Don’t ever wish me a Happy Holiday!

phreakwars said:
There should only be 1 and only 1 holiday.
And the NEW Labor day will be held on April 20th every year. (4:20.. hehe.. get it..:D ).
I agree, but I think the new holiday should be on January 5th. I always had to go back to school on my birthday. "Happy birthday, now go to school." Besides, it kind of falls between the holidays we have now.
It should always be in a warm season though, so it would have to alternate between the northern and southern hemisphere. Partys (especially MASSIVE parties) are all the more effective when you can comfortably pass-out on the swings of a playground. An enormous winter party would lead to too many deaths. :rolleyes:
eisanbt said:
It should always be in a warm season though, so it would have to alternate between the northern and southern hemisphere. Partys (especially MASSIVE parties) are all the more effective when you can comfortably pass-out on the swings of a playground. An enormous winter party would lead to too many deaths. :rolleyes:
Don't worry. With Global Warming it will be warm year round in a few years.;)
Oh wow, I'm going to say merry Christmas even more now just because 'they' (whoever 'they' are) say I can't.


REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON...that's what I always say - I'm tired of these heathens who don't even believe in Christ being hypocritical and celebrating Christmas as a holiday - what is the holiday for if you don't believe in anything??...mind bogling:confused:

Anyway merry Christmas (even though it's not here yet) to every1 - even the heathens :p
I'm tired of these heathens who don't even believe in Christ being hypocritical and celebrating Christmas as a holiday

That's not hard to do, WHATEVER. Everyone around me and everyone I know celebrates Xmas. Some of us just caught up in the race.
I would love to NOT celebrate it but my damn overbearing family always HAS TO DRAG ME INTO THIS CRAP. Where's some ****ing Absinthe? I need some kind of mindless diversion
You know what? Christians, all of them are hypocrites! They worship both God, and Christ. But you see, the problem with that is that niether of them exist. That's right! I'm both an athiest and an evolutionist! And I'm just waaay to damn pround of it too. The rest of my family are "Christians"... Pathetic, I say! You know, I too used to be a complete fool like them, but I managed to change. Yes, thanks to my father I have been raised as a Christian, but the way I've been raised has allowed me to question my own previous belief. There's two, I repeat two ways to raise a Christian. One, you raise them while giving them a chance to become free-thinking individuals, and two, you raise them via psychological impairment. You see, unlike my brother, and sister, I have not slipped into the trap of being brainwashed. I'm 15-years-old, and have been a fairly active member of for quite a while now. Oh, please don't tell me that you've just misinterpreted the name of the site just because the word "evil" is in the context. This site has absolutely nothing to do with "Satan worship" if that's what you were thinking. Anyhow, the only thing I have to say is (and I'm very pround when I say this) that Christmas is complete, and utter bullshit!!

lol Do people even know that this "Jesus Christ" character is nothing more than a rip-off of Persian mythology? Yes, the story of a divine child being born of a virgin mother on December 25th, performing healings and resurrections, having 12 disciples (the signs of the zodiac), and having a last supper with flattened bread (which had crosses on them by the way to symbolize the sun) was all done a few thousand years before Jesus.

Mithra was a Persian savior (sound familiar?) God who was introduced and worshipped in Rome at least 68 years before Jesus ever appeared.

PS: I tried helping out my one-year-old younger brother one time by revealing all this stuff to him, not to mention the OVERWHELMING amount of evidence that supports the theory of evolution to my sis, but both of them are too psychologically impaired. This happened about 2 to 3 months ago, so I don't even bother anymore. I pity the rest of my family, as they celebrate the birth of one who only exists via mythology. However, it's not only sad, it's also very pathetic.
pissed_off101 said:
You know what? Christians, all of them are hypocrites! They worship both God, and Christ. But you see, the problem with that is that niether of them exist. That's right! I'm both an athiest and an evolutionist! And I'm just waaay to damn pround of it too. The rest of my family are "Christians"... Pathetic, I say! You know, I too used to be a complete fool like them, but I managed to change. Yes, thanks to my father I have been raised as a Christian, but the way I've been raised has allowed me to question my own previous belief. There's two, I repeat two ways to raise a Christian. One, you raise them while giving them a chance to become free-thinking individuals, and two, you raise them via psychological impairment. You see, unlike my brother, and sister, I have not slipped into the trap of being brainwashed. I'm 15-years-old, and have been a fairly active member of for quite a while now. Oh, please don't tell me that you've just misinterpreted the name of the site just because the word "evil" is in the context. This site has absolutely nothing to do with "Satan worship" if that's what you were thinking. Anyhow, the only thing I have to say is (and I'm very pround when I say this) that Christmas is complete, and utter bullshit!!

lol Do people even know that this "Jesus Christ" character is nothing more than a rip-off of Persian mythology? Yes, the story of a divine child being born of a virgin mother on December 25th, performing healings and resurrections, having 12 disciples (the signs of the zodiac), and having a last supper with flattened bread (which had crosses on them by the way to symbolize the sun) was all done a few thousand years before Jesus.

Mithra was a Persian savior (sound familiar?) God who was introduced and worshipped in Rome at least 68 years before Jesus ever appeared.

PS: I tried helping out my one-year-old younger brother one time by revealing all this stuff to him, not to mention the OVERWHELMING amount of evidence that supports the theory of evolution to my sis, but both of them are too psychologically impaired. This happened about 2 to 3 months ago, so I don't even bother anymore. I pity the rest of my family, as they celebrate the birth of one who only exists via mythology. However, it's not only sad, it's also very pathetic.
Nice to know you took the time to check out the site before ranting. Sorry to disappoint you if it was a reaction of shock and horror you were looking for. I would say about half of the people on this site are Atheists. I, personally, am not, but I feel everyone has a right to believe what they want.
I was a little disappointed. You called Christians hypocrites, then you went on to something else entirely. I still want to hear why you think Christians are hypocrites. It makes me wonder if you actually know the meaning of the word or if you are just repeating something you have heard said. You shouldn’t make statements on here that you can’t back up.
You think I am brainwashed, I think you are the typical whiney teenager looking to rebel against anything that might keep you from doing what you want to do.
You should probably know more about what you are against before you decide to be against it. There are a lot of Christians that believe in evolution, and the Catholic Church has recognized it as a viable theory.
As for mythology, Christians don’t believe that Christ was born on Dec. 25, that is just when we celebrate it. They didn’t exactly have the modern calendar at the time for Mary to mark the day. Many scholars believe he was born some time in November but there is no way to be sure. You still have a child’s view of many things. Hopefully you will out grow it and realize that everything is not black and white. Most truth lies somewhere in between.
If you want to introduce another site on here, do it in the spam section. Some of the members can be sensitive about spamming the regular posting area.
pissed_off101 said:
I'm 15-years-old, and have been a fairly active member of for quite a while now. I tried helping out my one-year-old younger brother one time by revealing all this stuff to him, not to mention the OVERWHELMING amount of evidence that supports the theory of evolution to my sis, but both of them are too psychologically impaired. This happened about 2 to 3 months ago, so I don't even bother anymore. I pity the rest of my family, as they celebrate the birth of one who only exists via mythology. However, it's not only sad, it's also very pathetic.

First off your welcome to your beliefs, but don't try to push them off on others. At 15 you should be a little more open minded, if you don't want to believe-fine but don't be so hateful you have your whole life. Leave your brother and sister alone let them learn and feel what they want, not be pressured to think like you.

And by the way don't think your going to save the world, and go postal at school or in a fast food restaurant.
Ay carumba more teen angst.
I'm not Christian. Do I care if you wish me a Merry Christmas? Not one bit. I like Christmas time. I celebrate it, not to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but as a time to spend some time with my family, catch up with those I don't get to see often, and give gifts because I like to. I think that this whole "holiday" instead of Christmas thing has gotten out of hand. No, there shouldn't be a manger in front of the local courthouse, but there's no reason we can't have wreaths, trees, Christmas carols (HOW is Rudolph offensive? Please) lights, and other decor. It's more about the spirit of the season than the birth of Jesus for many. And I feel the same about hearing the Dreidel song played. It's a childrens game. Why should I be offended simply because I don't follow their religion? The one thing that DOES bug me is Kwanzaa. It's a recently made up holiday, and I don't think they should have put it near Christmas/Hannukah. THAT is offensive to me. Like they're trying to steal someone else's glory. Most blacks I know are Christian and celebrate Christmas, why the **** do they need Kwanzaa shortly after? Bogus.
lol I'm sorry about saying that Jesus is a rip-off of Mithra. I did some research on the issue, and even though they both share some simularities, they aren't related. However, I tried to help my brother, and sister by telling them the truth. I gave up because they're too pyshcologically impaired now to accept such facts. Oh, as for the person who said that it's my belief, well, it's not. You see, it's what you call "facts", and if facts, to you, are a belief, then you might as well not even be talking to me. I don't talk to people who cannot tell the difference between fact and belief. Besides, they're so many contridictions in the new testement. Jesus is not the messiah. That's all i'm saying because the bible proves this.
hits the buzzer WRONG!!!It's clear that you've been brainwashed by the politcally correct into believing that lie that Christ wasn't the Saviour, (he IS). pissed-off-101, you ARE the weakest link. Bye.:D
pissed_off101 said:
lol I'm sorry about saying that Jesus is a rip-off of Mithra. I did some research on the issue, and even though they both share some simularities, they aren't related. However, I tried to help my brother, and sister by telling them the truth. I gave up because they're too pyshcologically impaired now to accept such facts. Oh, as for the person who said that it's my belief, well, it's not. You see, it's what you call "facts", and if facts, to you, are a belief, then you might as well not even be talking to me. I don't talk to people who cannot tell the difference between fact and belief. Besides, they're so many contridictions in the new testement. Jesus is not the messiah. That's all i'm saying because the bible proves this.

It's YOUR belief that what you interpret from what YOU read is fact. Glad we cleared that up.
tiredofwhiners said:
It's YOUR belief that what you interpret from what YOU read is fact. Glad we cleared that up.

No there is a definat difference from interptation and fact. Even a rational priest will admit the lack of fact behind religion, there IS a reason religions are called 'Faiths'.

You can choose to believe but that dosn't make anything into fact. Facts are operational and have ALOT of proof behind them. They are ONLY considered facts if proven beyond reasonable argument.

2+2=4. This is a very simple example.
This is fact as using our numerical logic system, the collective sum of 2 and 2 creates 4.

The theory of evolution is a theory as it can't be proven without a time mechine or the like. The term theory has to be used for things that we cannot currently absolutly prove, but since many things can't be conventionaly proven although they are functional, then we always keep the 'theory' in front.

You COULD propose the "Theory of Christ" however it does not long stand against critical evaluation which is the essentail first step in fact finding. This is why we've dismissed religion, you cannot back up your arguments without resorting to the "Faith" argument. If we took this same stance when considering pretty much anything then we'd be totally ****ed.

"I believe that if i drive fast enough through the red light I won't get hit by another car" or even someting so well backed as "We should just accept Darwin's theory of how life began because alot of what he's saying makes sense." (Which for reference has been disproven, we still can't explain the origins of life although the process of evolution itself is proven. This is the same as not being able to prove religious theories, they just don't work.)
pissed_off101 said:
lol I'm sorry about saying that Jesus is a rip-off of Mithra. I did some research on the issue, and even though they both share some simularities, they aren't related.
Perhaps you should try that whole research thing more often. You would be amazed at what you could learn, and it would save you the trouble of having to backtrack.
pissed_off101 said:
However, I tried to help my brother, and sister by telling them the truth. I gave up because they're too pyshcologically impaired now to accept such facts.
Just because a person does not believe what you believe, that
Weather Jesus was the messiah or not it IS fact that he walked the earth. Therefore he had a birthday. Celebrate it or not he did exist. Even intelligent atheist's won’t argue that fact.

Mary Christmas everybody!
Except Phreak.
Kryptonite Man said:
hits the buzzer WRONG!!!It's clear that you've been brainwashed by the politcally correct into believing that lie that Christ wasn't the Saviour, (he IS). pissed-off-101, you ARE the weakest link. Bye.:D
Sorry, but you're incorrect about this.

PS: Being politically correct is a good, not to mention wise thing.
tiredofwhiners said:
It's YOUR belief that what you interpret from what YOU read is fact. Glad we cleared that up.
Negative. You saying this only leads to the following question. Do you undertsnad language of any sort (english, hebrew, etc.). This is why we have translations. If words had different meanings due to translation, then what would be the point in translating them anyway? You are essentially telling me that you do not understand the english language. Grab your bible, then read, but read with respect to the english language. Also, by this, you're essentially telling me that you think a perfect god told his followers to purposely scripture contridictions.
ToriAllen said:
Perhaps you should try that whole research thing more often. You would be amazed at what you could learn, and it would save you the trouble of having to backtrack.
I do do research before I start talking smack. The Mithra issue has a lot of bias information. I found a site that revealed the truth to me though.
ToriAllen said:
Just because a person does not believe what you believe, that’s right your opinions are also beliefs, does not mean they are brainwashed. Someone might feel that you are brainwashed by hearing you talk.
Wrong. I'm not talking about belief, I'm refering to facts. My brother, and sister are psychologically impaired. I read to them certain facts in very understandable ways, yet my brother's response was a little kid must have wrote those, while my sister, on the other hand, asked me that if evolution is real, then I should explain it to her. I was of course okay with that, considering how I can. When I started to read, she ran away.

My brother's response just absolutely astonished me, let alone made me very confused, while my sister's response, on the other hand, made me laugh like crazy, then yell out to her "But you said that you wanted me to prove evolution to you!". I even started to read via biblical contradictions, with my mom's bible in the palm of my hands. Now, sometimes, she laughs at me every time I talk about, or even study evolution. She tells me how I don't see the truth, and a bunch of other crap like that. But it doesn't matter, nor bother me anyway, considering how wrong she is. In fact, every time she starts to chuckle, I just do that old cough trick, saying stuff like either biochemistry, molecular biology, the homo erectus period, and my personal favourite, dinosaur. Contrary to my sister's response, if not being able to handle such pressure, when that pressure was brought upon youself doesn't tell you that there is something wrong psychologically, then I honestly don't know what to say to you.
ToriAllen said:
I would like to know which fact you are referring to.
Then I shall show you this fact, at the bottom of this post.
ToriAllen said:
Because God can not be proven or disproven then both the belief and lack of belief in God are just that, beliefs.
That is incorrect, due to the overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the theory of evolution, not to mention all the contradictions, oxymorons, ilogics, and impossibilities that are in the bible. For example, the earth is flat?
ToriAllen said:
You don’t talk to people who can’t tell the difference between fact and belief?
I do (sometimes), but I prefer not to, because of their ignorance to reality. For example, they believe in God, while God's existence can be disproven by just simply reading the bible. Look, it's like this. If somebody were to say God exists, because the bible tells about his existence, one could simply remedy that by saying God doesn't exist, because all physical evidence says he doesn't.
ToriAllen said:
It would seem the only person in this thread that is trying to pass off a belief as fact is you.
Now you're just making assumptions. What you're saying here, to be honest, makes me laugh. It makes me laugh, because I'm not passing off a belief at all, I'm only refering to facts.
ToriAllen said:
Once again you make a statement that you don’t back up. Where are these contradictions in the New Testament? You don’t even have to type them out, just give us the verses.
First, is it a crime to not back up myself at first? Second, I will give you the contridiction which proves that Jesus cannot, and therefore isn't the messiah, at the bottom of this post.
ToriAllen said:
It amazes me that you would be able to find such contradictions when thousands of years of scholars could not.
I know, it amazes me also, but believe me, such a contridiction does exist. Oh, I didn't find this contridiction by myself, I had a little help from a person on's forums. You see, I cannot find everything by myself (not saying you thought this of me, just saying so).
ToriAllen said:
You can barely spell and yet you are going to single-handedly bring about the downfall of the Christian religion, one poor defenseless child at a time. Simply amazing.
I'm simply doing nothing more here than representing facts. Oh, I can spell pretty good actually. However, I do sometimes notice mistakes I have made (i.e. spelling errors), and correct them by editing my post. If I turn out to see even more mistakes, I keep editing my post until it is perfectly okay to read. I know, sounds weird, eh? But this is what I do.
ToriAllen said:
I agree with the post by eisanbt. Religion is faith based.
True, religion is faith based, however, one does have the right to question their faith. I'm just talking about facts, and trying to correct those who assume things about me.
ToriAllen said:
It is not based on fact, but neither is a disbelief, though to those who belief and disbelieve it is a ‘personal fact’. That person believes it to be true.
This is true also, and true also of course. However, one can chose to disbelieve in something due to a knowledge of facts that raises doubts, and in some cases, proof that the belief at issue is completely false.
ToriAllen said:
Evolution can not be proven just as many of the theories of science can not be proven, even though they are accepted by most in the scientific community and will be until something better comes along.
Excuse me? Sorry, but the amount of evidence in which supports evolution is just absolutely extraordinary. Biochemistry, and molecular biology are prime examples. There is also the different types of dinosaur, human ancestor, and other animal fossils, that have been proved to be many millions of years-old, by using a variety of mathematical methods. The list goes on, and on, so please, don't ask me to list absolutely everything that supports the theory of evolution. Believe me, if you were to ask one who has a masters degree in both biochemistry, and molecular biology about evolution, you'd be amazed as to what they'd tell you. If you're a free-minded person, then you'd be absolutely amazed, rather than amazed itself. Oh, by the way, evolution, just like many other theories is called a theory, because a theory is nothing more than something that has evidence in which supports it. Evolution, these days, really is getting to a point in which one will be able to say it's real. This is how much evidence actually supports the theory. Evolution is by far one of the most evidence-present theories of all. As for me, and as far as I'm concerned, evolution has already been proven.
ToriAllen said:
You should take your own advice and learn the difference between fact and belief.
Funny, because I do know the difference between fact and belief. The contradiction that proves that Jesus is not the messiah will be placed below as a "copy and paste", because I got this from a user of Here is the contradiction that proves that Jesus cannot, and therefore isn't the messiah:

The Messiah must be of lineage to David and heir to the throne-
-Joseph is linked to David through the tribe of Judah. This is the tribe the messiah was prophesied to descend from. Even the beginning of Matthew explains how Jesus is of the tribe of Judah. However, because Jesus was "immaculately conceived", the burden rests on Mary. Mary of the tribe of Levi, however, has no relationship to David whatsoever. Thus Jesus cannot be the messiah.
-For those of you who think Mary is somehow distantly related to David and rightful heir of the throne, please recall the following passages. "For thus says the Lord: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel" (Jer 33:17) Mary would have to be sitting on the throne for Jesus to be the Messiah. That doesn't happen in Jewish patriarchal society. And for those of you still not convinced... "Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh" (Romans 1:3). Mary doesn't have seed/sperm... I hope.

PS: There is absolutely no proof of a historical man named Jesus Christ. This, I can assure, let alone guarantee you, since I've done an outstanding amount of research on this. I didn't start out my research by typing in something like "absolutely no proof of a historical Jesus", if that's what you think. I simply went to google, and typed in "Jesus, historical, or a myth?", or something like that. This is true research. Also, isn't it funny how an at least 2,500 BC-year-old God, the egyptian God, Horus has virtually the same story as Jesus? Coinsidence?
Firstly, your pomposity amuses me kid, it really does. Probably because I'm gonna assume I used to sound the same way you do.

pissed_off101 said:
I do do research before I start talking smack. The Mithra issue has a lot of bias information. I found a site that revealed the truth to me though.Wrong. I'm not talking about belief, I'm refering to facts. My brother, and sister are psychologically impaired. I read to them certain facts in very understandable ways, yet my brother's response was a little kid must have wrote those, while my sister, on the other hand, asked me that if evolution is real, then I should explain it to her. I was of course okay with that, considering how I can. When I started to read, she ran away.

Firstly, you weren't wrong in your original post. Yes, Jesus, or atleast the character he is oft potrayed to be, did borrow elements from Mithras as well as Osiris, Dionysus, Kore, so on and so forth. However, you have to realize that Mithras borrowed ideas from Osiris, him from the gods that predated him. No one religion is truely original, they ALL borrow ideas from that which predated them.

If not being able to handle such pressure, when that pressure was brought upon youself doesn't tell you that there is something wrong psychologically, then I honestly don't know what to say to you.Then I shall show you this fact, at the bottom of this post.

It doesn't signify psychological problems at all. Its the most common self defense mechanism displayed by humans. You've found yourself in situations that you can't handle and therefor run from -maybe not physically, but blocking it off mentally is much the same. As have I. As has ToriAllen. As has every other human being that has ever been in existence.

That is incorrect, due to the overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the theory of evolution.I do (sometimes), but I prefere not to, considering their ignorance to reality. For example, they believe in God, while God's existence can be disproven by just simply reading the bible. Look, it's like this. If somebody were to say God exists, because the bible tells about his existence, one could simply remedy that by saying God doesn't exist, because all physical evidence says he doesn't exist.

Firstly, allow me to state that I support the theory of evolution myself. However, no matter how much information on it is ever presented, it will NEVER be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Gods existence CAN'T be disproven by reading the Bible. However, It CAN'T be proven by reading it either.

Now you're just making assumptions. What you're saying here, to be honest, makes me laugh. It makes me laugh, because I'm not passing off a belief at all, I'm only refering to facts.

It makes you laugh because you don't fully understand it. Tori is an EXTEMELY bright woman. I disagree with her on more subjects than not, but even I have to admit that. Don't try going head to head with her, you won't win. Trust me, I've tried it in the past.

I know, it amazes me also, but believe me, such contridictions do exist. Oh, I didn't find this contridiction by myself, I had a little help from a person on's forums. You see, I cannot find everything by myself (not saying you thought this of me, just saying so).

The Bible is riddled with contradictions. Every "holy" book in existence is, even most Christians aknowledge this. However, a 15 year old kid is not going to convince anyone that their beliefs are wrong. Tori could post many contradictions to the evolution that you would not be able to defend yourself. Every explanation to our existence, theological or not, contains contradictions, grey areas, and cannot be fully proven. Its up to the person to choose which one makes the most sense to him/her.

I'm simply doing nothing more here than representing facts. Oh, I can spell pretty good actually. However, I do sometimes notice mistakes I have made (i.e. spelling errors), and correct them by editing my post. If I turn out to see even more mistakes, I keep editing my post until it is perfectly okay to read. I know, sounds weird, eh? But this is what I do.

Could that be, perhaps, because you are trying too hard to convey yourself as a intelligent person? The nit-picking of your posts is quite obvious and it does little to boost the average opinion of you here.

Excuse me? Sorry, but the amount of evidence in which supports evolution is just absolutely extraordinary. Biochemistry, and molecular biology are prime examples. There is also the different types of dinosaur, human ancestor, and other animal fossils, that have been proved to be many millions of years-old, by using a variety of mathematical methods. The list goes on, and on, so please, don't ask me to list absolutely everything that supports the theory of evolution. Believe me, if you were to ask one who has a masters degree in both biochemistry, and molecular biology about evolution, you'd be amazed as to what they'd tell you. If you're a free-minded person, then you'd be absolutely amazed, rather than amazed itself. Oh, by the way, evolution, just like many other theories is called a theory, because a theory is nothing more than something that has evidence in which supports it. Evolution, these days, really is getting to a point in which one will be able to say it's real. This is how much evidence actually supports the theory. Evolution is by far one of the most evidence-present theories of all. As for me, and as far as I'm concerned, evolution has already been proven.

Sigh Don't go down this road with Tori. She probably knows more about evolution than the better part of your community combined. I can tell from your posts, no matter how much you think you know, you know VERY little about the theory of evolution. Now, I'm not claiming that I do, but at 15 you appear as if you think you know more than middle aged men who have devoted their entire life to the subject. You're narcisism is devaluing your posts' validity.

Funny, because I do know the difference between fact and belief.

Do you really? Many of the facts you are posting are beliefs. You won't be able to convince these people otherwise, because to them..their beliefs ARE facts.

Don't get me wrong, you're quite bright for a 15 year old. However, you've made it quite obvious you still have a LOT of maturing to do. Just try to be a little more open minded will you? I mean, I too think that Christianity is rubbish, but just as great evil has been committed in its name, great good has been too. If someone uses it to justify doing something good in this world, if it gives people a reason to wake up in the morning, then what right do you or I have to tell them otherwise? There is an infinite amount of possibilites for our existence, and within each one of those possibilites lies an infinite amound of variations. Evolution currently has the largest amount of scientific evidence than any other theory ever has, but will it still in 100 years? Look to history, scientific "fact" is often quite the opposite of that. I will suscribe to the theory of evolution until it is proven false, but I do realize there is a possibility of it being proven false.

Sorry if this post isn't up to par with my usual rambling, but I've been running on caffeine all day and the sudden absense of its effects has made me extremely weary and unable to even think straight...Damn, I need sleep