Egypt calls for end of biofuels - causing food crisis!

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>> The sad fact of the matter is that when KKKonservatives turn the
>> AmeriKKKan Vetrans health care system into a rat infested hole, it is
>> STILL BETTER than their plan to provide ZERO health care for AmeriKKKans.

"watch-dog" <> wrote
> You completely miss that your ideology will simply distribute rats to all
> medical facilities.

You mean Pawns. That's what Vetrans are to KKKonservatives. Disposable
pawns, as is evidenced by your referral to them as "RATS".

Why else would RepubliKKKans create Rat infested VA hostpitals for their
claimed "hero's".

I have never encountered a RepubliKKKan who wasn't a perpetual Liar.

Watch-dog is no exception to that rule.

>> Death is the only cure for KKKonservatism.

"James" <> wrote
> Of course.

Better Dead than KKKonservative.
V-for-Vendicar wrote:
>>> The sad fact of the matter is that when KKKonservatives turn the
>>> AmeriKKKan Vetrans health care system into a rat infested hole, it is
>>> STILL BETTER than their plan to provide ZERO health care for AmeriKKKans.

> "watch-dog" <> wrote
>> You completely miss that your ideology will simply distribute rats to all
>> medical facilities.

> You mean Pawns. That's what Vetrans are to KKKonservatives. Disposable
> pawns, as is evidenced by your referral to them as "RATS".
> Why else would RepubliKKKans create Rat infested VA hostpitals for their
> claimed "hero's".
> I have never encountered a RepubliKKKan who wasn't a perpetual Liar.
> Watch-dog is no exception to that rule.

Thanks for your service to our country....
V-for-Vendicar wrote:
>>> And over all costs would go down and quality go up.

> "Day Brown" <> wrote
>> I really dont know. I can see where American corporations want to get
>> rid of the cost of corporate healthcare plans to improve their
>> profits. So, that's what is coming.

> Corporatism = Fascism
> "Day Brown" <> wrote
>> Maybe socialized medicine is bad, but if its done for the benefit of the
>> corporations,
>> that's what you are gonna get. scrod. [pluperfect subjunctive]

> Certianly if you live in a corporate controlled FASCIST state.
> If that's your preference, then you will have to live with the dire
> consequences.
> The rest of us will continue to watch your society collapse from our
> Socialist states.

The state controls the Corporations in a fascist state. That's why
Hillary wanting to take the Exxon profits is fascist.

When you can't deny the truth, silence it?
? Talk-n-Dog ?
V-for-Vendicar wrote:
>>> The sad fact of the matter is that when KKKonservatives turn the
>>> AmeriKKKan Vetrans health care system into a rat infested hole, it is
>>> STILL BETTER than their plan to provide ZERO health care for AmeriKKKans.

> "watch-dog" <> wrote
>> You completely miss that your ideology will simply distribute rats to all
>> medical facilities.

> You mean Pawns. That's what Vetrans are to KKKonservatives. Disposable
> pawns, as is evidenced by your referral to them as "RATS".
> Why else would RepubliKKKans create Rat infested VA hostpitals for their
> claimed "hero's".
> I have never encountered a RepubliKKKan who wasn't a perpetual Liar.
> Watch-dog is no exception to that rule.

To bad I'm Libertarian..... and not a liar.

Government health care is what your attacking, while you lie out the
other side of your face, telling people that Government health care is
going to solve their imaginary problems in commercial health care.

You keep your foot in your mouth constantly. You just proved that you
and Liberals in general are LIARS.... thanks for the help.
"watch-dog" <> wrote
> Thanks for your service to our country....

You mean Pawns. That's what Vetrans are to KKKonservatives. Disposable
pawns, as is evidenced by your referral to them as "RATS".

Why else would RepubliKKKans create Rat infested VA hostpitals for their
claimed "hero's".

I have never encountered a RepubliKKKan who wasn't a perpetual Liar.

Watch-dog is no exception to that rule.
"watch-dog" <> wrote
> The state controls the Corporations in a fascist state.

Wrong again. Fascism = Corporatism, pure and simple.

Corporatism = KKKonservatism. Pure and simple.

KKKonservatism = Fascism. Pure and simple.
"watch-dog" <>
> To bad I'm Libertarian..... and not a liar.

So how long have you been a member of the Pedophile party? Liar..

"watch-dog" <>
> Government health care is what your attacking, while you lie out the other
> side of your face, telling people that Government health care is going to
> solve their imaginary problems in commercial health care.

Unlike you the U.S. medical community doesn't consider the dramatic
underperformance of the
U.S. health care industry as a lie, or a problem that can't be solved.

The solution is simple. More Socialism and less Libertarian lying.

"watch-dog" <>
> You keep your foot in your mouth constantly.

I hadn't noticed, but I have noticed that you keep a corporate **** in
your mouth constantly.

"watch-dog" <>
> You just proved that you and Liberals in general are LIARS....

Says the long proven Libertairan Liar.
