Earth shattering announcement

builder said:
Rave elsewhere, ****tard. ;)

Builder, you petty, pitiful, penis evied little man. I thought you Aussies were made of sterner stuff.

Naturally your mod panel flaming only hurts the site, when my excellent contributions to the shoutbox are curtailed in acts of deep rooted jealousy stemming from the very bowels of your soul, it only harms the site and those that have come to enjoy my world class and iconic rhetoric.

Remember Builder, I am forgiving, I wont bear a grudge in the future, I am most empathetic to your plight my son.

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Are you a David Koresh wanna be? What is with all the JC talk?

Look buster, when is this big announcement going to happen? My popcorn is stale, my coke is flat, and my butt is numb. What is this big bomb shell?

Did you finally reach the end of your word-a-day book?

Perhaps you want to tell us you
ToriAllen said:
Are you a David Koresh wanna be? What is with all the JC talk?

I am the Messiah. A more gifted scholar would have grasped this simple concept from my previous posts, but if the bluntness of my message escaped you, then perhaps if I lent you my crown of thorns the pain would make you more alert?

ToriAllen said:
Look buster, when is this big announcement going to happen?

God made patience a virtue for a reason my lamb. Be virtuous and love others.

ToriAllen said:
My popcorn is stale, my coke is numb, and my butt is flat. What is this big bomb shell?

Fixed that one for you. Patience. Virtue. Love.

ToriAllen said:
Did you finally reach the end of your word-a-day book?

How could I possibly have time for reading when I have the grave obligation of spreading the gospel of this momentous occasion with all of you here? It is not easy being a prophet, trust me.

ToriAllen said:
Perhaps you want to tell us you
Although there is some manner of mind driving this mans incessant ramblings and occasional sign of intelligible thought outside his preferred role as homo-erectus-thesaurus, I must be the one to yet again point this poor boy’s never ending lust for attention which we have been all too ready to satisfy.

I propose that if we truly wish to make this chap a functional member who contributes and puts on display more than his impressively large…ego :)D), than we should no longer feed his need for a response until his posts start demonstrating his capacity for thought on relevant subject matter, not these linguistic meanderings.

Est-ce que tout monde est en agreement?
eisanbt said:
Although there is some manner of mind driving this mans incessant ramblings and occasional sign of intelligible thought outside his preferred role as homo-erectus-thesaurus, I must be the one to yet again point this poor boy
Is this bloke for real? I,ve been away for while i know but i didn't expect to come back and find the board populated by lunatics.
berniec said:
Is this bloke for real? I,ve been away for while i know but i didn't expect to come back and find the board populated by lunatics.
Deal with it. GF Pioneer!:confused:
Oh gee... I hope GOD doesn't appear again, En'ki (The official GF GOD of choice) may not approve...:rolleyes:

Thou art a borg to brawl hall meltdowns !!
de kannibaal said:
Builder, you petty, pitiful, penis evied little man. I thought you Aussies were made of sterner stuff.

Naturally your mod panel flaming only hurts the site, when my excellent contributions to the shoutbox are curtailed in acts of deep rooted jealousy stemming from the very bowels of your soul, it only harms the site and those that have come to enjoy my world class and iconic rhetoric.

Remember Builder, I am forgiving, I wont bear a grudge in the future, I am most empathetic to your plight my son.


You're a ****ing deluded dude. Too much MDMA.

Jesus was an Arab carpenter, back in the days of pit saws

He weren't no pissant loser dude that looks like your freckled skinny ****ing loser dude above.

This was Jesus. View attachment 1082

Now go **** yourself, you drug-****ed loser. :rolleyes:


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I know you are angry. I can't possibly fathom what has brought this anger on, is it your jealousy? Is it the fact that you are like an impotent man at the Mustand Ranch unless you have your panel to toy with?

Jesus was a lowly proletarian wanker who was a carpenter, whereas I would never pick up a filthy tool.

The Jesus metaphor is simply there so that common hoi polloi punters such as yourself can understand the magnitude of the announcement of which I intend to deliver.

Builder, I love you like a brother, don't push me away.
builder said:
Lay off the trips, animal.

Oh, is widdle Builder butt sore from a little harmless lampooning?

I thought you Aussies were known for your strong character and great senses of humour. Are you an abo perhaps? Samoan? English

berniec said:
What are you Zuki,a bikee,a biker,a bike rider or one of the lunies.
I think the latter.
Yea I ride. As far as a lunie, well probably to an extent. My riding style would make most people agree. See, I'm not a "straight liner" like some. I know you don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Do some research on "knee dragging" and you might understand. It's my life and I live it on the edge. Call me lunie, crazy, whatever. I don't give a ****:cool: