Don’t ever wish me a Happy Holiday!

It is soooooo obvious that this country was founded on Christian religion and NOW this late in the many are trying to change that. It can't be changed. It was founded that way and will always have been founded that way. So now they try to "separate church and state" by taking away or changing anything to do with Christian religion. It just strikes me odd that they now call it winter vacation. Why not just do away with ANY vacation at that time so as not to coddle the Christians. Why have winter vacation during their Christmas time and not during some other religions special celebration time? Don't get me wrong...I'm a Christian...but this trying to separate church and state thing is just not working when all they are dealing with is Christianity and not ALL religions...including pagan religions...and yet leave room for the Christians to still do their thing but without the same traditions like "Christmas vacation". Just enough to irritate Christians. Ya know the word religion isn't synonymous with Christianity and/or the belief in God. There are anti Christianity religions too. I liken all this to those that call themselves "Pro Choice" supporters and advocates and then come to find out they don't believe in all aspects of it...they just don't believe in abortion and go run out and do all they can against just the one aspect. So they are really not "Pro Choice" at all ... they are "Anti Abortion". So really these people that are doing all this crap with Christmas etc. are just anti Christian. Furthermore.....this is the funniest thing of all....these losers all have money in their pocket that say...."IN GOD WE TRUST"!!!!HA HA HA HA HA HA HA WHAT IRONY!!!! and what a joke!
I wonder if Jesus was a pro-lifer or a pro-choicer?

You see the long hair, the beard, and the sandals and you think "hippy". By his actions; healing the sick, giving the blind sight, shepherding the weak, water to wine, multiplying food supples, etc, you think (**** lost my train of thought) errr... a whig.
RoyalOrleans said:
I wonder if Jesus was a pro-lifer or a pro-choicer?
Pro-choice of-course... You know, 'suffer the little children'.

Don't you remember the story of Jesus laying hands on the little whore with the unwanted pregnancy and causing her to miscarry?:rolleyes:
Well, if you don't it is John 25:17 in the New Liberal-Agenda Version, in stores Summer 2007.
ToriAllen said:
Pro-choice of-course... You know, 'suffer the little children'.

Don't you remember the story of Jesus laying hands on the little whore with the unwanted pregnancy and causing her to miscarry?:rolleyes:
Well, if you don't it is John 25:17 in the New Liberal-Agenda Version, in stores Summer 2007.

I'll have to check that out. In the meantime, I have to put up with my Sam Kennison version.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh!!!!
If you don't celebrate Christmas for what it is, then that's fine go on with your day and leave the rest of us the **** alone. We need some people that don't believe in the birth of Christ, that way you can work on that day so people who do believe can stay home and celebrate. If all your in it for is the gifts put a bullet in your head you self centered *****.
tiredofwhiners said:
If you don't celebrate Christmas for what it is, then that's fine go on with your day and leave the rest of us the **** alone. We need some people that don't believe in the birth of Christ, that way you can work on that day so people who do believe can stay home and celebrate. If all your in it for is the gifts put a bullet in your head you self centered *****.

Well, that's a load of tosh. If you all Christians get your special holidays off for Easter, Christmas, and the like, then I want atheist holidays, too, while you lot have to work or attend school.
And yes, I'm in it for the presents (okay, and the food, too), but is that such a bad thing? If you don't believe in G-zus, and your family doesn't get along, what else is there to appreciate. There's no shame in liking gifts, be it a sweet card, or an iPod.
There are nothing in the Constitution for separation of church and state anyway. Why do people keep preaching this ****. It was never documented into any law. And if it did it says separation of church and state. Not separation of church and government.
Each state should be able to make their own laws. Not to have the government tell them what they can do.

Thomas Jefferson wrote this letter to discourage any oppression to any religion.
This is exactly what's happening now!!
TheJenn88 said:
Well, that's a load of tosh. If you all Christians get your special holidays off for Easter, Christmas, and the like, then I want atheist holidays, too, while you lot have to work or attend school.
And yes, I'm in it for the presents (okay, and the food, too), but is that such a bad thing? If you don't believe in G-zus, and your family doesn't get along, what else is there to appreciate. There's no shame in liking gifts, be it a sweet card, or an iPod.

Here's some generally non-Christain holidays that are observed by everyone:

Labor day
Remembrance Day/Veterans day
Victoria Day (Canada/UK)
Independence Day (U.S)
Dominion Day/Canada Day(Canada)

And alsp perhaps the reason for their being a "Christmas holidays" is because most of the major religions have their major feast here (IE: Haunakah, Rammadhan.) More atheistic types also observe this time as a "New Years Hoilday" to celebrate the new year

And Christmas isn't completely christain per se. It's roots were in paganism. And then the Christains and capitalists stole the idea. (FYI it is unknown when Jesus Christ was born. Some say he was born closer to March. This could possibly be because our modern calendar is a lot different than than those that were used in ancient Palestine)

And I can see where you're coming from with the religious/family aspect. And I see you asked what's wrong with being in it for the gifts. Hmmm....Greed perhaps?
snafu said:
There are nothing in the Constitution for separation of church and state anyway. Why do people keep preaching this ****. It was never documented into any law. And if it did it says separation of church and state. Not separation of church and government.
Each state should be able to make their own laws. Not to have the government tell them what they can do.

Thomas Jefferson wrote this letter to discourage any oppression to any religion.
This is exactly what's happening now!!

Some of us don't want to be dominated over by a bunch of uptight bible thumping nutcases who impose a lifestyle and moral system that does nothing but persecute us
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Some of us don't want to be dominated over by a bunch of uptight bible thumping nutcases who impose a lifestyle and moral system that does nothing but persecute us

As long as you
I celebrate Christmas but I don't consider myself a Christian.
Its that simple.
I don't put out the manger with baby jesus in it, I certainly don't drag my ass to church for the one time of the year for Christmas. The only time I go to church is if someone REALLY close to me dies and I'm even done with that I have to say. My Mom says she only wants a ceremony at the funeral home. I'm done with church and all the trappings.
The last time I was in church was for my Fathers funeral. You would have to knock me on the head and drag me in to get me back there again.
There should only be 1 and only 1 holiday.

Labor day.

And the NEW Labor day will be held on April 20th every year. (4:20.. hehe.. get it..:D ).

Everybody gets paid to party there ass off by giving gifts, shooting fireworks, handing out candy to the kids, professing there love for another with a valentine, and having a huge feast, it is a day that can also be used to reflect on ones spirituality as well...

Otherwise, get your lazy asses back to work you lazy ****s...

****ing holidays ain't nothing but an excuse to take a ****ing day off.
In the UK they have holidays they simply cal "Bank Holidays"
I thought that was funny since we often say that a certain holiday is an excuse for the bank to be closed...
phreakwars said:
There should only be 1 and only 1 holiday.

Labor day.

And the NEW Labor day will be held on April 20th every year. (4:20.. hehe.. get it..:D ).

Everybody gets paid to party there ass off by giving gifts, shooting fireworks, handing out candy to the kids, professing there love for another with a valentine, and having a huge feast, it is a day that can also be used to reflect on ones spirituality as well...

Otherwise, get your lazy asses back to work you lazy ****s...

****ing holidays ain't nothing but an excuse to take a ****ing day off.

I agree with Phreak. IF your gonna **** with the holidays do it right. And get rid of BIRTHDAYS! PLEASE! Like I need to be reminded of how old I am every ****ing year!
What pisses the **** out of me about the holidays is the non-stop bombardment of christmas music!

And not the decent stuff, the old versions can be pleasent enough, but when I started hearing swing/jazz versions of 'Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer' with a choral accompanyment I just get a twitching urge to close-line the little old lady walking around and asking her granddaughter how much make-up her 7year old granddaughter wants to go with her i-Pod?

This all is of course ignoring the horrible impacts on the environment due to the excess waste of...everything? Cutting down millions of trees without purpose, producing more goods as to feed the consumor mechine and simply pooriung billions of dollers into multi-nationals so they can buy tighter nylon ropes (Maybe with sparkles on them for a 'festive' touch) they'll use to tie down the kiddies that 'help' on their assembly lines.

Bah Humbug! (to quote a phrase)

Accually I've kinda given up on even treating Dec 25 as a social holiday even. I just buy/give people presents as I see em, never wrapped, and usually art or something of the sort. You'll never get Nike Reversable shorts from myself.
I'm with Phreak go for one holiday. But you can't call it Labor day cuz what about the welfare and retired people who don't work, you might offend them.

Oh ya hell with Mayor...Phreakwars for PRESIDENT
I have a solution for the poor and to stimulate the economy..

Let the 3rd world country grow marijuana crops to bombard us with on 4:20, and they could give the crops to the poor to sell on 4:20 to all the party animals. Since the day is one huge ****ing party anyways and it's taking the days away from the year from all the other holidays we once had, employers should give HUGE bonuses that day that would otherwise have been spent in lost production and holiday pay.

Think of what it costs employers when they have to stop production for a day and pay some asshole to sit at home, or with family for some ****ed up reason or other and make complete pigs of themselves and or drunken fools...

This happens HOW MANY times a year on HOW MANY paid holidays ??

Well ****, if you only have one ****ing holiday to celebrate, and your getting paid a bonus check from your employer, then surely you will have extra money to be extra generous and donate to the poor fireworks, food, candy, toys, cloths, costumes, etc... etc.. then nobody feels left out cuz like the donations aren't really for one to feel charitible, they would be to let your fellow man be a part of the ****in party.

How about call it, LIFE day ???

We all ****ing party and celebrate the greatest acomplishment in mankind, the creation of life..

Man I sound like a ****ing hippy now...