Dunno what to do......


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2005
I don't know.
I guess I've been tryin so hard to be my parents perfect child
and no matter what I do It seems as if they don't care
or appreciate what I've done...and instead they just bitch.
And I guess I tried hard to be happy and Tried hard to show'em smiles everyday so theyd think nothin was wrong
but I'm gettin fed up with this boulshit...
Just cause I snapped on'em today
.....they got mad and told me
that if I wasn't goin to listen that I could just think bout ****
and that They said they'd send me out for councelin
Should I keep up this Boulshit thats slowly gettin to me
and slowly makin me just wanna kill my-self
or jusr get all this boulshit over with and just leave them the **** alone.???

My two options...
1) just kill myself now instead of bein all suicidal for a while..
2)just go and do some bopulshit and councelin rly pisses me off.
Honestly, this is a rare case, but they might be jealous of how perfect you seem to be. It's rare, but it happens. Don't pretend to be someone your not. No one's perfect... and I don't think anyone should try to be. It just doesn't work. Give up on trying to be perfect. I'm not saying "become a bum" because that's NOT what you should do.

From now on, just do what you normally do without the -trying to be perfect- thing. Let them see that they HAD what you could have been & they screwed that up. They might appreciate your presence even more.

But like I said... if they weren't perfect as children then they might be jealous of who you are and they might react badly to that. It happens. Rarely, but it DOES happen.

So just don't pretend to be something... just back off & chillax.

& if you need to talk, I'm here.

DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. It's the easy way out. Don't do that because you'll miss out on everyone else that does appreciate you and respect you.

Talk to them about counseling. Explain that you don't want it and that your fine without it. Or go to counseling, sit there & not say a single word. Just sit there... unless of course counseling is something you need you just dont see that yet.
heh yea but if I do w/e it is I do
they'll see I'm a drug addict somthin they never wanted aa person they find sick
then they would over react and ****ing kill me or beat me down and send me outta the house.

Yea I don't neeed couselin cause I've been happy without it
and when i'm outta the house I'm alright
but it's just the fake outter me I have to be aorund my family.
and if I don't do that I better get rdy to be bitched at the whole day.
yea the only thing that makes me happy better than tryin to be happy.
but lately I've quit haven't trly touched it maybe only once a month or so..
but I was outta control the whole summer would be everyday
Back away from the drugs. That's the best thing for you. They may make you feel good, but all drugs do... are **** up your life.

Now when I said stop trying to be perfect... I didn't mean GIVE UP NO LIFE. That would be a wrong turn.

Everyone tries to be perfect at some point or another. Just remember that the Key To Failure is trying to please everyone around you at once. The Key To Success is to just be yourself no matter what.

Don't TRY to be perfect... just be you. & Please dont' continue using drugs. That's probably the worst thing you could do right now. In NO way are drugs a good thing for you. even if they do "ease" the pain for awhile... they dont rid the pain for good.
Yea I know thats why I cut down on doin that ****...
but I don't know
I just don't know what to do......
sometimes my mind just gets lost in so many thoughts
but I have backed away from the drugs and guess I'll try to be myself...
but Letsd see how they react...I think that will be gettin my head ripped off allday...
hhmm...only if you knew my parents they could hold on to probs for months and not even let it down for a mintue only time I get a break from'em is when they argue with eachother
or if I go out.
oh... so their that kind of people. Yea.... my sister is like that. If she isn't fighting with her significant other then she's fighting with me. I really wish I knew what to say to that.

Honestly, it's an ass bag thing to do, but ignite a flame so that they fight with each other more. That's really the only way to do it.
go for the consulling and get really pissed off maybe it will be good for u bc i woudl be like a release of anger. and i think ur parents sound like jackarses, they really sound gay....
dont kill urself over this bc in a way that would be lets ur parents completely beat u down and win. but with ur little drug problem i woldnt deal with it right now, place it on the backburner. deal with ur family stuff now bc there is only so much u can emotionally handle right now.
shaun, do u have any other family memeber or friends which u can stay with if u want to let off steam once in a while. bc i think that would be a good idea.
stupidsoul1 said:
The decisions are up to you really, but you have to realise that it is your life.
Lately my parents have been giving me **** too..
Don't try to be perfect, if they don't love you for who you are it isn't your fault.
I totally agree with that....and stop taking drugs
By_My-$elf said:
I guess I've been tryin so hard to be my parents perfect child
and no matter what I do It seems as if they don't care
or appreciate what I've done...and instead they just bitch.
And I guess I tried hard to be happy and Tried hard to show'em smiles everyday so theyd think nothin was wrong
but I'm gettin fed up with this boulshit...
Just cause I snapped on'em today
.....they got mad and told me
that if I wasn't goin to listen that I could just think bout ****
and that They said they'd send me out for councelin
Should I keep up this Boulshit thats slowly gettin to me
and slowly makin me just wanna kill my-self
or jusr get all this boulshit over with and just leave them the **** alone.???

My two options...
1) just kill myself now instead of bein all suicidal for a while..
2)just go and do some bopulshit and councelin rly pisses me off.

This is actually EXACTLY what I was dealing with when I was at home....They did put me in counseling...which didnt really help...alll it did was piss me off more...but then I got fed up and moved out of their house and in with my BFF and couldnt be happier.....So dont hurt yurdelf on their account...cuz its letting them win by getting under yur skin.....just do what it takes to make YOU happy....but dont hurt yurself
Shaun... you have proved repeatedly that you are stronger than you want to appear...You have put up with worse **** and in the last analysis if your parents are too dumb to understand what a gem you really are it's certainly NOT your fault... Don't give me that about killing yourself, not you!!!! You know you have great strength of character and I'm sure you won't crack. All you need is to get out of that house and find your peace of mind. Focus on yourself and your needs. Life is not as dull as you might think, not if you believe in your self and I know you can make it. And one more thing. The best decisions are taken when we have a clear mind. Drugs don't help...they can only destroy your body and blur your mind. Come on man I know and YOU know you can do it!!! Take care...
stop taking drugs.. nd dont pretend just be ur self..... trust ur self nd listen just be ur self is the key to success
Now, heres my advice. Not being an asshole just stating the truth.

Killing yourself does solve the problem at hand. So I mean if you really need to solve **** go ahead and take your life. I mean its a bitch move in the sense that you gotta go out like one but I mean whatever you die, in about 6 months people will forget about you. Thats life with a side order of fries and ketchup whatev.

Or what you could do is this. Just not give a ****. I mean who gives a **** if parents groud them? Get over it. Wow grounded for your life. Whoopdi****indoo. You dont have to smile. Tell the docs straight up, my parents piss me off becuase they dont show no love so I don't see why I should fake a smile. Simple as that. So they yell at you? Welcome to the club. 99% of the world has had parents or guardians that yell at them, some more than others. If you get beat. Fight back. What the hell are they going to do kill you? Your a man if you feel you can't win the fight 911 is a good tool. Dont go out like a bitch and show your some weak ass lover not fighter bitch becuase they dont win. They go on regreting and receiving the sad part of life.

That and if the worst thing that happens in your life is that your parents hardly showed you love, well then you lived a ****ing badass life. I mean ****. Your gunna crawl down in a corner and give up just becuase someone yells at you and doesnt cuddle and read you bedtime stories. Some parents are assholes I know that and kids do deserve love, but if they arent going to give it to you dont keep searching for it. Same time dont be disrespectful keep your classyness, just dont go out like a bitch is the main thing.
Forgot to post My problem was solved juss yesterday..
as azem said don't give a ****
I got fed up and snapped on'em now they leave me the **** alone.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Now, heres my advice. Not being an asshole just stating the truth.

Killing yourself does solve the problem at hand. So I mean if you really need to solve **** go ahead and take your life. I mean its a bitch move in the sense that you gotta go out like one but I mean whatever you die, in about 6 months people will forget about you. Thats life with a side order of fries and ketchup whatev.

Or what you could do is this. Just not give a ****. I mean who gives a **** if parents groud them? Get over it. Wow grounded for your life. Whoopdi****indoo. You dont have to smile. Tell the docs straight up, my parents piss me off becuase they dont show no love so I don't see why I should fake a smile. Simple as that. So they yell at you? Welcome to the club. 99% of the world has had parents or guardians that yell at them, some more than others. If you get beat. Fight back. What the hell are they going to do kill you? Your a man if you feel you can't win the fight 911 is a good tool. Dont go out like a bitch and show your some weak ass lover not fighter bitch becuase they dont win. They go on regreting and receiving the sad part of life.

That and if the worst thing that happens in your life is that your parents hardly showed you love, well then you lived a ****ing badass life. I mean ****. Your gunna crawl down in a corner and give up just becuase someone yells at you and doesnt cuddle and read you bedtime stories. Some parents are assholes I know that and kids do deserve love, but if they arent going to give it to you dont keep searching for it. Same time dont be disrespectful keep your classyness, just dont go out like a bitch is the main thing.

Ditto. I can't say anything more, you stole it! HAHA

.. Good to see the problem was solved though.

azemkamikaze03 said:
Now, heres my advice. Not being an asshole just stating the truth.

Killing yourself does solve the problem at hand. So I mean if you really need to solve **** go ahead and take your life. I mean its a bitch move in the sense that you gotta go out like one but I mean whatever you die, in about 6 months people will forget about you. Thats life with a side order of fries and ketchup whatev.

Or what you could do is this. Just not give a ****. I mean who gives a **** if parents groud them? Get over it. Wow grounded for your life. Whoopdi****indoo. You dont have to smile. Tell the docs straight up, my parents piss me off becuase they dont show no love so I don't see why I should fake a smile. Simple as that. So they yell at you? Welcome to the club. 99% of the world has had parents or guardians that yell at them, some more than others. If you get beat. Fight back. What the hell are they going to do kill you? Your a man if you feel you can't win the fight 911 is a good tool. Dont go out like a bitch and show your some weak ass lover not fighter bitch becuase they dont win. They go on regreting and receiving the sad part of life.

That and if the worst thing that happens in your life is that your parents hardly showed you love, well then you lived a ****ing badass life. I mean ****. Your gunna crawl down in a corner and give up just becuase someone yells at you and doesnt cuddle and read you bedtime stories. Some parents are assholes I know that and kids do deserve love, but if they arent going to give it to you dont keep searching for it. Same time dont be disrespectful keep your classyness, just dont go out like a bitch is the main thing.

I agree! well said :D