
What do u think?

  • Drugs are far too dangerous

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • Drugs are generally evil

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I'm fairly liberal, I don't take em but don't mind others taking them

    Votes: 13 24.1%
  • Infrequant use is fine, moderation is key

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Life Just Isn't Life Without Experementation

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • Life Just Isn't Life With Straight Vision

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Sausage?

    Votes: 6 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
Since it seems to have been braught up in various subjects today I thought why not?

Your thoughts on drugs?
Do you think:
A) Anything that alters ur perseption on anything is unnatural and therefor not be allowed
B) Drugs are far too dangerous to be taken
C) They are just outright bad
D) Fairly liberal, won't take them but don't mind them
E) Infrequent use is fine, it's all about the moderation
F) Life just isn't life without experementation
G) Life just isn't life if i can see straight

I personally really do go with E & F side of things, anything in moderation isn't that bad most damage cause by drugs is often over exagerated to try to discourage use. From what I have discoverd many drugs provide a safer alternative to Alcohol which is only beaten by 4 other drugs including Heroin and Cocaine in level of risk and damage, though I do not believe on forcing them on other people.

People also often undereducated on these things as the government funds the education for said area but drugs are used in every day life.

Common Drugs: Nicotiene (Very addictive, can cause cancer)
Caffiene (very addictive, can cause irritability and cancer)
Alcohol (can cause mass damage and is very addictive, most damage caused by alcohol is irreversable)
Chocolate (Chocolate or cocoa beans are a toxin, eat enough regually enough can lead to digestion problems)

anyways thoughts!

I think E, since I do smoke pot once and awhile with my friends, it is like only 1 every 2 months. It's not horrible...and Choclate is a drug? ohhhh ****...
B, because addiction is dangerous. drogs can kill you.
and it`s not about moderation; when you are an addict you can`t control yourself
^lol what's a drog? Sorry, it reminds me of an evil leech or something... heheh.

I don't take them myself, but I know a lot of people who do, and It really doesn't bother me, unless there all up in my face with them, or druggies. I've smelled weed from afar, I think, and it does smell rather nice.
^ thats what a guy in my class use to say... lol got busted being on multiple drugs at school.
its fun then you get hooked then your ****ed. i stay away... faaar away
"better be safe than sorry"
but if you wanne use im not gonne stop ya :>
B, because addiction is dangerous. drogs can kill you.
and it`s not about moderation; when you are an addict you can`t control yourself


Though very true it's also very false, most drugs aren't physically addictive unless do them regually over a pro-longed time. (This does not include Heroin, Alcohol, Nicotiene & Caffiene)
I'm D,
I'm too ***** to try them but don't give a **** if people do. It's their choice. Thing is, if my brothers mate Brad decides he wants to drag me somewhere he'll force to take all kinds of ****... wierdo...
Taking drugs is just stupid and irresponsible!
My best friend at school started smoking marijuanna when we were 15, then she started skipping classes or it often happened that she was missing from school for some 2 or 3 weeks. Anyway, school doesn't matter, but she changed so much! She was always somehow confused, the look in her eyes was so vacant, she would start a sentence and forget what she's been talking about, then have a fit of loud hysterical laughter... I tried to speak with her but she wouldn't listen.
Something just happened to her brain I guess, that was not to be undone...
She's not the girl I used to know - she's not herself anymore and that is the greatest danger with drugs.
^ Yup, marijuana destroys brain cells or whatever...if used too much...like every day and stuff...
But, it's still less damaging than alcohol...so I heard...

However...I'm all for E...I tried marijuana for couple of times...felt pretty good...and I'm gonna do it again when I get the chance...
The thing with alcohol and me...well...I haven't been drunk for quite awhile...cuz of school and ****...but when my final exams are over, I'm sooo gonna get wasted! It's the perfect excuse...(not that I need the excuse to get drunk...) Can't wait!:p
Alicena said:
and it`s not about moderation; when you are an addict you can`t control yourself
If you're moderate, you don't get addicted in the first place...;)
My think is, I won't do them.. I don't plan on ever doing Drugs.. And I don't like alcohol, I have tried it on multiple occasions, but have never liked it.. So, I guess its just not for me.. But I have always said, I don't need something to make me feel better, or to have a good time.. I can do that on my own..

I do have a friend who is/was a big alcoholic and drug user, and she is only 15. Its sickening to watchin something like that before your eyes, but I also stand by what I have always told her, "You make your own choices, I will not do them for you. I will help you when you need it, but I will not lecture you on right or wrong, because it doesn't work." and that is how our relationship works..This is one of my best friends, but I can't do anything for her, when she is willing to do nothing for herself.