Europe is a country?


Active Members
Funny how Sarah Palin is still mocked for an unsubstantiated report that she referred to Africa as a country, while in her hotel room, but nothing on this.
Think of it like morals IWS. The Liberals claim they never take issue with their 'bad apples' because none of them ever take stands or possitions of being moral or standing for "family values". The same is true for things like this, Sarah Palin making a mistake is huge because Conservatives to tend to offer an air of being more educated while Liberals are all about taking care of people and empathy for the poor (so they claim) and not about being educated or smart so when they mess up, it is not news, it is normal.



New member
Do you suppose he meant countries IN Europe? I'm not defending anyone but many times what comes out my mouth may not be exactly the way is was meant to be. However that is interesting that what he said slipped under the radar so to speak. Only not too far cause it made it to this forum :blink:


Active Members
Oh my, he made a word slip, better impeach him.


Well the point is so much time has been put into praising Obama and his speaking abilities while every tiny stumble over a word by Bush was used to try and make him look stupid, it is just another great example of the double standard where the majority of the media outlets expose every little flaw from a conservative and at the same time, try as hard as they can to bury and hide every flaw by a Liberal. Obama has already been shown to be a very weak speaker without his teleprompter, but still the liberal media does what they can to hide that fact.



New member
Well the point is ...the double standard...
Come on Bender, if it were Bush ******** up words, you'd be all over it. The point is that there is a double standard. Everyone thinks Bush was an idiot when he screwed up but when Obama does it, it's ok. Of course it could be that people are afraid to criticize his speech for fear of being called racist..



New member
It is true that much of the media loves to portray Republicans as bumbling idiots. GW and Palin made it too **** easy for them. I don't know what happened to GW he was articulate when he ran against Ann Richards for governor.


New member
It is true that much of the media loves to portray Republicans as bumbling idiots. GW and Palin made it too **** easy for them. I don't know what happened to GW he was articulate when he ran against Ann Richards for governor.
He faked it so everyone would think he was just a "good ole' boy". Just like he fakes being a Texan..




New member
Come on Bender, if it were Bush ******** up words, you'd be all over it. The point is that there is a double standard. Everyone thinks Bush was an idiot when he screwed up but when Obama does it, it's ok. Of course it could be that people are afraid to criticize his speech for fear of being called racist..
Bush did it EVERY time he spoke, and it wasn't just a word slip, the guy invented words that didn't even exist. He was so bad, he was an embarrassment to the whole country. If it would have been a once or twice thing, nobody would have said anything, but when he was constantly doing it? Nope, no double standard at all. He did it so much, you now have the term "Bushisms" to describe the stupidity..




Active Members
Bush did it EVERY time he spoke, and it wasn't just a word slip, the guy invented words that didn't even exist. He was so bad, he was an embarrassment to the whole country. If it would have been a once or twice thing, nobody would have said anything, but when he was constantly doing it? Nope, no double standard at all. He did it so much, you now have the term "Bushisms" to describe the stupidity.



And after just a couple months in office Obama was already famous for his need to have a teleprompter, don't pretend to not see the double standard Bender.

You know Bender, I know your smarter than this, you can see this stuff, "Bushisms" was created by the same media that now refuses to report on Obama's mistakes. **** Obama has made a lot of mistakes even with his teleprompter. Yes, Bush made some mistakes, but at the same time he was genuine, Obama is a "created" personality, there is nothing real about Obama other than his radical agenda. That is why Obama needs his teleprompter to help him remember the persona and style of person that has been created to fool Americans.



New member
Geeeez what critics. I'm sure if I had to speak in front of a whole nation I would flub up too.


New member
He stopped doing drugs....

I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. ;-)
OK, I can't believe I'm sticking up for Bush, but that's not fair. He'd been clean and sober (so I have heard) for many many years before running for office.





New member
And after just a couple months in office Obama was already famous for his need to have a teleprompter, don't pretend to not see the double standard Bender
The teleprompter complaint is lame. Like NOBODY ELSE including your buddy Sarah Palin doesn't STILL use them? That's one of those complaints where ya just go... SHUT UP YA MORON, YOU JUST WANT TO FIND THE LITTLEST MOST IRRELEVANT THING TO ***** ABOUT. Others always have, and still do, use them. Obama using one is a non issue except to morons who want to make it one..




Active Members
The teleprompter complaint is lame. Like NOBODY ELSE including your buddy Sarah Palin doesn't STILL use them? That's one of those complaints where ya just go... SHUT UP YA MORON, YOU JUST WANT TO FIND THE LITTLEST MOST IRRELEVANT THING TO ***** ABOUT. Others always have, and still do, use them. Obama using one is a non issue except to morons who want to make it one.


Other people do use them, but they don't "NEED" them as much as Obama does . You thought the word "Bushisms"was relivent because it was a general belief that Bush made a lot of mistakes, but this word and the concept was created by the liberal media and people like you who would jump on every mistake and blog about it millions of times trying to give each mistake greater impact.

But.....the teleprompter crutch Obama needs is an understanding by "EVERYONE" Bender, even the normally hands off networks have all commented on his overuse of this device to do his public speaking while Bush only used it on special occasions. Maybe Bush should have used it more to look better but I prefer to see a real man speaking to me, not one who is completely created from the ground up. The liberal media spent years trying to paint Bush as uneducated but Obama established his weakness for needing a teleprompter in just a couple months of taking office.

If Bush making mistakes speaking without a teleprompter "IS" an issue Bender, then Obama needing a teleprompter to keep him from making the same mistakes is also an issue. You can't have it both ways Bender, again, this is a double standard.

Consider this also, Obama has allowed much fewer informal interviews and question and answer sessions that Bush or Clinton in his first year. Obama tends to only allow very structured and controlled speaking events so that also gives him less chances to mess up. If Obama did as many informal sessions as Bush did, there is no doubt in my mind Obama would fall flat on his face and do much, much worse than Bush did......and that is why Obama does not allow the informal sessions.



New member
The fact is public speaking skills are highly overrated. James Madison was a notoriously poor public speaker with a brilliant mind. I don't think Bush got dumber between 1994 and 2004 he probably just had some mild health problem that weakened his public speaking skills. The fact is teleprompter or not Obama is an excellent public speaker in the Reagan and Clinton mode.

Palin would be an excellent public speaker if she was not ignorant as ****. It is not her prepared speeches where she is ridiculed, it is interviews such as Couric's and Beck's where she shows a woeful ignorance of policy and history. Unlike Reagan, Clinton and Obama,Palin has no substance backing up her superficial charms.



Active Members
^as usual, sounding like an Obama mouthpiece, lol.

Palin has more substance and real morals than Obam will ever have, she is real, Obama is manufactured, I'll take real any day. Sure, she does not have the lifetime knowledge of some things like a career politician like Obama, but that is what good advisors are for. What matters is integrity and honesty, Obama gets a zero score on both while Sarah gets an A+.

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