time to fight the Palestinians.As scary as that is ... there may yet some truth to it.
However, the Israelies never attacked the palestinians until the palestinians began attacking them first.
I think the Palestinians need to stop being lame terrorist fucksticks.
The palestinians are governed by a terrorist cell for pete sake.
The Liberals had their arses handed to them more for the sponsorship scandal than anything else. Arab immigration really wasn't much of a topic here.Oh shut up, Gallytuck. He was removed by a vote of no confidence. He was a memeber the party that allowed excessive arab imigration. Now Canada is overrun by terrorists.
As a result of his stupidity, the USA is now forced to require passports for people traveling to and from Canada.
I am no fan of George Bush; however, Bush was intelligent enough to restrict travel too and from his country. ---- Your former PM wasn't that bright.
Typical American arrogance. Its easy to blame Canada rather then looking at what was the onset of terrorism in the first place. I suppose Arabs are just evil poeple who hate freedom, and kill eagles daily while defecating on bibles. Canadian access made it easy for revenege!Oh shut up, Gallytuck. He was removed by a vote of no confidence. He was a memeber the party that allowed excessive arab imigration. Now Canada is overrun by terrorists.
As a result of his stupidity, the USA is now forced to require passports for people traveling to and from Canada.
I am no fan of George Bush; however, Bush was intelligent enough to restrict travel too and from his country. ---- Your former PM wasn't that bright.
LOL!!! THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY HAS MORE MIDDLE EASTERN AND SOUTH ASIAN IMMIGRANTS IN IT'S CAUCUS THAN ANY OTHER PARTY!!Oh shut up, Gallytuck. He was removed by a vote of no confidence. He was a memeber the party that allowed excessive arab imigration. Now Canada is overrun by terrorists.
THATS EXACTLY WHY OUR COUNTRY IS GOING INTO MAY-DAY BECAUSE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - NOT!I am no fan of George Bush; however, Bush was intelligent enough to restrict travel too and from his country. ---- Your former PM wasn't that bright.
TH is not a conservative. He is just a moron. To actually adapt a political ideology takes some measure of intelligence. Not much if it is the modern liberal (socialist) agenda, a bit though.****, all you conservatives can only see within your own shell, and it makes you blind as ****. You can't even reason with your own people. You may not see it now, in the short run, but it's gonna **** you over hard sooner or later.
You show your biases. Conservatives are quite divided when it comes to immigration. Many pro-business conservatives welcome an increase in the labor supply. Similarly many liberal organizations fear massive immigration lowers the price of labor. Immigration is not a conservative/ liberal issue.I have seen arrogance from people of a lot of nations on internet forums. TH ain't a conservative. He is just a ******' loon. Got diagnosed with ADHD, in the old days, before PC, he would have just been diagnosed as stupid.Typical American arrogance. Its easy to blame Canada rather then looking at what was the onset of terrorism in the first place. I suppose Arabs are just evil poeple who hate freedom, and kill eagles daily while defecating on bibles. Canadian access made it easy for revenege!
Perhaps if you were able to think about anything more complicated then conservative rhetoric you would see your error.
I believe most of the debate lies with mexico, illegal immigration / cheap labour. As far as arab immigration goes, it is exceptionally tough to get accepted as a landed immigrant coming from an arab nation. While not admitted there is obvious racial profiling going on. I can't tell you how often I get stopped for "random checks" while in the US, border crossing is a big prooblem as well... The utter phobia of arabs is profound, what do you expect after 5 years of fear mongoring, **** a Dubai company couldn't make an investment in America without a huge riot, which caused them to back out.You show your biases. Conservatives are quite divided when it comes to immigration. Many pro-business conservatives welcome an increase in the labor supply. Similarly many liberal organizations fear massive immigration lowers the price of labor. Immigration is not a conservative/ liberal issue.I have seen arrogance from people of a lot of nations on internet forums. TH ain't a conservative. He is just a ******' loon. Got diagnosed with ADHD, in the old days, before PC, he would have just been diagnosed as stupid.
Arab-Americans should have the same rights as any other citizen. This does not mean racial profiling is not sometimes a useful tool. If a serial murderer is raping and killing caucasion women a white male is the most probable perpetrator. I believe the history of the last 30 years is that arabs (though not neccesarily arab-americans) are more likely to hijack planes.Hispanic and Black Americans may be more likely to sell drugs. Asian-Americans are more likely to subject the rest of us to lousy singing during karaoke.I believe most of the debate lies with mexico, illegal immigration / cheap labour. As far as arab immigration goes, it is exceptionally tough to get accepted as a landed immigrant coming from an arab nation. While not admitted there is obvious racial profiling going on. I can't tell you how often I get stopped for "random checks" while in the US, border crossing is a big prooblem as well... The utter phobia of arabs is profound, what do you expect after 5 years of fear mongoring, **** a Dubai company couldn't make an investment in America without a huge riot, which caused them to back out.
So the question isn't so much the immigration itself, but what liberties and freedoms should be granted to law abiding arab citizens / immigrants.
We could ask what do you expect after 9/11. There is certainly rational reasons to believe that Al-Queda will attack again and a good probability the attackers will be arabs.what do you expect after 5 years of fear mongoring
That was ridiculously stupid. Once again, bipartisan insanity.**** a Dubai company couldn't make an investment in America without a huge riot
Insofar Arab-Americans have been painted with the same brush as Al Queda members. Afterall they are Americans too, and after 9/11 I believe 99% of them thought that was a terrible to do. The Qu'ran teaches peace and love for your fellow man, Innocent killings is strictly prohibited. What one must realize is that the the moves of terrorists are much more based on geo-political climate rather than race / religion, while massively off base but well presented interpretation of the Qu'ran present justification, I believe only strict followers of Al Queda would adhere (Generally disadvantaged young males).Arab-Americans should have the same rights as any other citizen. This does not mean racial profiling is not sometimes a useful tool. If a serial murderer is raping and killing caucasion women a white male is the most probable perpetrator. I believe the history of the last 30 years is that arabs (though not neccesarily arab-americans) are more likely to hijack planes.Hispanic and Black Americans may be more likely to sell drugs. Asian-Americans are more likely to subject the rest of us to lousy singing during karaoke.
We could ask what do you expect after 9/11. There is certainly rational reasons to believe that Al-Queda will attack again and a good probability the attackers will be arabs.
The point I really am trying to get across is that this aproach to security as well as justice system really doesn't accomplish anything. America probably has toughest laws in the western world, highest jailed population percentage (10 times higher percent than Canada), yet 2 times higher crime rate. The simple reasoning for your justice system, is jail the criminals and you have law abiding citizens left.Yes, and 99.99% of white Americans are not serial killers. Yet the standard profile of a serial killer is a white male. The fact is we are currently at war with a group that consists primarily of Arabs. The fact that 99 out of 100 don't want to kill you still leaves 1 who does. The motive, geo-political or religious, does not matter innocent Arabs must expect to pay a small price (emphasis on small) for the actions of their fellow Arabs. This is not unusual, all black Americans pay a price for the fact that their fellow blacks commit more crimes than the general populace. We had a liberal President who interned Japanese-Americans. We've come a long way since then. In certain situations extra scrutiny of an Arab is justified.
The point I really am trying to get across is that this aproach to security as well as justice system really doesn't accomplish anything. America probably has toughest laws in the western world, highest jailed population percentage (10 times higher percent than Canada), yet 2 times higher crime rate. The simple reasoning for your justice system, is jail the criminals and you have law abiding citizens left.
So whats the problem? Do you have a birth defect? No i really think the problem is that you fail to adress the social issues that contribute to the onset of crime.
Let me speak first of domestic problem. America has a huge gap between rich and poor for a western society, social system is collapsing, medical system is a joke if you can't afford it, minimum wage full time is under the poverty line.
Essentially opportunities in the inner cities are highly limited, so crime is often the solution. Perhaps with a better social security system, jobs training for at risk youth, job programs for inner cities etc... Would reduce crime significantly. But the system is narrow... You see criminals people who are "evil", best be removed. Are they born this way? No...
So why are blacks / hispanics more prone to drug dealings, simply lack of other opportunites, bad neighbourhoods that are stigmatized.
Now international. I have to say American foriegn policy is atrocious, You are trying to be the policemen of the world (well if it effects you). In the past you've installed puppet regimes, organized / began wars between 2 or more other nations and generally exploited every non western country economically. And you wonder why every one hates America.
Trying to install democracy in high conflict / economically battered places isn't going to do anything, look at Africa. Take your oil, I hope the blood on your hands is worth it.
Strange, in every case where welfare is expanded e.g. Europe, Canada crime is lower... You can't exactly get welfare committing crimes, the majority of welfare collects are single mothers who work part time, yet they are treated as second class citizens.Where did all this insanity come from?
Crime: What we need to decriminilize drugs and eliminate welfare. Welfare simply propagates poverty and crime. Strange, when I hire people I hire them from all sections of the city. Complete your high school education and get some technical training or college education (plenty of loans and grants available). It is hilarious how hispanics and blacks tend to suffer poverty while immigrants who come to America with nothing succeed. The problem is the welfare culyure. We don't need to expand the safety net ...we need to eliminate it. Stop paying people to have kids out of wedlock. When you compare black and white children from two parent homes their poverty and crime rate is about the same. It is big government that destroyed the black family.
Once you eliminate welfare you can open the borders up to immigration.
As far as our foreign policy is concerned it has been atrocious. We should stick with liberalized trade to influence the world. The American consumer has done for China what the American military could not have done; destroyed communism. I suggest you google Pat Buchanan republic not an empire speech for a rational American foreign policy.