It's really depressing. They were showing on the tv that its now more than 40,000 ppl. And some really sad stories that there were children. In school. All of em' were dead and they had their heads on thir tables and stuff like that. Some were like was really horrible. They also showed that they rescued a boy, 15 year old who was trapped in the wreck for 27 hours. He was still alive. He said it was complete darkness in where he was and the stuff on top of him was getting closer all th time because of the weight. When he got rescued he said he didnt even have enough space to turn around. After all this he said that, of all things he was also afraid that the drill the rescuers were using might injure him or something. He described that as he was lying he heard the drill and he saw a point of light through the wreck. He cried for help and all and got recued. He told that he was at his friends place for a sleep over. Then another boy was recued too, he was rescued after 30 hours. But no such interview was taken from him.
I hope they find more ppl and thanks to the U.S.A, England, Japan,Canada, Saudia Arab,Turkey and all other nations(if i forgot any) for the aid and help they gave us.