Even heard anyone say ... ?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
Have you ever heard anyone say that last night they had a bad peice of ass or bad blow job?
I myself have never had a bad peice of ass or blow job. Some is better than others, but, none of them were bad.
There is no such thing as a bad piece of ass or a bad blowjob. Unfortunately, there are bad women who is attached to that man-pleaser and ass. I've found this all too often in my exhaustive attempt at humiliating every woman I have intercourse with.
Never personally had a bad blow job, as for bad piece of ass... well, I've had this one chick who STUNK like bad tuna and B.O.... that was pretty nasty... but hey, I was drunk and it was *****, so it wasn't all that bad.
RoyalOrleans said:
Do you even read the posts?
>_< After waiting the ten minutes to be able to scroll back up the page on this damned computer, I saw the word 'bad'. I humbly don the dunce cap of misreading. XD
Oh yeah I have had a bad piece of ass. Guys dick was smaller than my index finger. Total waste of my time. I've gotten bad oral too. I guess women are just hard to please!
angie said:
Oh yeah I have had a bad piece of ass. Guys dick was smaller than my index finger. Total waste of my time. I've gotten bad oral too. I guess women are just hard to please!

IMO, they expect too damn much. But I'd be damned if I ever screw with a girl that smells like something from a water treatment area.
Outlaw2747 said:
IMO, they expect too damn much. But I'd be damned if I ever screw with a girl that smells like something from a water treatment area.

Eeeeeeeehhhhhhh -flinch-

Though, a friend and I were reading Cosmo magazine the other night for a laugh - every issue has a "what to do if you're in your mid twenties and have never had an orgasm" article. That edges out of funny and into kind of sad.
Ya ever get wasted and pick up a beauty queen.

You have fantastic sex, sucking on tity all night.
The next morning you wake up with a dirty old Ho with one clean tit?

Boy that
angie said:
Oh yeah I have had a bad piece of ass. Guys dick was smaller than my index finger. Total waste of my time. I've gotten bad oral too. I guess women are just hard to please!

I'm pretty sure that women are impossible to please... in ALL aspects of life
I have to agree with Angie, I've had the same thing happen and it pisses me off 'cause its really a waste of time. I think if you know you have a small piece you gotta try and make up on some other aspect and now a big dick with no consideration is also bad, not as bad but kinda..... big dicks feel good. But foreplay is important and you gotta work it, whatever it is that you're using not just stick it in and out....THATS BORING!! :p