Does the Koran teach this to kids?

Mariama said:
Muslim men are not allowed to marry Kafirs either...

They do it all the time (such as in my case), yet God forbid if a woman even THINKS about it.....
Hamza123 said:
Once again, I am not here to convert you. Idiot box me for life if you ever find a post where I MYSELF, have written, I WANT YOU TO CONVERT TO ISLAM.

How ironic, you say how Islam is so bad, but what aboutYes, all the innocent Muslims around the world being persecuted for absolutley nothing. :)

Like you said, they all can't be wrong!

You canno't define "inferiority", as every country is different. It's pure ignorance to think you're at the top of the food chain and everyone is inferior... Remember, They all can't be wrong.

Hahaha....Muslims are the ones who bully the people in every country they have in a heavy grasp of power to either follow Islam or suffer and many times die. In parts of Russia, Asia, the Middle East.....please. And the fanatical nuts at the top just want to get the US out of the way so they can continue on their quest with no interception, the rest of the world doesn't seem to care too much, unless of course when the **** is done directly to them.
builder said:
Cite the source ****tard. Your words are worth as much as a dried-up dog turd.

White dust, in other words.

Office for National Statistics:October 2004

Maybe if you were a little more at ease with the internet it would have been a snap for you to find given what I said in my post but given the fact your an uneducated handy man I can see where you would need someone to hand feed you the link...I will keep this in mind for the future Builder and make sure I leave a well marked bread trail for you.
Well to be devils advocate so does any religion or beliefs the parents want to pass on to their young. The problem is teaching and passing on hate and content. The other is the lack of the value of life. God or Allah dosen't want you to kill anybody. He told me so. :rolleyes:
Lethalfind said:
Office for National Statistics:October 2004

Maybe if you were a little more at ease with the internet it would have been a snap for you to find given what I said in my post but given the fact your an uneducated handy man I can see where you would need someone to hand feed you the link...I will keep this in mind for the future Builder and make sure I leave a well marked bread trail for you.

Actually, it's not that uncommon to ask for a source in a debate. I could say the sky is green, but I would need prove.

And learn your facts, builder isn't an uneducated handy man, he left a career to do what he's doing. Not everyone's choice, but a valid choice all the same.
Lethalfind said:
Office for National Statistics:October 2004

Maybe if you were a little more at ease with the internet it would have been a snap for you to find given what I said in my post but given the fact your an uneducated handy man I can see where you would need someone to hand feed you the link...I will keep this in mind for the future Builder and make sure I leave a well marked bread trail for you.

Let me see now, I have an advanced diploma in vocational and adult education, three years as an adult educator, I instigated an online learning resource for trade training, and acted as both advisor and content writer/photographer for same, so yeah, I guess I am pretty handy. But as MM pointed out, I decided to opt out to go back on the tools, chiefly for my own greedy purposes. I make almost two times as much money now as I did teaching. I average 85 grand per annum now, as opposed to 47 grand teaching.

It sux, I know, but I love how I can decide, day-to-day, if I want to go fishing, or go to work.
manicmonday said:
Actually, it's not that uncommon to ask for a source in a debate. I could say the sky is green, but I would need prove.

And learn your facts, builder isn't an uneducated handy man, he left a career to do what he's doing. Not everyone's choice, but a valid choice all the same.

Let me repeat, if you had read my post you would have seen I stated that it was census information from the UK, anyone could have found the website with a simple google search, but I understand how Builder needs to be hand fed. Sad but true. Its a good thing that he no longer shapes the minds of children in Austrailia...
He will always be an uneducated handy man to shows in how he posts on here.
1.) It's "know" not NO.
2.) Arabs have been preaching hate and seperatism for almost 3000 years.
3.) True Islam is ok; the islam used Iranian leaders in NOT OK.
4.) The mullahs, the president of Iran, and the Ayetollah all need to be serving life without parole in Guantanimo Bay.
5.) China needs to get nuked
6.) Russia needs to get nuked
7.) North Korea needs to get nuked.
8.) The president of Iran needs to shave his ****ing eyebrows (He looks like a ****ing wookie on heroin.)

Any other questions?

Mariama said:
Yes you were married to a pakistani women, therefore you must no it all...

Your all brainwashed yourselves, and your going to do the same thing to your kids..You yourselves on various occasions have called Jews and christains fowl names, and then you find some article on the net and then yet again take it out on Islam...
GF Admin said:
Am I uneducated as well because I decided to work for myself 15 years ago? Or perhaps Phreakwars is as dumb as a rock because he makes most of his money doing side work for himself. Maybe Bob is really a retard who does his own thing because he is too stupid to work in a cubical. I don
GF Admin said:
And your womanly behavior would categorize you as what?

You know nothing of my womanly behavoir in real life...but on here a strong woman who can stand up to whats being thrown is normally called a bitch but when its a man, he's being masculine...whatever. I wear the brand proudly then.
our dear friend builder wrote

"Just curious. Is this what the koran teaches children?

5/7/2002 Clip No. 924

Tomaust, I did post this here as a query. I found the original link on another board, and there are no moslems on that board, so I posted it here to get another viewpoint happening.

It also showed me that haters of islam are easily baited. ;)
Lethalfind said:
Let me repeat, if you had read my post you would have seen I stated that it was census information from the UK, anyone could have found the website with a simple google search, but I understand how Builder needs to be hand fed. Sad but true. Its a good thing that he no longer shapes the minds of children in Austrailia...
He will always be an uneducated handy man to shows in how he posts on here.

And to him, you will always be a lonely spoiled daddy's girl who has no debating skills-it shows in how you post on here. But I could just be reading his mind here:rolleyes:
Lethalfind said:
No, intelligence is dictated by your this case Builders speaks for itself...on top of it he's a ***** to let something I said on here upset him enough that he makes posts like he does. Proves what I have been saying about him all along.

All it proves is, you are an easily baited, reactionary, small-minded simpleton. ;)
manicmonday said:
And to him, you will always be a lonely spoiled daddy's girl who has no debating skills-it shows in how you post on here. But I could just be reading his mind here:rolleyes:

LOL, I have to say that what you or Builder think of me has NO impact on my life.

I must have some skills of some kind of Builder wouldn't be so reved up about it, of course having you come in to talk smack on his behalf just makes it more humorous.

Sad that you buy into the idea that a woman either has to have a man in her life or she is lonely.
builder said:
All it proves is, you are an easily baited, reactionary, small-minded simpleton. ;)

Have you really looked at yourself Builder? I mean honestly, your such a pathetic person that you would let something, anything I would say (or anyone else on the net for that matter) effect you? AND yes before you deny it, its clear you have from your reaction to my posts. Get some balls and **** off.

You may think your sad little life makes you something important, that we all should stand back in awe but thats all in your own mind...No one listens to you in real life so you come on the internet to find a forum for your verbal diarrhea...

As far as me being baited, I always consider the are not worthy, simple as that.
Lethalfind said:
As far as me being baited, I always consider the are not worthy, simple as that.

The source is false. You were baited successfully.

If you think I'm upset, you really don't know me yet. I'm enjoying showing up your true side, retard. ;)
builder said:
The source is false. You were baited successfully.

If you think I'm upset, you really don't know me yet. I'm enjoying showing up your true side, retard. ;)

So following me from post to post, when I post something negative about you, you are prompted to put up a poll to bait me...this is your normal behavoir...I am in the picture now, you are worse then I thought.

What I think it truly funny is you think I am the one with the pathetic You live in an apartment, drink beer and hang on the computer for longer then any sane person would (another Mod told me how many hours at a time you spend here), you are self employed which in your case is a fancy word for being a lay about...AND my life is sad...These are all things that might be considered colorful if you were younger but at your age its just pathetic...
Lethalfind said:
LOL, I have to say that what you or Builder think of me has NO impact on my life.

I must have some skills of some kind of Builder wouldn't be so reved up about it, of course having you come in to talk smack on his behalf just makes it more humorous.

Sad that you buy into the idea that a woman either has to have a man in her life or she is lonely.

I have to have a man in my life? No sweetie, I don't. I'm doing very well for being single. 18 months of being single. And I'm not lonely. Far from it.
I would count how many thread you yourself have started about dating, relationships, what turns a man on, what a guy likes for a girl to where. Phreak put them where they belong, in the Piss Pot.

If you think Builder is reved up about this, then you really are narcissitic. He's a Mod and I believe he's doing his job. Seems like he's doing it well. If I have tag teamed him on this one adventure of his, then that's my perocative.
Hey, I am only 16 and I am self employed!! I run my own business, Tech-9 through my home. I make about 3,500-4,000 a month just designing things, especially webites. It's enough and a lot more for me!

Damn, builder, you're self-employed, making a sweet chunk of a pay-check, a mod lol. Well, you seem accomplished, good for you man.