errrrr forgot how you rip stuff off of an audio recorder... I used to just put this double sided ear phone jack chorud and have one end in the ear phone jack of the Audio recorder and the other end was on the computer speakers earphone jack then i would press play and I would hear it on the speakers then I would just record it using acid pro or sound recorder. For some reason it isnt working anymore!
EDIT: nvm! But I dont want to post it because it is embarsing lol. When we get back I am like We are back "so you better get this party started!" lol We were scared so we had to come upstairs screaming something duimb. Oh well I will just stop recording the thing like in the middle of that lol.
EDIT AGAIN! : ok so I guess my step dad told me that most audio recorders that are made are voice activated. Even if you press record it doesnt actually record unless it is noise.
I will try my video camera later.