
What do u think?

  • Drugs are far too dangerous

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • Drugs are generally evil

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I'm fairly liberal, I don't take em but don't mind others taking them

    Votes: 13 24.1%
  • Infrequant use is fine, moderation is key

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Life Just Isn't Life Without Experementation

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • Life Just Isn't Life With Straight Vision

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Sausage?

    Votes: 6 11.1%

  • Total voters
Oh,, I forgot, I had XTC once too, by excident...but it was fun, I was so ****ing hyperactive, I danced for 5 hours, soo...:p

Ectasy being much safer then alcohol isn't a bad thing, it's my 2nd fav of all substances behind mushrooms..... I love that you love everything on it and everything seems to have a purpose. By far the friendliest drug out there as you can't feel hate on the things.
i think alcohol is more dangerous than any drug, its freely available, its not expensive, you cant get arrested for having it on your person.

my mum started drinking when i was 11 and is now hopefully a recovering alcoholic. it wrecked my childhood and my sisters too and if left untreated kills you.
haje et tegen my?
:O what the hell is that? i spak afrikaans but i cant make a word out cept 'my' whcih is the same is afrikaans and english -_-
yeah being drunk is bad so drinking is bad, but drugs are one thing ill never touch, not even with a stick :p
i drink at parties and only there, i dont smoke, i dont even know why people do its tastes SUPER ****
:O what the hell is that? i spak afrikaans but i cant make a word out cept 'my' whcih is the same is afrikaans and english -_-
yeah being drunk is bad so drinking is bad, but drugs are one thing ill never touch, not even with a stick :p
i drink at parties and only there, i dont smoke, i dont even know why people do its tastes SUPER ****
she said in normal dutch: had je het tegen mij?
Common Drugs: Nicotiene (Very addictive, can cause cancer)
Caffiene (very addictive, can cause irritability and cancer)
Alcohol (can cause mass damage and is very addictive, most damage caused by alcohol is irreversable)
Chocolate (Chocolate or cocoa beans are a toxin, eat enough regually enough can lead to digestion problems)

Can we get some citations here? I have not heard these things...I would like to know where you got your information.

As for me...here is my take. I want to remember my life...and I want to experience it. That being said, I do not need nor am I interested in 'altering my perceptions'. I also think its a free world and everyone is entitled to making stupid mistakes if they want too.

That being said, I will now hypocritically inform you all that I am addicted to caffiene. I use to rampantly consume soda, and BAWLS, to the point where if I didn't get caffiene I got withdrawal syndrome.

In college, I went cold turkey off caffiene for Lent...except chocolate, but all energy drinks and soda and anything with caffiene in it was out. That cleaned me up good and I learned that I am much happier and much more able to function without it. Caffiene was giving me sleeping problems and not helping my depression and moods.

However, I am weak and lately I have begun to slip up and break my rules (NO CAFFIENE, except on two days of the weekend)...I feel bad and I want to do better...so yeah...I know it sounds overblown but I have an addictive personality. I get a buzz from soda, and I like that buzz because it helps me feel laid back.

So, now comes the double-standard. I believe caffiene is ok, as long as I don't let my liking of it turn back into addiction. I hate being a man of double-standards, but hey...at least I'm not chugging Jack Daniel's or downing a Yager bomb.
:O what the hell is that? i spak afrikaans but i cant make a word out cept 'my' whcih is the same is afrikaans and english -_-
yeah being drunk is bad so drinking is bad, but drugs are one thing ill never touch, not even with a stick :p
i drink at parties and only there, i dont smoke, i dont even know why people do its tastes SUPER ****

I asked if you were talking to me, because you spoke dutch, and,,,I drink and smoke sigarets,I don't smoke weed or hasj anymore, but if i had to choose I would rather smoke hasj, it make me happy, and weed just makes me lazy...:p ....
i think alcohol is more dangerous than any drug, its freely available, its not expensive, you cant get arrested for having it on your person.

It also does more damage to your body per dosage (the dose to get desired effects) then most illegal substances, alcohol causes all sorts where as most other drugs usualy effect 1 or 2 areas, most commonly the brain but heh alcohol does that too and whilst its at it, it kills the liver, restricts blood flow and leaves you incredibly vulnarabe (loss of balance & slower reactions) but heh thats cause its a downer. Now lets compare it to a couple class A's

Mushrooms are only dangerous if over dosed on, the is no addictive element in LSD (the active ingrediant in mushrooms) and the damange caused on the body long term is practically non existent as a dose on LSD is just like having a 24hr bug it causes effects at the time but the body swiftly recovers.

Ecstacy the only thing this really does is create a chemichal imbalance which results in a hangover, sure enough the are dangers at the time and does effect the brain by releasing lots of hormones which then get low in number. This DOES lead to a comedown and depression but only for a few hours or half a day, this can be more long term if done to excess. The over dose is approax 10 - 12 times that of a decent high as for further damage.... not too much the only real risk is poor water monitering resulting in drinking too much or too little, this can be resolved by sticking to say 1 drink an hour. 1 in 100,000 regular users of E die directly from E or a conditon cause by E... hundereds of thousands of people die per year from alcohol only dozens die when on E.