
personally i dont like emo people who do it for attention and just like hate everything besides what they listen to, do and wear. i especially hate the fundi-christian emos who preach to you every chance they get. but there is one thing i hate more than emos..scene...do not get me started on them...they are like poser emo its sooooo annoying. but i do hang with some emo kids cuz they're cool..but they are some who just need to get a life.
Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
You guys are all wrong... >_> (well most)

My town is filled with these kind of people who dress in black tees and tight blue jeens, with "mops" on their head (black dyed hair) and they wear make up.

Yes, they might be posers... but so are a LOT of people who aren't emo, or scene, or whatever the **** you want to call it. All they did was look at someone and say "Hey, I like to look similar to them.. I like their style"

But they like dressing like that, just how to like dressing like you dress.

I know a lot of them. They don't have mood swings, they act like normal people, but are influenced by the bands they listen to, the people around them, etc.

Stop ripping on them and saying "OMG emo's are so gay" and get the **** over it. They're people, just like you.

:) Lets all have a nice day.
Go Ryan!! Haha......Yeah "emo" people are stereotyped waaaay too much. Yeah there will be people who are annoying that may seem emo. But a lot of them are really nice & fun. It's that one or two attention getters that everyone hates. There are plenty of other people like that who aren't emo though.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
Go Ryan!! Haha......Yeah "emo" people are stereotyped waaaay too much. Yeah there will be people who are annoying that may seem emo. But a lot of them are really nice & fun. It's that one or two attention getters that everyone hates. There are plenty of other people like that who aren't emo though.
Yeah, even the true emo kids caan be cool, i ahve a couple friends who have tried suicide atlest once, and their pretty cool, and alot more appreciative of life than most people i know actually. And yeah, emo kids are heavily stereotyped.
we're talking about them like they're a whole different race. they're not "emo people." they're people who are emo. so don't say "emo people can be.. whatever" or whatever the hell you say about them. if you're going to defend them, tell us they're not "emo" people. tell us they're just people who dress a certain way. because honestly, just because they have a certain "emotional" level and dress a certain way doesnt make them "emo." they choose to dress like that. but im sure there's lots of "normal" people who are very emotional but dont dress like that. and there's people who do dress like that but arent "emotional." [LP]gotlp- you said that emo people are stereotyped way too much.. no. that IS their stereotype. im tired of seeing "emo kids are this and that." they're people. not emos. stop making them sound like another ****ing species.
shadowfax1007 said:
Emo, is short for Emotional.
Its a stereotype applied to people who listen to bands like My Chemical Romance and The Used, that sing about depression, love, death, slitting your wrists etc etc. Normally they have black hair, and lots of weird make up and stuff, I dont know how to explain it sorry, maybe someone else can give a better explaination.

Its just another stupid label people put on one another. And I personally, dont care much for sterotypes,

Good Explaination :thumbsup:
I remember back in the day when everyone either wore parachute pants and had really big hair/ had a mullet and owned lynard skynrd comemorative plates/ or was a rock fan... now its like 10000 other stereotypes
KillMeImIrish said:
LP]gotlp- you said that emo people are stereotyped way too much.. no. that IS their stereotype.
Isn't that saying the same thing? I fail to see the different in being stereotyped & having a stereotype. Either it's people making asumptions about you based on what they think about others who are similar.
^^you said that "emo people" are stereotyped.. no, people are stereotyped as emo. you made them sound like.. they're their own race of people. they're not. they're humans being stereotyped as emo. not emos being stereotyped as... whatever.... better?

^haha perfect time for this icon..

but anyway.. like gemma said emo = emotive hardcore*sub-genera of punk not goth*
i seriously dont see why everybody hates them. i have a lot of emo friends and they are normal people who are ****ing awesome.. but yes.. the "emo trend" is quite annoying, its the ****ing little princess and hipsters who like to be in the last "in" thing, so they just instantly buy black cloths, talk about death and listen to poserish bands like simple plan and think that they're emo, well there not.. they're annoying ****ing posers.

pfft anti-emos, ****ing jesus.. i hate them

1. most of them dont even know what emo means, and call every one who dress in black or who has black hair emo, idiots much..?
2. they say they're anti-emo, and them being the idiots they are think emo stands for emotional, so basically they are saying they are againist emotions..

whocares if someones emo, its not anybody elses bussiness is it?? ..no of course not, for ****sake just leave poor emos kids alone they cop enough stuff from everybody else*in school, in public, etc..*
^ i dont see anything wrong with people who are like that. but dressing in all black and listening to certain bands doesnt make someone emo. i, for one, associate black with goth.. not emo.. so stop saying that people do that. because we dont. the only people i call "emo" are the ones who label themselves the same thing. they're the ones saying "oh, im so emo." shut the hell up and stop feeling sorry for yourself because no one cares:)