Does this annoy you?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005
Today I logged on to GF ,the frount page was covered with Lethalfind threads. To me it made the site look rather dull. I don't know how you guys feel about that sort of thing, so I thought I would ask?

Do you find Lethals currents threads could be copy and pasted from another site? I seen her do 3 of her current threads in less than 10 mins. They are very detailed with hyperlinks and all.

So I guess my question is this? Do you think Lethal is annoying? Would you like to see some other new threads without her running them off our frount page?

<Lethal might try to defend herself on this.I'm not even going to debate it with her.LOL> Christ look at the ****ing intro page to our site.!hehe Clicky Clicky
I think she and you Sixes could back off a bit. It is kind of humorous seeing one attention whore bitching about an other. I skip over a lot of both your posts and threads because yes it is annoying. One too silly the other same subjects different story.
And that's what I have to say about that.
scout said:
I think she and you Sixes could back off a bit. It is kind of humorous seeing one attention whore bitching about an other. I skip over a lot of both your posts and threads because yes it is annoying. One too silly the other same subjects different story.
And that's what I have to say about that.
I have backed off alot. I only responded to her insults with my insult generator software. I love that ****ing thing! hehe She was fighting with software! ROTFLMAO~ yeah ,I guess this is the pot calling the kettle black ,I just think she is a dumbass. I should of just ignored her threads so everyone could see the ****ing troll off 6 threads with no response. Oh well ,its not like anyone gives a **** about that kind of thing anyways. I hope she trolls the **** out of this place.
sixes said:
I have backed off alot. I only responded to her insults with my insult generator software. I love that ****ing thing! hehe She was fighting with software! ROTFLMAO~ yeah ,I guess this is the pot calling the kettle black ,I just think she is a dumbass. I should of just ignored her threads so everyone could see the ****ing troll off 6 threads with no response. Oh well ,its not like anyone gives a **** about that kind of thing anyways. I hope she trolls the **** out of this place.

Random question....


Um, how come your commas always have a space before them? Why don't they come right after the word?
jokersarewild said:
That right there is why we like Lethal more...and she has a vagina...and I don't think you do...although we cannot be sure.
So you only like her because she has a vagina eh? You sexist S.O.B.@!###:mad:
skategreen said:
Random question....


Um, how come your commas always have a space before them? Why don't they come right after the word?
My english teacher told me to do it that way. My g/f and I always debate grammer. She is right most of the time. The answer to your question is ,more people have told me the that is where they belong. Then again it could be a habbit from a older forum format. Yeah, you are right. LOL