drawings of linkin park

I have a drawing with Chester...but it's not scanned!When I'll scan it,I'll put it here,promise! ;) Oh...and I have a drawing of Mike! :)

wow...thats just amazing especially the last mike shinoda one... if only i could draw like that... you should send that to some drawing contests definitely win a lot its amazing

<33 Jamie
Hey, I have done drawings/paintings of LP in the past, the most recent was around the start of this year when I began a portrait of Rob (who else - but my first ever attempt at him) and though it's not finished I'm kinda chuffed how it's turning out, so I thought I'd share not just that but the two not-so-great drawings I did last year and the year previous of Chas and Mike. They aren't perfect, in fact, very far from it, but regardless the fact I'm my own worst critic and I can see a billion things wrong with each of them, if you like see what y'all think;

Please keep in mind the scans are like half the size of the originals (the Rob one is actually one quarter the original size that's hanging on my wall now - Chas and Mike are A4 on paper, Rob is around A3 on canvas) and naturally the quality is comparably woeful, but it gives you an idea anyway.




(In order of time of creation - I like to think I'm getting better over time, heheh)

Hope you like. Conversely, hope I don't get sued/insult the guys. :(
Wow Rav. Just wow...
All of them are really good. Wonderful job.

The Chaz one looks like he's drunk, lol. Sorry, I had to put that out.
The Mike one is really good. Not much to comment on, other than it's greatness.
Rob, wow. Very life-like.
*laughs* Yeah, poor Chas looks wasted - don't think that was deliberate but *shrugs* maybe that was a subconscious thing, huh? :rolleyes:

As for Rob - still chuffed. Just wanna finish it now but I'm afraid of ruining it, so it's still hanging behind me here incomplete... :(
Whoa Rav! those are awesome! But didnt you say at one point that you were gonna show us your Rob painting in the CoB? *is offended* hahaha just kidding...but those are great! *hugs*
meteora500 said:
Whoa Rav! those are awesome! But didnt you say at one point that you were gonna show us your Rob painting in the CoB? *is offended* hahaha just kidding...but those are great! *hugs*
I'm sure I did... *looks lost* Maybe not... hell, I had intended to... maybe I just misplaced the upload *laughs* (Yeah, as if)

But glad y'all like. I'm out of the loop creatively speaking and havent done anything since that Rob painting... one day I'll finish it (hopefully) then I'd love to have the man himself sign it - how awesome would that be?!
LPfan4lyfe said:
awesome job rav. do you draw ones with the band all together?
I've tried one with Mike and Chas together - but when the slightest thing doesn't work with one the whole pic is ruined... so in essence I'm cheating. I do them all singularly one at a time. I hope to, at some point in the not-too-distant future, paint portraits of all 6 members and hang them up side by side. Don't know what I'll do with them then *shrug*
Thanks for the praise guys - means a lot for an art-school drop out like moi. :D