Education systems these days piss me off

Here's something thats really got me enraged with the school in my area. Up until last year, to park in the parking lots surrounding the school you would have to A. Take and pass a drug test, and B. Pay 30 bucks. Now, this was unfair enough, but the school board had the sheer audacity to pump up the requirments to this: A. Take and pass the drug test (nothing new there) B. Pay 50 ****ing dollars to park in an area that doesn't cost the school a single ****ing thing to maintain. C. Sign an agreement that you will allow drug-sniffing trained dogs to search the school on random days, and on these days the entire school will be on a lock-down. I mean, how ****ing incredibly assinine is that? How the **** do they justify doing bull **** like this?
Well, drugs ARE illegal in a school zone... I am not surprised at all we had spot drug/alcohol tests at formal dances
tizz said:
KMFDM? LOL They STILL around? Damn what are they in walkers or what LOL YOU are the one they whined about being assigned what is probably one of the most creative assignments I have ever seen given in a HS level. Anyone with a mind ordesire to learn would jump at that chance. You could have USED the assignment to show what you thought of a stupidity on your teacher's part, but you are NOT that clever. You could have twisted it to prove some twisted idealism, but oyu are NOT that clever. You could have explained that alothoug you did NOT watch sesame st. (?????) DID have an impact on your life or simply on the general public, or that television in anyform is a waste of brain cells. The possibilities are ENDLESS, BUT YOU are NOT that clever. I mean comeone, here you are all kinds of pissed at me and the best you can do is muster upp BITCH??? It's not fault you just are NOT that clever

I whined about being assigned this project? Where and how? Show me please. If I did any whining, it was about a physicotic bitch comparing an easily recongnizable joke to Columbine, and trying to get me sent into rehab. Hardly an unjustifiable complaint if you ask me. Yes I could have explained that, although I never watched this show, it did have an impact on the general public or that television in general had an impact on me, but that wasn't the assignment. The assignment was, firstly, an overview of the show and how it has changed over the years, which I did by the way(and you would certainly have known this had you gotten off your high-chair for a second and bothered to even read the preceding posts) and secondly how SESAME STREET effected ME personally. Not how it effected others. Not how other shows effected me. It was how ONE particular show effected ME. I could muster up much more than bitch, but unlike you and great deal of the other posters here, I won't lower myself to resort to name-calling on par with a child in elementary school.

3 unexcused days (no dr's note ect....) I would have beentotally screwed. I skipped 36 days straight (showed up for a class here and there to keep my gpa respectable) and never even had a note sent home. It became a simple game. I gave up after all my friends got caught and I had no one to skip with.

Well I would say that "anyone with a mind or desire to learn" would certainly not skip out on more than a month straight. You call me a bad student, of which you have no proof to back you up, and then you admit that you skipped out on more school in a row than most students do annually with legitamite excuses.
Hey, I have grown up ALOT since I was seventeen. I did seek out to learn enough to still gradualte with a 3.6 and spent quite a bit of time doing extra work and researching the projects I DID show up for. At least I can look back and laugh. I was never the idiot you are now, and if you don't want to get ripped for being one, don't bitch about teachers athat try to motivate your pathetic ass. Like I told M60 there comes a time in life when YOU actually have to take some responsibility. THere are times in life when you HAVE to shut up and do and do you best at it and there are times when you are going to have to do it BEFORE someone tells your sorry ass to. You are what, 17? You are about two years behind the rest of the crowd here kid. It's about responsibility and accountability. Oh ya, and growing up just a little. Now quit bitchen like a little girl, get over it and move on for cryin out loud.
tizz said:
Hey, I have grown up ALOT since I was seventeen. I did seek out to learn enough to still gradualte with a 3.6 and spent quite a bit of time doing extra work and researching the projects I DID show up for. At least I can look back and laugh. I was never the idiot you are now, and if you don't want to get ripped for being one, don't bitch about teachers athat try to motivate your pathetic ass. Like I told M60 there comes a time in life when YOU actually have to take some responsibility. THere are times in life when you HAVE to shut up and do and do you best at it and there are times when you are going to have to do it BEFORE someone tells your sorry ass to. You are what, 17? You are about two years behind the rest of the crowd here kid. It's about responsibility and accountability. Oh ya, and growing up just a little. Now quit bitchen like a little girl, get over it and move on for cryin out loud.

Alright now letme get this straight..****ing around on 1/15th of a retarded project is more immature than skipping over a month of straight of school? Right....... I will never be the idiot you were then.

Also, do you have some reading disability or something? How the hell are you comming up with this **** you are pulling outta your ass? I never bitched about some **** of a woman trying to motivate me, I bitched about some **** of a teacher TRYING TO SEND ME TO REHAB for NO REASON. I bitched about some **** being so overly politically correct that she compared a joke like that to the Columbine shootings. I've said it atleas 10 times now, I did the ****ing assingment, I ****ed off on the last part of it. The part that talked about my personally, how it effected me. The last ****ing part of the assignment.

If I'm two years behind the crowd, then you must be missing it by atleast a decade. You're telling me to grow up, and here you are condoning the actions of this bitch.
OK I give up, you win, you are the most intelligent bloke on the planet, I am fool. It's just not worth battling with kids (I do that enough with my own) You are all right, you are all ALWAYS right. there is no other possibility than the one that exists in you puny minds. (btw DUMBASS how many times have I expressed the amusement I find in my own youth? How many times have I said I was young and stupid myself. Yup I knew everything just like you, until I realized I didn't know ****. First time in my life I was actually rught. Don't worry you'll be right one day too) have a nice childhood.

Why do I always feel like doling out timeouts around here? Oh ya, because the kiddies act just like my four year old. She is always right too
tizz said:
OK I give up, you win, you are the most intelligent bloke on the planet, I am fool. It's just not worth battling with kids (I do that enough with my own) You are all right, you are all ALWAYS right. there is no other possibility than the one that exists in you puny minds. (btw DUMBASS how many times have I expressed the amusement I find in my own youth? How many times have I said I was young and stupid myself. Yup I knew everything just like you, until I realized I didn't know ****. First time in my life I was actually rught. Don't worry you'll be right one day too) have a nice childhood.

Why do I always feel like doling out timeouts around here? Oh ya, because the kiddies act just like my four year old. She is always right too

I know I'm not often right. Infact I'm wrong just as many times, if not more, than the times I am right. I know that I'm most certainly above average intelligence though, and that is a fact. I'm not being pompous. I'm not being narcisistic. I'm being realistic.

I know that there are plenty of people smarter than me. I know there are people younger than me, Jaffer being a prime example, that are a hellova lot more intelligent than me. The difference is between me and people like you though, is that I don't have so much of a superiority complex built up that I can't admit people younger than me are possess more intelligence than me. Now don't misenterperet this, I'm not saying I'm smarter than you. I'm not saying I'm smarter than anyone on this forum. But I will not stand Idly by when someone such as yourself insults me for doing things that you yourself have done things much akin to. You are wrong on in this case. You are A. COMPLETELY misenterperting my posts, and missing the entire point of them. B. There is no excuse, NO EXCUSE, for what this woman did. Regardless of how I ****ed up on this project, trying to destroy a CHILD'S entire life for a ****ing project is aweful, is cruel, and you are not better than this woman when you defend her.
I give up. I chalk it up to kids being kids (I was one hell of a pain in the ass when I was younger and I fully admit it) You are acting like a kid and because of the day my daughter had all I want to do right now is put all the little kiddies in a nice time out until you can act like adults. It's the mood I am in the mood you face if confronting me this evening. I did not misinterpret. You posted in such a way that looked like a whiny little brat complaining once again about a teacher and how their assignment was SO dumb and how school is SO screwed up blah blah blah. I have not only heard it all before I used to say it quite often. I think college should be reserved for those 25 and over and THAT"S IT!!!!! You kids don't deserve it and you sure as hell are not prepared for it (at least not prepared to gain anything from the experience)
tizz said:
I give up. I chalk it up to kids being kids (I was one hell of a pain in the ass when I was younger and I fully admit it) You are acting like a kid and because of the day my daughter had all I want to do right now is put all the little kiddies in a nice time out until you can act like adults. It's the mood I am in the mood you face if confronting me this evening. I did not misinterpret. You posted in such a way that looked like a whiny little brat complaining once again about a teacher and how their assignment was SO dumb and how school is SO screwed up blah blah blah. I have not only heard it all before I used to say it quite often. I think college should be reserved for those 25 and over and THAT"S IT!!!!! You kids don't deserve it and you sure as hell are not prepared for it (at least not prepared to gain anything from the experience)

Ok, I'm going to say it one last time, and maybe you can get it through your thick skull this time:

I never complained that this assingment was SOOO dumb, as you put it. I complained of the actions THE TEACHER TOOK after I handed in this assingment. If you still can't see that, then you truely are an idiot.

College should be reserved for those over 25? Who do you think you are to be able to make such decisions? Do you know me? Do you know the other millions of teenagers going into college? No, you don't. So how the hell do you presume to know what I will or will not take out of it?
Ok I'm sorry, you're right. You did not say stupid, you said assinine. You also said you figired it HAD to be a joke Blah blah whine blah blah Oh wait, and the teacher who gace the assignment was a moron. Ok I stand corrected.

CW said :

Here's an example I can remember. When I was in 11th grade, these are 16-17 year olds mind you, we were given an assignment to research, and make a presentation, ON SESAME STREET. Now, how assinine is that? Part of the presentation was how sesame street has affected us. Now, surely, I thought, this had to be a joke. I mean, who in their right mind would assign something like this to anyone, let alone a group of students who would be leaving for college in a little over a years time. So I decided to screw around with it a bit, talking about how this show led me down a path in life filled with drug abuse, ritual animal-abuse cults, and crime. Now anyone could clearly see this was a joke, but the bitch in charge of the class had the nerve to 1. Inform the higher up school board officials about it. 2. Try to get me to attend rehab (for what might I ask? "Hello, my name is Phil, I don't like Sesame street."? I don't think so...) 3. and then, the bitch has the nerve to start making references to Columbine and other crimes. Needless to say, I was shocked, appalled and dumbfounded. Unfortunately, theres too many complete morons like this in charge of our youth's education. Punishing one for their creativity and sense of humor certainly seems like a great way to teach our children, no?
Well, once again you've proven your amazing ability to twist and skew things to conform to what you want to see. Yes I said the assingment was assinine, but I WAS NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT THE ASSINGMENT. The point of my post was how incredibly rediculous this so called "educator" acted.

Is it that hard of an idea to grasp? Come on now, how many times must it be repeated before you understand?
You're right I'm wrong I am sending myself to time out (at least a time out from anyone under the age of 25) for the night) Go do your homework