England / American Words.


Clive Billy Johnson
I noticed that americans use a lot of different words than we use here in England so here is a list of the ones that I'm aware of. Weird huh lol. Most of these words I picked up from chatting to american friends online, and they mean exactly the same thing lol. The "rubber" one amuses me =) What are your comments on them? Feel free to add to the list if you know of any, or change them if I'm wrong ;)

ENGLISH <~~~~~~~~~~~~> AMERICAN
Candy floss <~~~~~~~~~> Cotten candy
Mobile phone <~~~~~~~~~> Cell phone
Pavement <~~~~~~~~~> Sidewalk
Garden <~~~~~~~~~> Yard
Plaster <~~~~~~~~~> Band aid
Rubbish <~~~~~~~~~> Garbage
Snooker <~~~~~~~~~> Pool
Rubber <~~~~~~~~~> Eraser
Condoms <~~~~~~~~~> Rubber (Lmao!)
Toilet <~~~~~~~~~> Rest room
Crisps <~~~~~~~~~> Potato chips
Trousers <~~~~~~~~~> Pants
Police <~~~~~~~~~> Cops
Break <~~~~~~~~~> Recess
Cinema/pictures <~~~~~~~~~> Movies /theaters
Vacuum <~~~~~~~~~> Hoover
Shopping centre <~~~~~~~~~> Mall
Jumper <~~~~~~~~~> Sweater
Trainers <~~~~~~~~~> Sneakers
Mum <~~~~~~~~~> Mom
Fairy cakes <~~~~~~~~~> Cup cakes
Fizzy drinks <~~~~~~~~~> Soda pop
Taxi <~~~~~~~~~> Cab
Bobble <~~~~~~~~~> Scrunchie
Headmaster <~~~~~~~~~> Principle
Canteen <~~~~~~~~~> Cafeteria
Holiday <~~~~~~~~~> Vacation
Sweets <~~~~~~~~~> Candy
Shop <~~~~~~~~~> Store
Jelly <~~~~~~~~~> Jell-o
Jam <~~~~~~~~~> Jelly
Autumn <~~~~~~~~~> Fall
Fringe <~~~~~~~~~> Bangs
Plait <~~~~~~~~~> Braid
Film <~~~~~~~~~> Movies
University <~~~~~~~~~> College
Nursery <~~~~~~~~~> Kindergarden
Lollipop <~~~~~~~~~> Popsicle
Noughts & Crosses <~~~~~~~~~> Tic-Tac-Toe​

*I had trouble making them into columns lol, sorry!*
yeah I´ve noticed that!
I´m half Indian so in India we use the british english words..most of ´em but not all so when I had american freind from internet, I did´t understand some of the words lol but now I´ve learned :p
Snooker and pool are not the same game =)

American -------- English
Soccer -------- Football
Football -------- American Football
High School -------- Secondry School
Juniour School ------- Primay School
Wind Shield --------- Wind Screen
Hand Ball --------- Net Ball
Closet -------- Cupboard

I will think of more soon =)
Not all of those are exactly right. No one where I live calls a vacuum a hoover. I think Hoover is a brand or something. But candy floss and fairy cakes, that's great! lol Funny words.
some of the things they say make sense though...its gonna be hard to explain cuz its supposed to be verbal but i'll try

me and my friend were talking and for example we say seave as sive and they say it how they spell it...making sense?
well techniqually we should say seave cuz we say theives etc..they are taught things more grammatically correct really...hard to explain sorry if non of that made sense...
I think it is interesting to see how, even in just two hundred years, our 'American English' has formed from regular English. Who knows? Maybe in another two hundred everyone in the United States will speak 'American' and the UK will speak 'English'. :p
People leave out australia a lot!
Candy floss <~~~~~~~~~> Cotten candy<-------->Fairy floss
Mobile phone <~~~~~~~~~> Cell phone <--------->moblie
Pavement <~~~~~~~~~> Sidewalk <------------->Walkway
Rubber <~~~~~~~~~> Eraser <------------------>Both
Crisps <~~~~~~~~~> Potato chips<------------->Chips
Trainers <~~~~~~~~~> Sneakers<--------------> Runners
Fizzy drinks <~~~~~~~~~> Soda pop<---------->Soft drink
Bobble <~~~~~~~~~> Scrunchie <-------------->Hair-tie or scrunchie
Headmaster <~~~~~~~~~> Principle<----------->Principal
Sweets <~~~~~~~~~> Candy<----------------->Lollies
misery said:
It's that way up here in Canada :p so I've gotten pretty used to writing it that way :thumbsup:

Haha, me too...

Way up here with the Inuits and Lumberjacks we spell it Favourite and Colour:p
Drunk ----------- Pissed
Raining ---------- Pissing

Hummm??? I wounder if anyone has ever pissed while being pissed while it was pissing outside?
Mikes_Shadow said:
People leave out australia a lot!

Mobile phone <~~~~~~~~~> Cell phone <--------->moblie

Fizzy drinks <~~~~~~~~~> Soda pop<---------->Soft drink

Headmaster <~~~~~~~~~> Principle<----------->Principal

i dont know if i have quoted right but those one (above) are wrong...

mobile is used by english
soft drinks are used by english
and principal is used in english :S

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