Europe is a country?


New member
^as usual, sounding like an Obama mouthpiece, lol.

Palin has more substance and real morals than Obam will ever have, she is real, Obama is manufactured, I'll take real any day. Sure, she does not have the lifetime knowledge of some things like a career politician like Obama, but that is what good advisors are for. What matters is integrity and honesty, Obama gets a zero score on both while Sarah gets an A+.
Nominate someone who has integrity, honesty and knowledge and you might have a winner. Palin would lose in a landslide.

The real sad part of our democracy is someone who is ugly or has poor public speaking skills cannot win the Presidency.



Active Members
Nominate someone who has integrity, honesty and knowledge and you might have a winner. Palin would lose in a landslide.
She might lose, but not because of a lack of integrity, she has more integrity than the last three Presidents combined.

The problem with guys like you is your all too willing to carry the Liberal lies around and pass them off as your own. Obama and company is scared to death of a real person like Sarah being in power, so they insert their operatives in your fringe groups and plant seeds that grow very well in your radical minds. Defeating Sarah would be a huge win for the Liberals, and your onboard with their gameplan, as usual, that is why you guys helped to get Obama get elected, you can certainly copy/paste conservative ideas, you do it all the time, but when you speak your own words they are the words of a radical liberal, nothing close ot the conservative values you "claim" to hold.

So keep on bashing good honest conservatives like Sarah Palin, your making your liberal masters very proud.



New member
So keep on bashing good honest conservatives like Sarah Palin, your making your liberal masters very proud.
She is a socialist. Keep supporting her. Make your socialist masters proud.



Active Members
She is a socialist. Keep supporting her. Make your socialist masters proud.
No she is not, that claim was originated by the Obama Administration right after she was nominated for Vice President and you radicals have taken up the chants from the Obama administration like good little puppets.

**** you even defended his buddy the Professor when he was screamign racist claims at a cop that was there only because he was doing his job protecting that community. Just about every time there is a controversal possition we discuss, your almost always on the side Obama and his fellow liberals are on, everything from helping to get him elected to your opposition of any limitations to abortion. Why do you think these liberals give such glowing support to people like Ron Paul? You like Ron Paul, they like Ron Paul, your being played hugo.



New member
No she is not, that claim was originated by the Obama Administration right after she was nominated for Vice President and you radicals have taken up the chants from the Obama administration like good little puppets.

**** you even defended his buddy the Professor when he was screamign racist claims at a cop that was there only because he was doing his job protecting that community. Just about every time there is a controversal possition we discuss, your almost always on the side Obama and his fellow liberals are on, everything from helping to get him elected to your opposition of any limitations to abortion. Why do you think these liberals give such glowing support to people like Ron Paul? You like Ron Paul, they like Ron Paul, your being played hugo.
My preference right now for the Republican nominee for President in 2012 is a young man from your home state, TJ. I will give you a clue who it is. It ain't you and it ain't Crist. I better give ya a stronger clue he is the Republican nominee for Senator. Unlike Palin, Rubio might actually be able to win a general election. Palin only appeals to social conservatives, not fiscal conservatives(with her **** socialist history) or independents. You are the one being played, TJ. Obama would love to have Palin as the Republican nominee.

I realize he ain't white so he won't get your vote.

Palin ain't gonna screw ya, TJ. Get over her.



Active Members
I realize he ain't white so he won't get your vote.

From the Obama administration to your mouth, funny as ****.

So now I am racist because I don't like Obama hugo?

You keep talking about Sarah Palin being socialist but you can't offer one single thing she has ever done that was socialist, your one and only claim is the oil deal she followed State law to do, Sarah certainly did not create those laws hugo, do you thing leaders shoudl ignore the established laws of the land......well.......being as your so supportive of Obama and how Obama has reqected the laws of the land I guess maybe you do believe that, but just because you want to twist reality that does not make your twisted vistion the truth.

Sarah Palin is a much stronger conservative than Rubio and Rubio is not even known on the National Stage. This is your biggest problem, if you were "really" concerned with getting conservatives into office you would not be supporting nobodies and radicals who could not get more than 5% of the vote. It seems more and more clear that your only intent is to be a disruptive element to hurt conservatives and help Liberals.



New member
I think hugo keeps forgetting that it wasn't Palin that wrote Alaska's constitution and that she was only upholding it. Alaskan's voted for it.


New member
I think hugo keeps forgetting that it wasn't Palin that wrote Alaska's constitution and that she was only upholding it. Alaskan's voted for it.
It was her that increased taxes so every Alaskan could get a welfare check. I don't like like Republican socialism either.



New member
It seems more and more clear that your only intent is to be a disruptive element to hurt conservatives and help Liberals.
Yes, that is why I spend so much time on this board with 10 active members eight of which would never change their mind on anything> Do ya actually believe your own tripe?



Active Members
I think hugo keeps forgetting that it wasn't Palin that wrote Alaska's constitution and that she was only upholding it. Alaskan's voted for it.
I don't know snaf, it is pretty well known that Sarah was just following State law, hugo may be radical but he is not stupid, no, the more I watch how hugo operates I am starting to see a pattern that he just wants to disrupt any discussion that goes against liberal beliefs, consider that hugo is always right there attacking law enforcement, defending abortion, and now he is even trying to derail a thread that proves Obama is at least as bad as Bush in speaking without a teleprompter.............

Why Sarah Palin, and why now? Because that seems to always work to take attention away from Hugo's buddy Obama. Start paying attention to what hugo decided to get explosive about, more often than not it is him defending something the liberals hold dear or defend like Ron Paul, the liberals love Ron Paul, if they love him, that alone should make us all run away from him, but there is hugo, cuddled up in their world parroting their talking points against the hated Sarah Palin.

Anyway, back on topic, being as Obama does not allow unrehersed exposures like Bush and Clinton did, that tells me he is scared of his ability to speak, unlike Bush and Clinton who were very comfortable with who they were and what they said, sure Bush knew he messed up sometimes but he did not let that reality cause him to shelter and protect himself from making mistakes like Obama does. Obama is the most self-protective and secretive President we have ever had in recent times.



Active Members
It was her that increased taxes so every Alaskan could get a welfare check. I don't like like Republican socialism either.

So she passed the law making the oil the property of the people hugo?

Or did she instead only enforce a law? Big, big difference hugo, but your not allowing for that difference, your just spouting whatever the Obama administration tells you to say.



New member
So she passed the law making the oil the property of the people hugo?

Or did she instead only enforce a law? Big, big difference hugo, but your not allowing for that difference, your just spouting whatever the Obama administration tells you to say.
She changed the law, try reading sometime. She ain't gonna screw ya TJ.



Active Members
She changed the law, try reading sometime. She ain't gonna screw ya TJ.
She did not change the law hugo, she renegotiated the value of property belonging to the people based on State law, there is a huge difference and your being unwilling to admit that proves your just an Obama administration parrot.

I have a wonderful girlfriend hugo, why would I want her to screw me?

Wait a minute, that is on the Obama talking points as well, your ordered to tell any man who likes Sarah Palin that he just wants to have *** with her, good to see your following Obama's orders and talking points to the letter Hugo, I knew you had it in you, lol.



New member
She did not change the law hugo, she renegotiated the value of property belonging to the people based on State law, there is a huge difference and your being unwilling to admit that proves your just an Obama administration parrot.

I have a wonderful girlfriend hugo, why would I want her to screw me?

Wait a minute, that is on the Obama talking points as well, your ordered to tell any man who likes Sarah Palin that he just wants to have *** with her, good to see your following Obama's orders and talking points to the letter Hugo, I knew you had it in you, lol.
She changed the law. Try reading sometime. It does a brain good.



New member
Palin, 44, proposed the tax increase Sept. 4, 2007, and called a special legislative session to pass it. At an Oct. 12 community meeting in Anchorage,
Try reading sometime. It does a brain good. Integrity, my ***.



New member
OK, I can't believe I'm sticking up for Bush, but that's not fair. He'd been clean and sober (so I have heard) for many many years before running for office.


I think I caused **** to freeze over....YES!!!!



New member
You keep talking about Sarah Palin being socialist but you can't offer one single thing she has ever done that was socialist,
Went to Canada to use their socialist medical care because care in the US was too expensive. Has a daughter using welfare medical benefits for the illigitimate child by studboy. Quoted in"The New Yorker Magazine,"of having been able to send a check for $1,200 to every man, woman and child in the state since, "Alaska is sometimes described as America's socialist state, because of its collective ownership of resources�.




Active Members
Went to Canada to use their socialist medical care because care in the US was too expensive. Has a daughter using welfare medical benefits for the illigitimate child by studboy. Quoted in"The New Yorker Magazine,"of having been able to send a check for $1,200 to every man, woman and child in the state since, "Alaska is sometimes described as America's socialist state, because of its collective ownership of resources�


lol, so she created the socialist system in Canada.......created the welfare programs.......and created the laws in Alaska giving the people possession of the resources..........all by herself, right?

Why is it you guys in one hand try to make her sound stupid while at the same time you give her credit for things she had nothing to do with? Even if Sarah or one of her kids accepted a "welfare" like assistence that does not mean she would create or support new laws that would increase welfare. Sarah was one person, the laws giving possession of the States resources to the people were in place long before she ever took office, Sarah had nothing to do with those laws. All Sarah did was follow existing laws, she did not create any new laws handing over the oil to the people, you guys are smarter than this so you must be only pretending to not know the difference.

But what I do know is hugo is saying the things Obama and other radical Liberals love to hear. Why attack Sarah? She is not in office, she cannot create policy. But still Obama and company including hugo put massive amounts of time into attacking her, she must be a threat to them and their plans to generate this kind of attention.

Here is a little hint for you hugo, if Sarah really was a socialist, Obama and company would not be making her their top priority to attack. She is a threat to them, not a friend, and your putting down the one person that scares them, why would anyone who claims to have conservative beliefs want to protect the liberals from their fear? As I keep pointing out, just about everything you hate is what the liberals hate, your like two peas in a pod getting along great.

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