Does this girl like me or is she just messing with me?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2005
Just south of Buffalo, NY
There's this girl I work with who I met about a month ago. She was put in the cashier lane next to me and we started talking and she seemed to be somewhat interested in me.After these couple of days I haven't seen her in work until yesterday.Yesterday as I was leaving work she saw me and I saw her and she said Hi.I went over and she asked me how I was and we talked for a little bit.I really got this feeling yesterday that she was into me, because when I was talking to her she was all smiley and really perky.Today, I wasn't put next to her cashier line, but I saw her and I would often look over and try to catch her eye.We didn't really connect or anything.As she was leaving for break, she walked by my line but didn't say anything, so I asked her if she was going on break and she said yeah, then asked me when i was going home, but she didn't seem to care at all.When she left for the night, she didn't even say goodbye or anything.What's up with her? She didn't seem interested at all today.

I'm also worried if I keep saying hi to her and stuff she'll get creeped out at me. I'm really confused right now....
Dude, girls ****ing creep the **** out of me when they do that. It's like "Make up your F**kin mind!"

Just let it roll for a bit, and don't be so anxious to talk with her, let her push to you, don't always be first to start or innitiate a conversation. two don't even really know least that's how I see how can she make up her mind? I

It's hard to say what can you do...but you can keep on saying hi to her...maybe ask her if you two could go on a break together or something like that...If you're interested in her, you should do something...You can't know if she is but you'll get to know when you two get to know eachother better, I guess...
Maybe she has some personal trouble right now and can't care so much....give her some time
it's work. things are different there. when I'm meeting new people at my workplace it's always kinda awkward at first. for example, are you gonna say hi this time, are you gonna play cool, or something else.
it doesn't have to be about love at all. not necessarily.
i dunno it's just so confusing. she's super hot though, so i'm not even sure i have a chance...

ah shouldn't think like that.

of course you have a chance....she might be super hot...but in the end she's just another human being.

there's a chance that you'll be with just got to be self confident....just don't try to force anything....
don't wait for no opportunity..dump her and find a better girl
well that would be my advice... BUT now that you sed that se is "super hot" you might wanne risk somethink :p
i mean what bad can come from asking her for coffeeor getting to know het better, if she plays dirty then you ignore her