easier to run - another story from spike

hey!!! here's chapter 6!!!! i tried to get it here a few days ago, but it wouldn't work....
Chapter 6: Easier to Run
When the bell rang, the other students filed out of the room. Mike stayed in the room, waiting to complete his detention for the day. Mrs Harrison returned with a packet and a piece of paper. "Copy every word in this packet and fill your offense in the blanks," She instructed. Mike set to work, silently cursing Mrs. Harrison under hsi breath. After an hour, he was dismissed. He walked out of the room, and was immediately met by CHester. "Mike, I didn't mean for that to happen! I didn't tell her you were sleeping!" he explained. Miek began walking faster as Chester's pleas became more urgent. "She found out on her own! I was defending you!" he called. Mike started running, down the hall and down the stairs.l CHester tried to catch up, but Mike was too quick. Mike left the school and sped down the sidewalk as Chester screamed "BELIEVE ME!!!" at the top of his lungs.
Mike ran; past street signs, people, cars. He passed Chester's house, his own, Mark's, Rob's, Joe's and Brad's. He didn't know where he was going until he entered a park and saw Dave's apartment complex. By then, Mike's feet felt like they were on fire and his legs felt like Jell-o. His chest felt like lead from running so hard. He pushed himself to run across the field, knowing Dave's apartment was a few feet away. When he got to the steps of Dave's place, he stopped. After walking up the stairs, Mike range the doorbell and leaned against the railing on Dave's porch. Tears started falling down his face. HE felt horrible, like death warmed over. Dave opened the door and stared at Mike. "Mike, you look awful," he said. "Come in," He ushered Mike in, feeling his body shaking all over. "it's okay, you're gonna be okay," Dave whispered comfortingly. "Why don't you take a shower; you're drenched in sweat," he suggested. Mike looked at him wearily. "You can sleep downstairs after you've cleaned up. I'll give you an extra pair of my clothes to change into. THings will be okay, I promise," "Okay," Mike whispered hoarsely. He followed Dave to the bathroom, where Dave shut the door once he entered. He undressed, turned the shower on, and stepped in. The hot water pounded relentlessly on his sore body. NOthing wanted to move, making Mike feel weak and terrible. He managed to grab the soap and start scrubbing his body free of all the things bothering him. THe suds disappeared down the drain as he washed. Two minutes later he was finished. His skin felt raw, and it hurt as the cold air hit it. Mike stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around himself. He then noticed that Dave had put a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants on top of the toilet. Gratefully, he changed and walked downstairs to Dave's room. His room was medium size, but was large enough to hold a pull out couch where guests usually slept. However, he noticed that Dave hadn't pulled the couch out for him to sleep on. "My bed or the couch; your choice," Dave stated. "What do you mean?" Mike asked. "Where do you want to sleep? My bed or the couch?" Dave explained. "I don't care, as long as I can sleep," Mike replied. "Personally, I'd go for the bed," Dave suggested. "It's a lot comfier than the couch, because the couch has springs," "Where'll you sleep then?" Mike inquired. "I can deal with the couch. RElatives usually take over my bed when they come anyways," Dave answered. "Okay," MIke decided, his brain hurting from the decision-making. "I'll sleep on your bed," "Good choice," Dave replied. "I'll be doing my homework if you need anything,"
Mike crawled into Dave's ultra soft bed and was asleep before his head even hit Dave's pillow. Curled up under the blankets, Mike was safe. Nobody could bother him when he was asleep. HIs mind was finally empty, his body was relaxed, and tears weren't forming in his eyes. Meanwhile Dave was quietly doing his homework when the phone rang. "Dammit," Dave snapped. He glanced over at Mike, but he hadn't moved an inch. "Hello, Farrel residents," Dave said quietly. "Dave, it's Chaz. Is Mike with you?" Chester asked frantically. "Yeah, he's sleeping. What's up?" he inquired. "His dad called my house; he's really worried. He thinks Mike's run away," "Run away? Chester, tell me what's going on," Dave ordered. "Okay. Mike hadn't slept at all last night because his dad got wasted and Mike gets worried about his dad when he does that. Then today, Mike fell asleep in the reading corner and that bitch Harrison found out and got him in detention for a week. I think he thinks I got him in trouble because when he got out of detention, he wouldn't speak to me. He ran away from me, and obviously he ran to your house," Chester explained. "Oh man, so that's why Mike was drenched when he got here. He definitely was exhausted too. But what am I to tell his dad?" Dave exclaimed. "I dunno," CHester thought. "Maybe you should wait until Mike wakes up to tell him," He paused. " Please tell him I'm sorry. I would never, EVER, snitch on a friend like him; he's just too important to me," Chester pleaded. "You think his dad will call here?" Dave wondered aloud. "Most likely. He said he would," Chester replied. "I'll tell Mr. Shinoda what you told me then," Dave decided. "Good idea," CHester agreed. "How is Mike, if you don't mind me asking?" "Fast asleep. He didn't even hear the phone ring," Dave said. "Good, I'm glad he's getting some rest. Call me when he wakes up, okay?" Chester asked. "Sure," Dave answered. "Bye,"

r/r for more chappies!!!!!!
thank ya rae rae.....here's chapter 7 for everyone...i promise, this one's GOOD!!!!

Chapter 7: Telling
A long while later, Mike felt someone rubbing his right shoulder. It was sore, but the light pressure put on it felt good. He sighed happily as the rubbing continued. Then, he heard noises; someone calling his name. "Mike...Mike...wake up sleepyhead..." "Who is it?" Mike mumbled dreamily. "It's Anna, from church," the voice replied. "Really?" he asked. "Open your eyes and see, silly," Anna giggled. Mike turned onto his back and opened his eyes partway. There she was, a vision in a blue velour shirt and white sweatpants, on Dave's bed. "Does Dave know your down here? Or your dad?" Mike asked, shocked that the pastor's daughter was on a boy's bed. "Yeah, 'course I know; I invited them down!" Dave called. He was sitting on the couch with Sam, Chester and Brad playing video games. "Pastor Jason knows this is my room and a guest room, so he doesn't exactly mind," he explained. "Glad you woke up," Brad interjected. "We have to tell you something," The four of them got off the couch and sat on the bed around Mike; Anna huddling in very close to him. "Your dad's here," Sam stated. "Dave got a call from him while you were still asleep. He knows. We all do," Mike attempted to bury himself under the flannel blankets in shame, but Anna stopped him. "You don't need to be embarassed Mike. We wanna help; all of us," Anna whispered to him, slipping her mince bare feet underneath the covers. Mike felt them up against his skin, cold as ice. "Are you cold?" Mike asked. Anna nodded. "Got an idea!" Chester yelled. "Yeah, make Chester shut up before he blows out my ear drums," Brad whispered sarcastically. "No, listen! We can watch a movie in Dave's bed; girls on the end, guys in the middle! Nobody would be cold then!" Chester explained. "I kinda don't like the sound of that. Wouldn't the couch seem a little more...innocent?" Dave asked. "Hmm...you have a point. And the TV's already over there anyways. Okay, new plan. We all squeeze in on Dave's couch with a blanket over us," Chester exclaimed. The others nodded their heads in agreement. "I think the sheets are still on the pull-out part if that'll help," Dave added. "Nice!" Sam cried.
In about ten minutes, the six of them were on Dave's pull-out, underneath three flannel blankets. Anna was curled up between Mike and Brad, and Sam was squished between Dave and Chester. Dave sat between Brad and Sam, perfectly content. "Put on Beavis and Butthead Do America; that's a good one!" Chester suggested. "Not with girls here, you dope!" Brad scoffed. "Put on something they'd like!" "Er, how about Blue Collar Comedy Tour?" Dave asked. "Sure!" Sam exclaimed. "Okay, Blue Collar Comedy Tour, coming up!" Dave said. He pressed the DVD controller to Disk Two and pressed Play.
As the movie progressed, Mike found himself becoming more and more relaxed with the others. His eyes were partway closed most of the time, and he desperately wanted to lie down and sleep. Anna seemed to be feeding off of Mike's energy as well. She fit perfectly in the crook of Mike's arm as she lied down, and she too seemed exhausted. Her eyes closed as she leaned her head on Mike's shoulder. Mike began rubbing her back gently to keep her from waking up. However, his shoulder began to hurt painfully, so he whispered to Sam, "Could you move your sister on to my end? She's fast asleep," "Sure," Sam said. She got off the couch and walked over to Mike. She picked Anna up in her arms, ordered,"Move down a little," and placed Anna on the end next to Mike. Anna's head was now up against the armrest, the glow of the TV illuminating her face. "She looks so pretty," Mike thought to himself. "She's an angel if I ever saw one," Footsteps echoed down the stairs, and Anna and Sam's mother Lisa walked in. "How's everything going down here?" she asked. "Fine, Mrs. Petroski. We're just watching a movie," CHester replied. Lisa walked over to the couch and looked at Anna. "How long has she been asleep for?" she asked Mike. "A good ten minutes, I'd say," he answered. She smiled sadly. "She's had a lot on her plate lately, poor kid," Lisa commented. "Sounds like you have too, from what I've heard. Why don't we take Anna upstairs and we can talk," "If you want to," Mike said apprehensively. "It's up to you," Lisa responded. "Okay, I'll do it," Mike said.
Lisa held Anna in her arms as she and Mike walked upstairs. "So, you seem to like Anna a little," she started. Mike nodded, wary of what she might say. "She likes you a fair bit. THat's why she wanted me to talk to you. When Dave told you guys, well, about you, she didn't know how to take it. And frankly, I don't either. Jason and I talked to your dad about AA meetings at the church, and he agreed to them, but then there's you..." "What's wrong with me?" Mike asked suspiciously. "Maybe I rephrased that wrong," she thought aloud. "I deal with this sort of thing all the time with Anna. She has trouble understanding things sometimes, but that's besides the point. The point is, Pastor Jason and I want to help you get rid of the anxiety you have and get you on better terms with your dad," "Anxiety? I don't have anxiety Mrs. Petroski; I just can't sleep at night sometimes," Mike assured her. They sat down on the couch in the Farrel's living room. "Well, how come you can't sleep at night then?" Lisa asked quizzically. Mike stared at her. He wanted to keep up this false front; he could deal with this. "Is it because you're scared of the dark?" she asked. Mike gritted his teeth. But he saw the damage this lie did to him. "Are you anxious about school?" she questioned further. A piece of shim started to shatter slowly. Tears began welling up in his eyes. "Is it because of your dad?" Bam. The clincher. "Yes," Mike hissed, shedding a tear. "I worry about him every time he gets drunk and I can't sleep and I worry and my mind won't shut up and I'm a complete wreck," He buried his face in his hands as he started to sob. "I can't find a place at home where I can rest because I always worry and I go to my friends' houses every Saturday because my dad plays poker with his friends and drinks and Saturday he hit me," Mike rambled, sobbing. "I want to sleep, I'm overtired," he whispered. "It's okay honey," Lisa whispered, pulling Mike into a close hug. "You stay with Anna and sleep, okay?" Mike nodded. He curled up on the other side of the couch, away from Anna, and slowly fell asleep. A few minutes later, he felt Mrs. Petroskin put a blanket over him and Anna and give the two of them a kiss on the forehead. He slept easier that night, knowing things would get better.

r/r for more chappies!!!!!!
okay guys!!! since chapter 8 is pretty short, i'm gonna put up not one, but TWO chapters for ya!!!!!! so, here we go!!!!

Chapter 8: Me and You time
When Mike woke up, he was in his own bed at his house. "Was this all a dream?" he asked himself. "Is it Saturday morning?" He sat up in bed. It wasn't a dream. It was Tuesday, somewhere around noon, and Mike was still wearing Dave's long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. "Oh god," he moaned. "I'm late for school; really late!" He jumped out of bed, changed his clothes, and ran downstairs. As he was about to leave, he saw Lorene at the door. "Hold it right there, Mike!" she said mischeviously, attempting to make Mike laugh "You're not going in to school today. Your dad already called you in sick," "But I..." Mike stammered. "I know you're not REALLY sick; you're just overtired. You need a break, kiddo, especially after all this stuff you've been through with your dad," Lorene interrupted. She looked at Mike and smiled. "You know what you need?" she asked. "What?" Mike said worriedly. "A haircut. Your hair's getting long, especially around your ears," Lorene replied, smiling. "I could do some great stuff with it. Ever gotten your hair dyed?" Mike shook his head. "Good thing you've got me then. Hair dying is my specialty. I figure red highlights would look good on you. What do you think?" she said. "I guess; not too much though," Mike replied, grinning. "I'll just do the tips then, kiddo. That all right?" Lorene asked. "That's fine," Mike answered. He had never seen this side of Lorene before. When she was with his dad, she seemed quite annoyed by him, like he was a splinter in her thumb she couldn't pull out. Now she was acting like one of his best friends. It felt weird, yet sort of nice in a way. It felt like Karen was there all over again.
"Put your head under the sink, and watch out for the faucet," Lorene instructed. Mike did as he was told, and felt warm water pouring over his head. He heard Lorene uncap the shampoo and pour some in her hand. She then leaned over Mike and began scrubbing his head. "Something doesn't feel right," he thought. It felt like Lorene's chest was way too close to his back. "She's shorter than me, so she has to lean over," he reasoned. However, things felt worse when his hair was getting rinsed. The way Lorene's hips were moving pushed Mike's waist into the countertop. "Lorene? What are you doing?" Mike asked. "Just rinsing your hair, kiddo. Why are you so paranoid? You know I love you," Lorene giggled. She turned the water off, dried her hands, and put them around Mike's waist. This, to Mike, didn't feel right at all. Mike slid his head out from under the sink, and wrenched Lorene's hands off of him. "Hey!" Lorene yelped as Mike ran for the door. "Where are you going? I still haven't done your hair!" she called. "I'll get it done at the barbers'! I'm going now!" He pushed open the screen door and bolted down the street.

Chapter 9: Haircut
Twenty minutes later, Mike found himself wandering the LA business district, searching for a place he remembered vaguely in his mind. There was a barbershop he used to go to before Karen died. He didn't remember the name, but he remembered his barber Geno very well. He searched up and down the streets for a barber shop until he finally saw one. It was in an old brownstone with a bay window. Inside there were happy customers chatting, searching for hair products, and of course, getting a hair cut. Mike walked inside shyly, wishing he could be as happy as these other people. He walked up to the register, where he saw a kindly old man with a paunchy stomach. He had grey hair, and slate grey eyes to match. "Do you have a barber named Geno here?" Mike asked. The old man looked at him intently, then puzzled. "You look very familiar sir. Are you Mike Shinoda?" he asked. "Yes sir," Mike replied. "Mike, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Geno," Geno said kindly. Mike stared at him, and gasped. "It IS you! I haven't seen you since...well..." "Yeah, I know, your mom passed. What's it been now, about three years?" Geno replied. Mike nodded sadly. "Hey, cheer up now," Geno said. "I miss your mom too. She was such a kind soul," He looked into Mike's eyes and saw nothing but depression in them. The luster that used to be there had faded, and all that was left was fog. "You look like you need a haircut. Come on, there's a chair open in the back," he added. Mike followed Geno to the back and sat down in the open chair. Geno wrapped a towel around Mike's neck, and tipped his chair back so his head rested in the sink. He turned the warm water on and wet Mike's hair again. "So, how's life been treating you?" Geno asked, hoping to strike up a conversation. "Meh," Mike articulated. "I've been tired a lot lately," "School, huh? What grade are you in now?" Geno replied. "Eighth," Mike answered. "Oh man, you've gotten old! You're even starting to show some grey hair! Just kidding," Geno exclaimed. Mike laughed in spite of himself. "THere's the Mike I know," Geno whispered to himself. "So, you want your usual? Long enough to spike; short enough to not annoy your parents?" he asked. "Sure; haven't gotten that in a while," Mike answered.
Geno took out a pair of scissors and began clipping the back of Mike's hair. As he did, he hummed a tune that Mike remembered clearly. "My mom...she used to hum that, didn't she?" he asked. "Yup, it's 'Ironic' by Alanis Morrisette. Your mom loved her," Geno mumbled. THe rest of the time, the pair were quiet, soaking in the activity bustling all around them. Finally, Geno put away his scissors. "Mike, you're done," Geno stated. Mike was quetly spacing out in his chair. "Mike...you there?" he asked. "Oh, sorry. Here's the money I owe you," Mike replied embarassedly. He handed over a ten, but Geno put it back in his clammy hand. "It's on the house," he said, looking into Mike's sad eyes. "You take care of yourself now," Mike nodded and walked out of the barbers.
Mike walked home slowly, feeling the cool late fall breeze whip through his hair and numbing his body. He was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and he wished he'd worn more. He wrapped his arms around his waist as he walked past stores and restaurants. While he was returning home, he thought about his mom. She would hate to see him so broken, especially over her. Karen was selfless, Karen was strong; everything Mike wasn't. He hated himself for this; hated himself for even living. He felt tears in his eyes, but he swiped them away quickly. Suddenly, he was furious. He charged off down the street, disregarding everything and everyone around him. He felt like he did when he was running to Dave's. Soon he was in his neighborhood, speeding past Dave's house, then Brad's. Suddenly, he tripped; hitting the sidewalk hard and skidding a few feet. He yowled and began to sob. Nothing mattered anymore; his parents were drunk sickos, his first mom was dead, and who knows where his real parents were. His friends couldn't help him, even if they tried. He was exhausted, sick of life. "Mike? Oh my god; somebody help Mike!" Anna was screaming. Footsteps scrambled after Anna's calls. Soon Chester, Brad, Joe, Rob, Dave, Mark, Samantha, and Mr. Shinoda were standing around him. Endless questions were fielded at him:
"Are you okay?"
"Are you bleeding?"
"What are you doing here!"
In an instant, Mike finally snapped. "SHUT UP! LEAVE ME ALONE; I WANT TO DIE! I WANT TO DIE AND BE WITH MY MOM! I WANT MY MOM!" he screamed. Mike's dad picked him up off the ground and hugged him close. "I miss my mom so bad; I love my mom, I wish she never left," Mike moaned hoarsely. "I miss her too, buddy, I miss her too," Steve whispered. "Why'd she leave! Why'd she have to go and leave us! I want her back!" he wailed. "Mike, listen. We're gonna get some help, okay? We're gonna go to the hospital, get your forehead stitched up, and then find someone for you to talk to, okay?" Steve said reassuringly, rubbing Mike's back as he sobbed. CHester and Anna were crying then as well, hugging each other as hard as they could. Nothing was right in their worlds, and they all knew it.

r/r for more chappies!!!!!!
ewwww... was that chick coming onto him, thats freaking discusting, hey, they dont' have a grossed out smilie, thats crap jk good chappies!! :)
hey guys!!!! glad everyone likes the story....here's the next chapter!!!!

Chapter 10: Healing
It had been one year since the fateful day Mike broke down. He was in 9th grade; however, he wasn't attending Lane anymore. He was having school at the hospital, which he went to on the weekdays for tutoring and therapy. The afternoons and weekends, however, were fun. He spent more time with his dad than he did since his mom passed. Steve had broken up with Lorene and had since found a new, kinder girlfriend; Leslie. Mike liked her a lot, because she reminded him of Karen. She often watched movies with the two of them, letting Mike lie on her lap and caressing his hair. She understood everything Mike had been through, and often came to Mike's counseling sessions for support. Steve had gone through AA, and was now truly sober. This made Mike very happy, knowing he could rest easily at home. His friends were still there for him, which was a huge plus. At the beginning, when Mike was at the hospital full time, Chester and Anna would visit him every afternoon, while the others saw him on the weekends. Then, when Mike was discharged as an outpatient, they all threw a "Welcome Home" party for him at Dave's. THings seemed to be turning around for Mike; however, he still had a long way to go before he was truly healed. At times, his anxiety would act up, leaving him sleepless for a few hours. In addition, he still had trouble with expressing how he felt and bottling thinkgs inside. THis affected him mostly in his group therapy sessions. His group, who called themselves G.A.S.H (Grieving and Slowly Healing) was made of teens who were severely traumatized by a loved one's death. There was Kacie, a girl who lost her twin sister Alyx to leukemia; Robbie, a boy who saw his parents die in the Madrid train bombings while on vacation; Leslie, whose brother Ray committed suicide; and Tina, who witnessed her dad's death as his condo was lit into flames as a hate crime. Out of all of them, Mike was the only one deemed suicidal. They all knew what each other was, of course. Each patient in the mental wellness clinic had to carry an ID card which had their name, picture, PIN, and the letter of their illness. Robbie and Leslie had A's, which stood for Alcoholics, whereas Tina had an N for Narcotics. Kacie had a C for Clinically Depressed, and Mike had the dreaded S. He tried hiding it, of course. When Chester first saw the card during his earlier visits, Mike explained that the S stood for what team he was on in tutoring. "See, on the S team, we have English first, Science second, Math third, and Social studies last. The B team has Math first, English second, Social studies third, and Science last. It's like school, only we have four classes instead of eight," He hated the fact that when people looked at his card, they'd shuffle away from him. Or, when he was in tutoring with the other S's, they'd think he still wanted to end his life and give him tips on how to do it. As a result, Mike isolated himself as much as he was allowed. He sat alone at lunch, and kept one table to himself away from his classmates. This eventually concerned some of Mike's therapists, who then brought it up to his counselor, Dr. Silvia; who brought the issue up with Mike one Wednesday before GASH.

i'm gonna stop here b/c this chapter is long...
Okay I know u haven't updated in a month or so, but its really getting good. If you see this I would like to see you story continued or even finshed.
hey guys!!! i know i haven't updated in a month, i was waiting to hear from you re: the story!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, for your entertainment - the second half of CHAPTER 10!!!!

"Mike," she started. "I need to ask you something," "Sure, what is it?" Mike asked. "Well, a lot of your teachers here have noticed that you're...well....antisocial. I'm just wondering why that is. I don't see that with you when you're with me; I mean, you tell me so much about your friends outside the hospital, and I wonder why you aren't making friends here," This punched a nerve inside of Mike. "People hate me for who I am," he murmured angrily. "What; you mean they hate you for being Asian? For being adopted? What do they hate you for?" Dr. Silvia questioned. "For being suicidal," Mike snarled. "Mike, I understand..." Dr. Silvia started, but Mike interrupted. "NO! You don't have a chance in HELL of understanding what I go through! Every day people look at my card, and then treat me like I'm GARBAGE! And if they don't treat me like that, they tell me how I should go about ending my life! Yeah, great way to treat someone who's trying to keep himself from snapping and hurting himself again!" he raged. Dr. Silvia put a hand on Mike's knee, and Mike flinched impulsively. "Mike, do you want to know why I'm working here?" she asked calmly. Mike sighed. "I guess," he said.
"I'm here for almost the exact same reason you are. My father had cancer; he passed when I was fourteen. My mother had died after giving birth to me, so I was left to a foster parent. THere were about five other kids there, and being the oldest I had to take care of them. It was a lot for me to handle, and eventually I got into a bad crowd at my school. I was getting high, drunk, you name it until one day I o.d'ed on some Codeine and passed out. I ended up staying here until I was eighteen. They made me their first combo patient; ANS. People stared at me, and wondered how I got so messed up. I was always alone; and I'm sure you know how that feels. THen, in the middle of senior year, I had to do a community project for graduation. I went to a childrens' home to read and be with the kids for a few hours. Turns out a lot of the kids there were like me; many of them had lost parents to illnesses, and you'd look in their eyes and feel nothing but empathy for them. THat's how I knew this, what I do, was for me. I see these kids and I can understand them in a way others can't, because I've been there,"
Mike stared at her, fighting the urge not to cry. Here was someone that knew what he'd been through, and he was pushing her away and being stubborn. His mother wouldn't have been like that. Karen was gracious, and even if she didn't need help, she always declined politely. "Mike....what's up? You're crying," Dr. Silvia brought Miek back to attention. He felt tears falling down his face, and he immediately felt ashamed. He hid his head in his hands and began curling up into a tiny ball in his chair. His body trembled as he began to sob uncontrollably, feeling the thoughts of self-worthlessness flooding his mind. "Kenji-san, cheer up. Look at me for a sec, okay bud?" Dr. Silvia coaxed. Mike peeked his head out of his little hole, letting his almond eyes gaze over his knees. "How did you..." he whispered. "Your dad told me your mother called you that a lot. He said it comforted you when you were upset. Is it okay that I do that?" she explained. Mike nodded sadly, remembering his mother holding him close the times earthquakes came and he was afraid. "You're remembering things about Karen, aren't you. Are they the good thoughts, or the other ones?" Dr. Silvia asked. "The other ones," Mike stated, his lower lip trembling. "Come here, Kenji-san. I want to show you something," Dr. Silvia said comfortingly. Mike uncurled himself from his position and crept over to Dr. Silvia's desk. "Is it okay if I touch you? It's not going to hurt, I promise," she asked. Mike shook his head; he didn't trust other adults touching him after what he had been through with his dad and girlfriend. "Okay, then take your right hand, and do exactly what I do and say exactly what I say," Dr. Silvia instructed. She placed her right hand on her forehead and said "I completely," "I completely," MIke repeated. "And totally," Dr. Silvia continued, moving her hand to the corner of her eye. "And totally," Mike responded. "Love myself," she said, placing her fingertips on her upper lip. "Love myself," Mike replied. THe exercise continued; their right hands moving to the lower lip, sholder, underarm, chest bone and back again, all whilst they repeated their mantra, "I completely and totally love myself and respect myself for all that I do and for all my abilities, because there is nobody else like me, and I can't be anyone else because I completely and totally love myself," After a few minutes, they ended the exercise. "How do you feel now, Mike? Any better?" Dr. Silvia asked. "I dunno; better, I guess," Mike replied. "Good job today, buddy. I can see that you're beginning to heal all those wounds inside of you, and that's great. Who knows, maybe next year you can attend Liberty High with Chester and your other friends," she commented. "Thank you," Mike said politely. THen he did something he hadn't done in over a year; he smiled a big, genuine smile, which made his eyes sparkle like black diamonds.

there ya go!!!! i've got the story all written out, and i'm working on a new one to entertain you guys with
hey guys!!!! thanks for being so patient in regards w/the story....so, for your patience...HERE'S CHAPTER 11!!!!!

Chapter 11: Crossovers
A few months later, in March, Mike had done it. He had finished therapy at the hospital, and was ready to come back to school at Lane. Lucky for him, he had done enough tutoring at the hospital to keep him caught up with his class. Mike couldn't wait to go to classes with Dave and the others again, even if it would be for half a day during March. The school system and the hospital wanted to slowly integrate Mike back into the school environment, so he would leave school every day after Grade 9 lunch for that next month. The first day he came back, he was greeted by a humongous dogpile from all his friends in the courtyard. "We're so glad you're back! It's been really lonely without you here," Anna cried, hugging Mike around the waist. "I've missed you guys too! You wouldn't BELIEVE how bad it sucked not having you guys in class with me!" Mike exclaimed, hugging Anna back. "So were you in, you know, the psycho ward?" Joe asked. Brad smacked him upside the head, scolding "You dumbass! THat's really inconsiderate!" "Sorry if I just wanted to know!" Joe hissed. "Yo, you guys, chill," Mike said calmly. "It's okay if you want to know. Yes, Joe, I was in the psycho ward; I thought you guys knew that by now," "All we knew was that you were in the hospital," he commented. THe others nodded in agreement. "Hmm, guess nobody told you then," Mike shrugged. "Whatever; that's all behind me now. What's been going on here?" "We're starting to get ready for Crossovers in May," Dave replied. "It's that dance Chester went to last year with Sean and Bobby; the 9th and 10th grade one," Brad added, seeing Mike's look of confusion. "It'll be cool having all of us together again," Mike thought aloud. "When is it?" "May 7th, the Friday before finals start," Mark said. "Cool!" Mike replied, his eyes lighting up. The bell rang, and the eight of them walked inside together, laughing and joking around. THeir group was finally back together, and nothing would tear them apart.
Mike began settling into the normal routine of going to school, being in eight classes, and going home with his friends as time progressed. It was April now, and a month before the Crossover dance at Liberty High school. All the ninth graders were excited about it, and it became clear to Mike that he needed to find someone to go to the dance with. This fairly touchy subject came up two weeks before the dance as Mike walked with Dave to his house. "So...Mike...thought of anyone to go to the dance with?" Dave asked. "No, I haven't thought about it yet. Why?" Mike replied. "Dude! You've got to get a move on or everyone'll be taken!" Dave exclaimed. "Well, who are you taking then?" Mike asked, hoping he caught him off guard. "I've got Lindsey Brighams as my date. She's that blonde haired girl in our math class by the way," Dave announced. "Dammit," Mike thought. "He's already got a date, and I don't!!!" "Hey, do you know if Anna has a date yet?" Mike asked inquisitively. "Er, I'm not sure. I don't think she does. Why don't you ask?" Dave suggested. "Me? Ask her? Why can't you?" Mike cried, turning a pale pink. "Ohh, does Mikey have a widdle cwush on Anna?!?!?!?!?" "Don't even start..." Mike warned, grinning evily. "Or what?" Dave asked, eyes glinting with sheer delight. He knew what Mike was going to do. Mike would chase after him all the way to his house, and then tackle him in the field. Dave was determined to outrun him and give Mike a taste of his own medicine. "Or I'll do THIS!" Mike exclaimed, hugging Dave around the stomach until he got him down in his front yard. THe two of them wrestled each other for a long while, until finally they both stopped. THey sprawled out on the lawn, watching the late afternoon sun begin to set. "I think you should ask her man,' Dave said tiredly. "You know, I think I will," Mike decided. "She deserves something for staying my friend for so long,"

r/r for new chappies!!!!!