Education systems these days piss me off

Komrade Vostok Hazard

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
I can't believe how bad our public education has reduced. I swear people who say nothing is learned other than how to gossip and smoke dope are dead on.

Memories from three + years ago

One of my classes involved politics and current events. Given that these are hot topics, **** is bound to hit the fan. But, not only **** hit the fan, the debates would venture more off and off topic into some pissing contest about a complete non-issue (use your imagination), or would degress into a typical verbal spat about how everyone is either a nazi or a hippy. So much learned here.

And then there are the teachers who ramble non-stop in a monotonous manner until everyone is put to sleep, or some nerdish smart-ass says something that shows motor-mouth up, and then a pointless verbal spat becomes under way. Moral of story: If you're going to teach, know your **** (having textbooks made a little bit more recently than 1975 helps), and at least be able to talk in a way that keeps people INTERESTED.

In elementary school my PARENTS had to teach me algebra. Here's a hint: THAT IS NOT MY PARENT'S JOB.

The Dicipline tactics were terrible as well. The principal would suspend people non-stop. How are students supposed to learn when they get sent home to go play videogames and watch TV all day. Elementary was even worse. Unruly children (who committed heinous crimes such as running up the side of a hill) would be stuck in little storage rooms (a little bit smaller than most people's bathrooms) for the ENTIRE day and will get forgotten until the day ended. Yep, they're really learning a lot while alone in some little room.

The problem isn't just here. Check out This site here. This site is from New Zealand. Yea sure most of it is kids bitching about not being allowed to run around in the buff, but there are some VERY intelligent points.

A possible solution: Not everyone is academically gifted, and not everyone is going to be a doctor or a lawyer, and keeping them back will probably just lock them in their place for an extended period of time that isn't necessary. But on the other hand, the last thing we need is an entire generation of window wipers. So here's an idea:

Typical schooling up to grade 9. The academically gifted move onto HS then some high end university. The less academically inclined move onto a technical college and get some hands-on work training.

And also: LAY OFF THE SPORTS CRAP. If people want to play a game, let them play on their own time. No one wants to spend tax money just for a bunch of jocks to chase a ball. If schools had some videogame club, every tax payer and their dog would be crying blue murder. And not to mention the way athletes get glamorized in public schools leads to severe problems. They get away with EVERYTHING, and I'm sure we've all heard of some athlete becoming unmovated and being convinced they they will be some big superstar, only to end up Bagging groceries or cleaning shitters. This is all something we hardly need.

Remember people. This is your tax dollar at work
Well now I guess you have never heard of vocational schools. In my county you can choose to go the high tech HS the HS of scisnce an d medicine, resturaunt managemant, auto mechanics, general carpetry, veterinary sciences, performing arts ect ect ect. Sure it wan't all there 15 years ago for me, but damned if they have not fixed aload of problems since. I may be wrong, but I believe Brittain has specialized college and university no?
but without money, how can you goto those specialized school? also, their reputation, which is everything in this society (harvard grads are the best right? eh...), it takes money to make money, even though you have a smart head.

Also, if there wasn't video games that kids want, parents buy them, we probably wouldn't need so much sports programs at schools.
They are part of the public school system. County vocational schools. They are designed for kids that are either not going to go to college or are going into a specialized field or major. The HighTech HS is the smartest of the smart and hard as hell to get into
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I can't believe how bad our public education has reduced. This is your tax dollar at work
Dude, I find your distaste for the current public education system refreshing, and please allow me to extend my deepest sympathies to you. Obviously you have been victimized by an unfeeling and unjust educational system. One does not have to read terribly deep into your person to come to the conclusion that your teachers were not at all concerned with providing you with a quality education. You could really be a mouthpiece for the movement to get more funding alotted to the school system and also to get more interesting and colorful teachers to replace those drab old tyrants who expect you to do your own learning without any "multi-media assisted dog and pony shows to maintain the attention of the classroom". All you have to do is go down town to the city council......hell this is bigger than that! Go to the nations capitol and request(hell, demand) that you be refunded every bit of the money that you spent on your free education and if they try to tell you that you did in fact receive a quality education then all you have to do is plead your case and it will not take long for them to see that you have in-deed been robbed of your God given right to be forcefed knowledge without any expended energy on your own part. ;)
I am not sure if this is a case of teachers not doing their job, or of a punk nose kid that is just intent on making sure the world is "out to get him". A teacher can only do So much with a kid who simply does not care to learn a damn thing.
tizz said:
I am not sure if this is a case of teachers not doing their job, or of a punk nose kid that is just intent on making sure the world is "out to get him". A teacher can only do So much with a kid who simply does not care to learn a damn thing.
Um, Yeah, thats a tough one.........hard to tell....... :rolleyes:
Well the problem I have with the education system is this: With the exception of a few my mathematical classes, I can't remember the last time I was actually EDUCATED on anything. In more cases than not, I know more about the subject at hand than the person teaching it. How is reading "Of Mice and Men" for the upteenth time supposed to teach anyone anything? And the world studies classes are the worst:

"Ok boys and girls, for our Middle Eastern unit we will start by watching Disney's fabulous factual rendition of Alladin, and then talk about 9/11 until we all start bleeding from the ears."

As far as the discipline/respect issue goes, If my teachers had even the SLIGHTEST clue of the topic they were hired to teach, then they would have my respect. However, until they prove to me that they possess some information about their chosen career, then they will receive no respect from me.

Here's an example I can remember. When I was in 11th grade, these are 16-17 year olds mind you, we were given an assignment to research, and make a presentation, ON SESAME STREET. Now, how assinine is that? Part of the presentation was how sesame street has affected us. Now, surely, I thought, this had to be a joke. I mean, who in their right mind would assign something like this to anyone, let alone a group of students who would be leaving for college in a little over a years time. So I decided to screw around with it a bit, talking about how this show led me down a path in life filled with drug abuse, ritual animal-abuse cults, and crime. Now anyone could clearly see this was a joke, but the bitch in charge of the class had the nerve to 1. Inform the higher up school board officials about it. 2. Try to get me to attend rehab (for what might I ask? "Hello, my name is Phil, I don't like Sesame street."? I don't think so...) 3. and then, the bitch has the nerve to start making references to Columbine and other crimes. Needless to say, I was shocked, appalled and dumbfounded. Unfortunately, theres too many complete morons like this in charge of our youth's education. Punishing one for their creativity and sense of humor certainly seems like a great way to teach our children, no?
OMG I would have KILLED for teh oprotunity to study the socail and educational values of seseme street and it's effect on society. I mean how they dealt with Mr. Hoopers death alone was monumental (first children's show EVER to broach the subject) If you did not take advatage of that oprotunity then you my friend are a moron. That has to one of the most creative ways I have EVER heard of a teacher to get kids to examine themselves and realize how our early childhood effects the rest of our lives (and teh world because of it) Damn I'll do THAT paper for ya next time

You DO realize that MOST political history/science majors will study the political satire of Dr Suess (I have heard of TWO PHD studies on it)
tizz said:
OMG I would have KILLED for teh oprotunity to study the socail and educational values of seseme street and it's effect on society. I mean how they dealt with Mr. Hoopers death alone was monumental (first children's show EVER to broach the subject) If you did not take advatage of that oprotunity then you my friend are a moron. That has to one of the most creative ways I have EVER heard of a teacher to get kids to examine themselves and realize how our early childhood effects the rest of our lives (and teh world because of it) Damn I'll do THAT paper for ya next time

You DO realize that MOST political history/science majors will study the political satire of Dr Suess (I have heard of TWO PHD studies on it)

Well, way to completely ignore the broader idea of the post, but whatever.

You're giving this bitch way too much credit Tizz. It did not delve that deep into the historical contributions of Sesame Street on society. And this is creative how? Insulting the intelligence of a group of people by subjecting them to the mind-numbing stupidity of a children's show whose success has shown just how retarded people are to by into, and be entertained by that bull ****? How does one realize how our early childhoods effect the rest of our lives through studying Sesame street, pray tell? Especially you have no rememberance of this show what-so-ever and in all likely hood viewed it once, maybe twice maximum?

Two studies certainly is proof enough that MOST majors study the political implications of Dr. Seuss. And even if that is true, atleast the POLITICAL implications have some relevance to a POLITICAL major.
Any young person, who thinks he knows more than the teacher, is an arrogant fool and is only deluing themselves of their "greatness".

The teacher who assigned the Sesame Street assignment was brilliant beyond belief. What she was trying to get you do to was participate in self introspection and realization. You of course rewarded her instruction by simply turning it into a joke. What a waste.

Given your current attitudes, I would most certainly assert that a college education would be wasted on you at this time.

This is my principal argument with regard to college educations in that they are wasted on the young!
Wellllll.......I think thats a pretty funny story anyway. (I have engaged in similar variations). I never really watched much of the show myself, guess I missed out. But I digress, the education system has indeed taken a turn for the worse in the discipline arena. The teachers are not there to earn your respect, they are there to babysit your ass because you can't be trusted to do the required work on your own. Back in the day it was common practice for a teacher to take a kid out in the hallway and slam his little ass to get his attention and if not his respect at least get his fear. Teachers hands are tied these days and the test scores of students today is reflecting just that. You get some spank-nut running his mouth in a class room and the teacher can't put him/her in his place then the whole class is disrupted and the day is a waste. When I was in school there was pain involved and you paid attention or you got your bell rung! Kids today are a bunch of little cry-baby bitches! That's O.K. though, there is always room at the bottom of the food chain for hamburger.
Crazywumbat is hitting the nail on the head. Especially with the seseme street part. Although seseme street didn't lead me down a path of drug abuse (although giant yellow birds do only exist in acid trips) It however did other things to me

1. The Count inspired me to become a goth

2. Ernie and Bert gave me the idea that it was ok to share a bachelor pad with another grown man for 40 years and even share Rubber Duckies.

3. Cookie Monster led me down a path of gluttony

4. Oscar the Grouch was my hero until I tried to be like him and then got my ass kicked by a hobo for invading his home.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Any young person, who thinks he knows more than the teacher, is an arrogant fool and is only deluing themselves of their "greatness".

The teacher who assigned the Sesame Street assignment was brilliant beyond belief. What she was trying to get you do to was participate in self introspection and realization. You of course rewarded her instruction by simply turning it into a joke. What a waste.

Given your current attitudes, I would most certainly assert that a college education would be wasted on you at this time.

This is my principal argument with regard to college educations in that they are wasted on the young!

And any person that thinks just because someone is younger than someone else, they can't know more than that person isn't an arrogant fool, just an all out fool.

Like I said, how do you participate in self introspection and realization if you've never seen the show. Or maybe the reality is that I have a, somewhat twisted, sense of humor. Mabye I was trying to express that, after all that would be part of realizing myself no? So how is trying to send me to a rehabilitation clinic for expressing my opinion on how completely and mindnumbingly stupid a topic is an act of a brilliant person?

Also, I'm not one to brag or show off. But when a fool assumes certain things and makes references to things about me they have absolutely no clue over, I feel I need to show some of my academic credentials.

Firstly, I have maintained an A average, for the most part, in all my classes throughout highschool (obviously this class was an exception).
Secondly, SAT scores (these are the old tests, before they revamped them and added the writing section) 630 on Math, 680 on reading for a combined score of 1310. Now for those unfamiliar with the SAT's, the average score is around 900-1000.
Thirdly, PSSA scores, 95% in my state for reading, 92 for math, and 88 for writing.

So because I find a certain childrens show holds no relevance what-so-ever in my life, a college education would be waisted on me? Right...don't try to presume to know **** about while you don't have the vaguest idea of what I'm about.

Given your current attitude, and extreme close-mindedness, I would say that any further use of the world's diminishing resources would be a complete waste on your behalf, and the sooner you keel over the better off we all are.

CES's point is very valid...

1)If the student thinks he knows more than the teacher but really doesn't then the student is a fool, because the teacher actually does know more.

2)If the student thinks he knows more than the teacher, and actually does know more, then he is still a fool for wasting his time for knowingly being under said teacher's tutolidge.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

CES's point is very valid...

1)If the student thinks he knows more than the teacher but really doesn't then the student is a fool, because the teacher actually does know more.

2)If the student thinks he knows more than the teacher, and actually does know more, then he is still a fool for wasting his time for knowingly being under said teacher's tutolidge.

1) Agreed

2) When the student is FORCED to take said subject, has NO control over who will be the teacher, and furthermore has NO idea how much of a fool this teacher is until he choses said class and it is then too late to switch out, how is he supposed to avoid said teacher's tutolidge?
Crazywumbat said:
1) Agreed

2) When the student is FORCED to take said subject, has NO control over who will be the teacher, and furthermore has NO idea how much of a fool this teacher is until he choses said class and it is then too late to switch out, how is he supposed to avoid said teacher's tutolidge?


Maybe I'm a fool as well because when I was studying at UT here in Austin I had to take a BASIC programming course for my minor (mathematics) although my major was computer science and I had already taken all kinds of advanced computer courses. My teacher (I won't say professor because she was so stupid) was some kind of tenured educated idiot that couldn't program herself out of wet paper sack. I know damn well that I had forgotten more about writing BASIC than she ever knew!

You're right and I had forgotten about the cumpolsory courses, because I would have dropped that class in a heartbeat if it wasn't mandatory for graduation.

Good point. I capitulate.