embarassing moments.....

well i was in 8th grade and there was this dance right after school...and during school was we uh..uhhh....lol i was just eating...i ate alot. my stonmach in 8th hour started to hurt really bad..lol...but i really wanted to go to the dance....as time went by it got worse...then it was after school...lol...i felt like **** but like i said i still went lol....i was in the dance floor...trying to it the best of it...i was just holding my stomach...i couldnt dance....it got so bad that i had to still like i was pregnant....even some ppl thought i was really pregnant by siting like that...lol...but yeah...i couldnt move i started to yell and **** so someone the called the abulance and their stretchered me out from the dance floor....LMAO so yeah i got the hospital.....and they found out what was wrong...lol....i just had gas trapped up...in side of me...lol....but if you dont think thats funny...then yeah i have other that might be..lol crazy...
XD....knowing my luck I would have been drinkin a soda and eating a donut... then I would have been in pain...and while dancing with the girl I like I would prolly fart...cuz Im that unlucky XD
Hmmm embarrasing...embarrasing...

I still haven't seen all the Austin Powers movies in thier entirety.

Failing my driver's test a third time.

I heard a girl taking about how 'everyone was going to be there'. So I said, 'Is it a party? I should crash it' and she says 'No, its a funeral.' Weeeeee..

I sat in gum in eighth grade, then I didn't believe everyone who told me I did.

Getting chewed out in class for writing Japan as an awnser to a question I didn't know.

Hmmm....yeah thats it. And that is just the tip of the iceberg, believe me.
Embarrasing moments..Hmm...

Oh yeah! In 6th grade, i puked in the classroom...it was SO embarrasing!
I sat on the janitors car, and the car alarm went off. Lmao.
And, i scratched a lady's car one time..*sigh*
nothing beats the embarrassing moment that I had at a blink-182 concert. it was about 2 yrs ago and I was with my brother. I was lazy to get up and get something to drink so my brother let me have his. I drank all five of his beers and got drunk. Some how he managed to get us back stage and I triped and slid all the way into an amp and almost puked all over Mark Hoppus
haha good ones well when i met lp i was so in shock to fanally meet them then when i got to mike i studdard bad i said this: hh...hiiii.iii.hii mike..hi..mike..mike hi...hhhii. then he looked at me and then looked down at my poster. then um brad was next and he was tkaing off his sweater and i yelled wwwwoooo brad take it off..oh my gosh i said that out loud then i said to my self oh go i am such an idiot then brad smilied at me.
i have 2 both dealing with bikes. I wasnt watching were i was going and i looked back to see where my friend was and i ran right into the light post, i swear i didnt see it when i looked back around. the other time was when i had only been riding a bike for like 2 weeks and again i wasnt watching were i was going and ran into someones car and left a dent...hehe oops.
Well.. I have a new one.. The older ones have already been said..
But anyway.. In SHAPE (sport health and physical education) yesterday we had to do sex ed.. and we had to write down different names for like.. penis and.. etc.. but anyway.. me and my group got to the sheet that said "Pubic hair" and We kept on arguing on names.. but I wrote "Bush" and I couldn't help writing "George" in front of it!! Then, the original group for that subject had to read out 10 names from the sheet.. Masud ended up doing it. He read out George bush! Everyone laughed.. Including my teacher... And later that lesson she was mentioning the different names we thought of.. Most of the ones she mentioned were wrote down by james and I.. (James's: woot.. woot.. woot.. yes he is stupid..) and when she said "George bush" everyone laughed.. then I couldn't help shouting "THAT WAS ME!" and everyone laughed at me.. lol.. what happened next was more embarrassing.. I was sticking my pencil in the gas tap (we were in one of the science labs) and the pencil broke in half! and it's stuck in there.. still.. but anyway.. I couldn't get it out.. I tried.. but it went in further!! I'm scared someone might explode the science quad... lol
well i had somethin kinda embrassin but also funni happen 2 me yesterday...i was sayin good bye 2 every1.& as i was leavin mi friend pulled down mi pantz...lol.but @ least i had a bikini on...lol.i fell down in tha middle of where every1 was sittin down...lol.i laughed then left..
LMAO! well i just read all of your posts and im still sitting hear laughing, cheesed out...well yeah i have another embarassing moment..lol....this was long time ago..it was winter and so to say, all the ponds were frozen...my cousin and i were just walking on them and at the time i was...uhhh...how can i say...uhh...lol...on the rag...LMAO*OMG...* but yeah and the pond where we were at was surrounded by houses..lol..i wasnt looking and....well im not sure i should believe her or not...but she said she almost slipped and grabbed onto my pants and pull them down....and ****! i was on the ****ing rag too to make it worse...i pulled my pants back up and like 5 mins later,..lol...my cousin pointed to something and asked me.."whats that over there??" lol....i was like.."uuh...i dont know...." it was my ****ing pad....
Lmao. I have another pond story. Me and my mate were cleaning out her pond in the front garden and all was going fine. I was filling a bucket with the water and she was pouring it away. Then the next thing i knew i sliped when i woz filling up the bucket and ended up sat it the pond as if i was in the bath with the used to be full bucket on my head lmao. luckily only my mate saw me lol.
LMAO! kewl beans! well yeah i barely got back on so yeah....another story? uuh...lets see....i remember i was in my elementary days and it was lunch, i wasnt feeling well and i still ate. i remember i ate an orange.....on my way back to my class i could feel that orange comnig back up my throat and i was already at my classroom door when the bath room was like 5 feet afway so i started runnig towards it but along the way .....i left my orange pieces..lol
Omg. it was so funny, today in like.. the first lesson year 8 had an assembly, me, james, saad and andy didn't know where to go.. but we eventually found out. When we got there james and that sat down, I took off my bag and tripped over it and said "OH F*CK"
everyone laughed at me x.x