

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
The Land of Oz
Please can someone explain what emo means.
and what you think it is.

I have been reasearching it for like hour, and i still dont know how someone can be classified s "emo".

There is this "Anti emo squad" going around (at my school). and they we like "we hate emos" then i asked them what emo was, and they didnt know, and said,
well if you dont know what an EMO is then how is it stupid to have an anti EMO squad
thats because i called the 'anti emo squad' stupid, and i also didnt know what it ment
Emo, is short for Emotional.
Its a stereotype applied to people who listen to bands like My Chemical Romance and The Used, that sing about depression, love, death, slitting your wrists etc etc. Normally they have black hair, and lots of weird make up and stuff, I dont know how to explain it sorry, maybe someone else can give a better explaination.

Its just another stupid label people put on one another. And I personally, dont care much for sterotypes,
The fact most emo's a poseurs really doesnt help the general emo reputation, generally the class emo is deffined by the music and the way they dress though real emo's also have feelings associated with emos the others (poseurs) dont.

Emo clothes: Dark T-Shirt with short sleeves with band emblem in center (Boys & Girs)
Tight fitting 5 sizes too small jeans (Boys) Baggy trousers 5 Sizes too big(Girls)
Hooded top with band emblem on it
Pointy shoes or dirty and dark scuffed up dark trainers
Mop like hair *often dyed black or purple*

Emo Music: Hard to deffine but generally poseurs listen to Funeral For A Freind, Fallout Boy and My Chemichal Romance which arent emo at all and only dress like as they pose like an emo band when they really arent.

Emo Feelings: This is what many posuers dont have which I guess in many ways is a good thing. Emo's generally let off they are depressed they also like to be seen as poetic and take any personal attack on lyrics or anything else creative very hurtful. Despite this emo's are also very cheerful at times, remember the group of people existed before the music did it's just they adopted that type of music therefor it's called emo. I dont dislike emo's however I am not at all keen on their music :)

Most people see Emo's as Chavs with blacker hair and clothes which in it's self is true.
Stenners said:
Emo clothes: Dark T-Shirt with short sleeves with band emblem in center (Boys & Girs)
Tight fitting 5 sizes too small jeans (Boys) Baggy trousers 5 Sizes too big(Girls)
Hooded top with band emblem on it
Pointy shoes or dirty and dark scuffed up dark trainers
Mop like hair *often dyed black or purple*

Emo Music: Hard to deffine but generally poseurs listen to Funeral For A Freind, Fallout Boy and My Chemichal Romance which arent emo at all and only dress like as they pose like an emo band when they really arent.

Emo Feelings: This is what many posuers dont have which I guess in many ways is a good thing. Emo's generally let off they are depressed they also like to be seen as poetic and take any personal attack on lyrics or anything else creative very hurtful. Despite this emo's are also very cheerful at times, remember the group of people existed before the music did it's just they adopted that type of music therefor it's called emo. I dont dislike emo's however I am not at all keen on their music :)

Most people see Emo's as Chavs with blacker hair and clothes which in it's self is true.

Pinkness: You know, that is EXACTLY what I think lol. (I know you think I'm "Emo" but I'm not reallyyyyyyy xD). Not all of them, but the few that I've talked to or I've seen their typing --> "Phitttt man innit". It scares me a little, at least they listen to better music though ;)

Redness: Nah. You got the girls one totally wrong *Hm, I would know this lol* =P When have you seen an "emo" girl with baggy pants?!?!?!?!?! That would be a "mosher" I think lol. *Sorry for all of the labelling >.<*

The girls wear tight black pants of jeans OR they wear funky skirts / denim mini skirts with footless tights and a pair of colourful pumps or sparkly dolly shoes.
It's all in the make up and hair though. Backcombed hair, dyed black with blonde hair extentions, crazy fringes, hairbows *Which I make and sell btw. I'll umm... hook you up if you need some ;)* Oh oh, and lots of eyeliner, false eyelashes, and black eyemakeup that define and make their eyes stand out =] Yup.

I'll shut up >.<. I don't know that much about emo. It's just a stereotype and the anti emo squad is really stupid. It's not like people who dress in more black are affecting them in any way >.> It shouldn't bother them the slightest, yet they're going out of the way to make a squad lol. That makes me giggle :)


Oops, here, Urban Dictionary has a better description of what it means.


If you need pictures, you only have to look on MySpace ;)
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Emo is a genre of music.
it means Emotive hardcore. Not emotional.
It started in the 80s.. and died in the early 90s.
These so called "emo kids" are just saying they're a genre of music.
It's not possible for a person to be a genre of music.
Emo people are self-absorbed, self-pitying, self-wounding individuals who are too sensitive to be goth and to wimpy to be punk. They usually fake mood swings, to act as if they are emotionally unstable, and tend to try and project a hopeless/sad look to themselves.
But other then that, very friendly. :rollseyes:
Clogz said:
Emo people are self-absorbed, self-pitying, self-wounding individuals who are too sensitive to be goth and to wimpy to be punk. They usually fake mood swings, to act as if they are emotionally unstable, and tend to try and project a hopeless/sad look to themselves.
But other then that, very friendly. :rollseyes:
Quoted for truth.

Most emo people just want attention.
I don't care about things like that. Just enjoy the music you like and take people as they are. Peace :thumbsup:
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
hairbows *Which I make and sell btw. I'll umm... hook you up if you need some ;)*

wtf is a hairbrow 0_o lol
theres this website teaching u HOW to be emo...if u search on google, why anyone would want to delve THAT far into is only god's guess^^
but as cristinas pics say some of the emo style lks good, depends on who is 'trying' to pull it off i guess^^
basically what clogz kmmi and the other guy said

Its not a stereotype its preety much the truth. EVERYONE ive seen that dresses like an emo acts like one. if u look at an emo persons wrist chances are ull see slit marks going horizontal.
Sure emo people may look "hot" but i mean they tend to be winers. Seriously its not a stereotype in that case becuase thats what they are. cant hide it. you dont see people dressing like emo kids but love and breathe rap and hate rock. wont happen.

Emo can stand for a genre of music but it can also stand for a type of person hence goth, rocker, crack head, cracker, gangsta ect.
You guys are all wrong... >_> (well most)

My town is filled with these kind of people who dress in black tees and tight blue jeens, with "mops" on their head (black dyed hair) and they wear make up.

Yes, they might be posers... but so are a LOT of people who aren't emo, or scene, or whatever the **** you want to call it. All they did was look at someone and say "Hey, I like to look similar to them.. I like their style"

But they like dressing like that, just how to like dressing like you dress.

I know a lot of them. They don't have mood swings, they act like normal people, but are influenced by the bands they listen to, the people around them, etc.

Stop ripping on them and saying "OMG emo's are so gay" and get the **** over it. They're people, just like you.

:) Lets all have a nice day.