easier to run - another story from spike


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
in the shadows
hey guys!!!! this is kinda a work in progress, but i decided to put it up anyways....it's called easier to run, and it's about mike this time!!!! haha...you know you guys want a mike fic!!!!! well, basically mike's having issues with his dad, and yeah, this kinda chronicles them, sort of.....I DON'T KNOW...this is a crap summary so - on with the fanfic!!!!!!!!

Chapter One: Water

Mike lied in Chester's bathtub, feeling the warm water and frothy bubbles slip over him like a dream. He felt all the tension and anguish melt away as he closed his eyes and sunk to the bottom of the tub. He stayed under for a minute, hearing nothing except water in his ears. Then, slowly, he peeked his head up, his normally spiky hair becoming plastered to his forehead. He was here for the third Saturday in a row, escaping the hell that was his home. The thirteen year old hadn't thought leaving would be so easy, but every Saturday his father invited his friends from work over for a night of drinking and poker, leaving Mike to fend for himself. He was able to do this for a while, but there comes a point where lines are crossed and one must find somewhere to hide. The first two Saturdays, Mike had come over for a quiet place to sleep and a hot meal. This time, however, he was here to escape his dad's drunken beatings and insults. His arms and back were bruised, and he sported a shiner on his left eye. In addition, Mike had scraped both his knees when he tripped and collapsed on Chester's front porch in pure exhaustion. He was grateful for his friend's generosity. Without Chester and his other friends, Mark, Brad, Joe, Rob, and Dave, Mike would have nowhere to go.
There was a soft knock at the bathroom door that startled Mike out of his doze. "Mike? It's me, Chaz. You doin' all right? Need anything?" Chester asked, opening the door a crack. "No, I think I'll be okay," Mike replied sleepily. "Dinner will be on in a few minutes if you're hungry," Chester called back. Mike's mouth began to water at the thought. Chester was only fourteen, but he was an excellent cook. He could make plain Kraft Macaroni and Cheese taste home made. Mike didn't know how Chester was able to do it, and he didn't bother asking either. He felt like if he did, it would spoil the great feeling he got whenever he had dinner with the Benningtons.

i have to stop here....but tell me how it is so far!!!!
hey guys!!! here's the 2nd half of ch.1 and the whole of ch.2!!!!!

(from the 1st chapter)
There was something about that one meal that was special. Maybe it was because Saturday nights Chester was home alone; and when one is alone, they are free to let out their most secret passions and innermost thoughts. Or maybe he wanted to show off his skill to Mike; Mike was always showing Chester his artwork, and Chester could feel intimidated. Or maybe he just liked cooking. Whatever it was, Mike would leave that for Chester to know.
Mike had fallen asleep again, but was suddenly woken up by cold water being poured on his soaking wet head. "Mike! Wake up! Dinner's ready!" Chester sang. "God, Chester! Why'd you have to pour cold water on me! I'm freezing!" Mike snapped, shivering. He stood up behind the bathtub's sliding door. "Mind handing me a towel?" he asked. "'Course I mind! I don't wanna see anything I shouldn't have to, if you know what i mean," Chester replied sarcastically. Mike laughed as Chester slid a large orange towel through the space in the door that he had made. He unplugged the drain, watching the filthy water slide into nothingness. THen, he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathtub. Chester stared at him for a minute, then said, "You don't look too worse for the wear. You're actually pretty good compared to some guys I know," "Really?" Mike asked, feeling relieved that he wasn't alone in his painful situation. "Yeah," Chester said quietly, rubbing his right arm. "Come on, I'll give you a pair of pajamas to change in to,' he said brightly, changing the subject.

Chapter 2: Dinner
After Mike had changed into a pair of blue pajama pants and a t-shirt, he walked downstairs to the Bennington's small cozy kitchen. Chester was waiting for him at the kitchen table, where Mike found a plate of macaroni and cheese - his favorite. "I figured you'd want this," CHester said softly. "You didn't have to! I like whatever you make! You're a great cook!" Mike exclaimed. "Yeah, I know," Chester replied, smiling. The two boys laughed, the tension in the room suddenly releasing. THey sat down to eat, Mike taking in the cheesy aroma wafting from his plate. During dinner, CHester told Mike an amusing story about something that happened during his lunch period. The two boys attended Lane Middle School, which held 7th, 8th and 9th graders. Because CHester was in 9th grade and Mike was in 8th, their lunch periods were right after each others. "Then, Sean goes to sit down and WHAM! Falls right on his ass!" Chester exclaimed. "Great, huh?" Mike nodded, holding up his index finger as he swallowed his mouthful of macaroni and cheese. "That was pretty good! I can't believe Dowdell fell for that. Who thought up this ingenious plan again?" Mike asked. "Bobby Benish. He's the kid in my physics class, remember?" Chester replied. "Oh yeah, him. He's in Art 2 with me," Mike said. Even though their core classes were separated, Chester, Mike and their other friends saw each other 7th and 8th period during their electives periods. Mike, Bobby and Joe took Art 2; Rob took drumming; and CHester, Sean, Brad, Dave and Mark took guitar period 7. Somehow, all of them ended up in Study Hall 8; a decision that the administration immediately regretted. The nine of them were inseparable during that class. They sat in the back of the room at a long table; not necessarily doing homework, but talking, drawing, and in Mike's case lately, sleeping. He had been finding it harder and harder to get a good night's sleep ath his house. Mike's dad had a rule: Mike couldn't go to bed until he returned home at night. THere was a logical reason why - he didn't want the house getting robbed. But there was no telling when Mike's dad would get home. Sometimes he wouldn't get home until 2:30 am, when most bars closed and the after-hours crews trudged into diners everywhere. He would find Mike curled up under a blanket on the living room couch, trying to sleep while the tv glowed in front of him. Then, he'd roughly shake Mike awake; Mike sitting up drowsily. After, he'd lead Mike to his room and send him to bed. However, on those kind of nights, Mike would never fall asleep; for those were the nights his dad would go out drinking, and Mike would worry about what kind of problems he could have. Would his dad suffocate in his own bile? Would he have an accident? These thoughts kept Mike awake until his alarm clock rang at six-thirty, leaving him worn out the entire day. Fortunately, there was study hall. Behind the boy's table was a reading corner, where Chester would often practice his guitar. There were dozens fo pillows strewn along the floor, and a bay window with a window seat attached. Chester would sit Indian-style on the window seat, and Mike would lie below him, falling peacefully asleep to Chester's playing. He would be on his back, listening to the many chords Chester was playing, and his eyes would droop until they finally shut. Chaz's guitar had a relaxing effect on him; like a drug that would never hurt you. It helped him get the rest he never seemed to get from home. Chester never seemed to mind; an audience was an audience, sleeping or awake. He also made sure to whisper to Mike when class was almost over; a simple act that helped Mike feel appreciated and welcomed in his little world. Mike hated having to wake up, but seeing Chester's face over him made him happy. However, it was one of the few things that did.

r/r for more chappies!!!!
i'm glad you guys are liking my story!!!! here's chapter 3!!!!!

Chapter 3: The dream
After two hours of nonstop talking, Mike began feeling exhausted. He could barely concentrate on what Chester was rambling about, and he had to blink about a thousand times to keep from nodding off. Chester finally realized this when Mike accidently tipped his water glass onto the linoleum couldertop and it spilt across the table. "You're beat, aren't you," Chester noticed. Mike nodded wearily. "Come on bud; let's get to bed," he said reassuringly, offering Mike his hand. He took it gratefully, letting Chester help him up and put his left arm around him. Chester led Mike to his room and waited until Mike was settled in to leave and take a shower. Mike curled up in Chester's sleeping bag, listening to Chester sing as he took his shower. He had a soothing voice, the type of voice that when he sang, all the things you were thinking about melted into oblivion. Mike closed his eyes and drifted into a somewhat peaceful sleep.
*Mike's POV*:
I saw him there, bottle in hand, furious. "You worthless Jap!" Dad slurred. "I dunno why we even adopted you in the first place! You're nothing more than a fatass, shitfaced Jap!" "Don't say anything; he's drunk, he doesn't mean anything," I whispered to myself. "Don't you say anything about me behind my back, worthless Jap! You know....you know..." Dad staggered forward, hand outstretched. "Dad, please..." I cried. "NO!" Dad screamed. He thrust his fist at me, nailing me in the eye. I tripped and fell backwards, hitting my head on the wood floor. Dad kept coming toward me, so I jumped up and ran; ran as if my life depended on it. I was exhausted, bruised, and most of all terrified of my father. I could see him running after me in a drunken rage. I charged across the crosswalk. Five houses to Chester's, four, three....Too late. Dad caught up with me. He slapped my arms painfully hard; hit me with all his might. "Stop! Stop!!"

"Stop! Stop!" Mike yelled in his sleep. "No! Don't hit me! No..." In his mind, he was still in the nightmare, but in reality, he was in CHester's room asleep. CHester heard Mike and turned on the light. "Mike?" Chester yawned. "What is it?" Tears were flowing down Mike's cheeks, his choking sobs piercing the air. "Mike, wake up," Chester whispered gently. Mike opened his bleary eyes and covered them immediately. He felt ashamed crying in front of his best friend. Boys weren't meant to cry. But Chester didn't care. "Want me to sing something to you?" he asked, knowing it would help him relax. "I'd like that a lot," Mike replied wearily. Chester began to sing something Mike vaguely remembered. It was a song called "Drift Away" by Stone Temple Pilots, and the song put Mike to sleep in about five minutes. He didn't wake up until 9:30 that morning because the song relaxed him so much. When he woke up, he saw sunlight beaming through Chester's open windows, a cool breeze blowing through them. As he sat up, he saw Chester walking through the doorway. He was already changed into a button-down shirt, tie, and dress pants. "****," Mike thought to himself. "I've made them late for church," "Hey," CHester greeted him with a soft smile. "Are you guys late for church because of me?" Mike asked worriedly. "No, we don't leave until quarter of ten," CHester replied, flopping down on his unmade bed. He stared intently at Mike, taking in every inch of his worn-looking face, his thin body, his sad eyes. "Are you feeling all right?" Chester questioned. "You look really pale," "No, that's just the morning. Once I get moving I'll look better," Mike explained. Chester gave him a look of uncertainty. "I'll be FINE!" Mike exclaimed. "Chester! Mike! Come on; it's getting late!" Chester's mom cried. "Don't worry; I get ready quickly," Mike said reassuringly. "I'll be downstairs then," CHester said grinning.

well, you know what to do now!!!
hey guys!!!! here's chapter 4!!! i don't wanna give anything away, but mike sees anna in this chapter....

Chapter 4: Church
Ten minutes later, they arrived at the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. Mike liked this church, with its towering stained glass windows, thin arches, and gleaming spires. The three of them entered the church, were Mike was greeted by Pastor Jason and his daughters Samantha and Anna. "Good morning," Anna said with a shy smile. Anna was a tiny girl with flaming red hair and green eyes. That day, she was wearing a black velour shirt and a lace skirt, which made her look like a beautiful faerie. "Hi Anna," Mike said cheerfully, and when Pastor Jason wasn't looking, he added "You look really pretty today,". Anna blushed crimson. "Thanks," she replied. "You look nice too,". Then she looked at his face. "What happened to your eye?" she asked, looking at the shiner that was now a purpleish blue. Mike stared at Anna's shoes. "Got hit in the eye with a baseball," he said quietly. "Oh, I'm sorry," Anna replied. Mike felt a tap on his shoulder, making him jump. "Mike, come on! We have to go in!" Chester exclaimed impatiently. "I'll see you after," Mike said quickly. He turned around and followed Chester into the sanctuary. "You have a crush on one of the pastor's daughters, don't you!" Chester crowed. "Shut up!" Mike cried, giving Chester a playful punch in the arm. "Hey!!!" CHester whined.
Church seemed to drag on forever. The time passed by extremely slowly ; particularly because Mike and Chester were separated for church school. Chester was in the high school class, while Mike was stuck in Confirmation. Needless to say, Mike was extremely happy when his class was dismissed. He walked out of the church library and entered Fellowship Hall. He saw Chester at the juice table, talking with the pastor's other daughter Samantha. Samantha was taller than Anna by a few inches, and had billions of corkscrew curls in her brown hair. She was wearing a green button-down tshirt, short black skirt, and knee-high black boots. "Hey!" Chester called, seeing Mike approaching them. "Mike?" Sam inquired. "You looking for Anna?" "Um, if she's around," Mike said, his face turning a pale pink. "She's in the sanctuary waiting for choir to start," Sam replied. "Okay; thanks," Mike said brightly. "I'll tell my mom you forgot your jacket," Chester whispered. Mike gave him a thumbs-up as he ran out of the room.
He entered the sanctuary and saw her. Anna; an angel in her white choir robe. She was singing the end of a hymn, Mike didn't know which one, but she sounded pretty nonetheless. As he got closer, he heard her beautiful soprano voice cascading to the ceiling. "I once was lost...but now am found...was blind...but now I see...." she finished. Mike clapped, which startled Anna. "I...I didn't know anyone was here," Anna whispered, embarassed. "I'm sorry," "No, don't be. You sounded wonderful," Mike exclaimed. "Yeah, try walking on water; then you'll see how wonderful that was," Anna sighed. "Are you all right?" Mike asked, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine; just trying to get this right, that's all," Anna explained. She looked genuinely frustrated and worn out, and Mike understood that feeling all too well. "You wanna talk?" Mike suggested. Anna looked down at her charm bracelet watch. "Oh no!" she gasped. "Mike, I'm sorry, but I can't. I have choir and I'm already late!" She ran out of the room, her choir robe trailing behind her. "There goes my angel," Mike sighed.

r/r for more chappies!!!!
hey guys!!!! i got another chapter for ya!!!! this one's gets into what mike deals with at home, and you get to know a bit about mike's mom....so, here ya go!!!!

Chapter 5: Late Night Again
Mike returned home around 4pm, after having gone out to lunch with the Benningtons. He entered the living room to find his dad Steve, his girlfriend Lorene, and their friends Derek, Angel, Nick, and Laurita watching the Green Bay - San Francisco football game (for you European kids - this is American football, not European. we call that soccer). Cans of beer lay on the coffee table surrounded by empty boxes of chicken wings. "What the hell! That wasn't a fumble! He intercepted it! Steve, you saw that, right?" Nick exclaimed. "Yeah - Green Bay better challenge that! They can't afford to have that happen. Mike?" His dad suddenly noticed him in the doorway. "You're back," he said. "Real shocker, huh?" Mike sneered. "Don't treat your father that way," Lorene chided him. "You know your father loves you," "Yeah," Mike sighed. "Sorry Dad; I'm just a little tired," he apologized. "Go to your room, Mike. I don't want any smart mouthing out of you tonight, hear?" his dad ordered. "Yes sir," Mike replied obediently. However, his heart sank. He knew his dad would get drunk again, mess things up with Lorene, and then get twice as drunk; all while Mike would be lying in bed worrying about him. He tried not to think about it as he attempted to complete his homework. The tv was blaring beneath him, Steve's guy friends were screaming, and Mike couldn't concentrate. He flopped down on his bed and took out a photo album he kept on his bedside table. It used to belong to his mother, Karen; before she died three years ago of breast cancer. There had to be about a hundred pictures in that album, from all different occasions. He saw Karen and Steve on their wedding day, on their honeymoon, and on various vacations. However, there was one picture that held particular significance to him. On the last page, there was a picture of Karen, Steve, and Mike when Mike was being adopted in Osaka, Japan. Mike was only two when Karen found him at the children's home. He didn't remember anything about that day, but he remembered Karen saying he had the biggest smile on his face when he met her; and that Karen fell in love with him after seeing a picture he had drawn of a Japanese quai fish. A tear formed in Mike's eye, but he quickly brushed it away. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't.

Later that night, around one-thirty, Mike heard Nick, Angel, Derek and Laurita trudge out their front door and drive out their driveway. Mike was in bed, eyes shut yet not asleep. His mind was running in circles, and his ears were *****ed for sounds of his dad in trouble. He guessed Lorene was drunk too, so she wouldn't be a help. The house felt too quiet for his liking. "Is Dad passed out?" he thought. He sat up, dangling his cold feet over the floor. He walked out of his room, down the hall, and down the stairs; hoping his dad was all right. Mike crept into the living room and to his relief, saw his dad asleep on the couch. Lorene was tangled up beside him, also sleeping. "Yuck," Mike grimaced, making his way back to bed. Even though he knew his dad was sleeping, he himself couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Steve or Lorene could puke at any time, or worse, wake up. Mike shut his eyes again, begging his mind to let him sleep. Unfortunately, his mind won. He didn't sleep at all.

School that day was horrible. He couldn't concentrate in any of his classes, and his whole body hurt. Fortunately, there was study hall. Mike, Joe and Bobby entered room 701 and sat at the back table; the last ones in their group to do so. Brad took one look at Mike and began stifiling a laugh. "What?!" Mike exclaimed, irritated. "Your face," Phoenix laughed. "Yeah, that's original" Mike scoffed. "No, really. Your face has paint all over it," Rob said apprehensively.

i gotta stop here...i'll post the rest up soon!!!!!!
here's the second half of ch.5 for anyone who wants to read it!!!!

(continuing from where i stopped) "It does?" Mike asked. "Yeah," Bobby replied. "You nodded off a little and put your face in your palette," "Errgh," Mike sighed, exhausted. "I don't really care right now, man. I'm worn out beyond belief," He eyed CHester sitting in the reading corner with his guitar; Mike's savior. "I'm going to the reading corner. I have some reading to catch up on," Mike said. He took out his reading book, "Our Town", and headed off to the reading corner. He sat down below Chester, who was at his usual perch on the window seat. "Rough night again?" Chester asked. "No sleep," Mike yawned. "I can't keep my eyes open one more minute I'm so beat," "No worries; I'll wake you up when we need to go," Chester said. Mike closed his eyes as Chester continued his playing. A minute later, he was out cold. Chester opened Mike's book and placed it in Mike's limp hands to make it appear as if he was reading. Mrs. Harrison, their study hall teacher, could come around at any time searching for wrongdoers; and they were first on her bad list.

CHester's POV:
I'm really worried about Mike. I've never seen him this tired in ages; nor this depressed for that matter. He used to be happy. I remember meeting him on his first day of pre-school. He didn't know any English, so I was supposed to teach him. As it turned out, we became best friends, even with the language barrier. THat's why I worry. We're best friends, and always have been. I hate seeing him like this, 'cause he could get sick or something....

"Chester?" Mrs. Harrison said. Chester looked up from his guitar. "Yes m'am?" he replied shiftily, taking a glance at Mike. "Would you mind playing your guitar quieter?" she asked. "Sure, no problem," Chester replied quickly, hopping down from the window seat and sitting strategically in front of Mike. Mrs. Harrison looked at the pair of them suspiciously. "Has Mike been reading here this whole time?" she asked inquisitively. "Yup," Chester answered. "He could actually concentrate with all the racket you were making?" she asked. "Um, he's really good at tuning me out and reading," CHester said quickly. "How come he's got his book so close to his face?" Mrs. Harrison interrogated further. "Er, he forgot his glasses today and besides, he REALLY gets into his books," Chester replied, emitting a nervous laugh. Then, Mrs. Harrison snatched Mike's book out of his hands. "Reading, huh?" Mrs. Harrison sneered. She tapped Mike's shoulder. Mike opened his eyes and yelped. "Mrs. Harrison! This isn't what you think it looks like! I really was reading!" he stammered fearfully. He looked over at Chester. "Chester! You saw me, right? I was reading!" he exclaimed. Chester stayed quiet, a frown forming across his face. "Mr. Shinoda," Mrs. Harrison began, her syllables cold as ice. "You and Mr. Bennington are hereby banned from the reading corner. Furthermore, you will serve me one weeks' detention, starting today. In addition, you will sit at the table in front of my desk for one week, concurrent with your detentions. Is that clear?" "Yes m'am," Mike replied. He followed Mrs. Harrison to the front of the room where her desk was. As he sat down, he stole a look at Chester. Chester was shocked, torn, even a little upset. Mike gave him his worst look and turned around. He trusted CHester; but now that trust was broken.

r/r for more chappies!!!!!!