Eating Disorders

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FOOD FOOD FOOOOOOODDDDDDDD....Cut the crap and get me something to EAT!!!!!!! :p

The cure to eating disorders is being the one to prepare it and clean up afterwards.

I went on a fast in 82 and ate only one medium pizza a week and nothing else for six weeks. I lost 65 pounds and saved a bundle on TP which I invested in beer. I did not limit my intake of German beer. Went from a 36 inch waist to a 32 inch waist. I also lost my 35 year old wife and gained a 19 year old girlfriend that admired my new wardrobe, flat stomach and hunger for her protein.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
If it moves, shoot it. If it don' it!

I just finished eating *****, it moved around alot.(More like GYRATED)

After I finished eating it, I shot it with a white bullet of love mud.

So there are exceptions to that rule, and ITS LOW IN CARBS TOO !!
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