Went to Canada to use their socialist medical care because care in the US was too expensive. Has a daughter using welfare medical benefits for the illigitimate child by studboy. Quoted in"The New Yorker Magazine,"of having been able to send a check for $1,200 to every man, woman and child in the state since, "Alaska is sometimes described as America's socialist state, because of its collective ownership of resources�
lol, so she created the socialist system in Canada.......created the welfare programs.......and created the laws in Alaska giving the people possession of the resources..........all by herself, right?
Why is it you guys in one hand try to make her sound stupid while at the same time you give her credit for things she had nothing to do with? Even if Sarah or one of her kids accepted a "welfare" like assistence that does not mean she would create or support new laws that would increase welfare. Sarah was one person, the laws giving possession of the States resources to the people were in place long before she ever took office, Sarah had nothing to do with those laws. All Sarah did was follow existing laws, she did not create any new laws handing over the oil to the people, you guys are smarter than this so you must be only pretending to not know the difference.
But what I do know is hugo is saying the things Obama and other radical Liberals love to hear. Why attack Sarah? She is not in office, she cannot create policy. But still Obama and company including hugo put massive amounts of time into attacking her, she must be a threat to them and their plans to generate this kind of attention.
Here is a little hint for you hugo, if Sarah really was a socialist, Obama and company would not be making her their top priority to attack. She is a threat to them, not a friend, and your putting down the one person that scares them, why would anyone who claims to have conservative beliefs want to protect the liberals from their fear? As I keep pointing out, just about everything you hate is what the liberals hate, your like two peas in a pod getting along great.