excess baggage


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
in the shadows
hey guys...this is a fanfic that i wrote, and i thought you might like to read it...here goes....

It was two-thirty in the morning. Everyone was asleep, or at least, was supposed to be. In the back of the bus, in the last bottom bunk on the right, someone had jolted awake from a terrible nightmare; a vivid flashback to a time where pain and suffering was a daily occurrence. Chester curled up into a tiny ball under his covers, stuck some of his pillow in his mouth, and emitted a blood-curdling scream. His yowls were muffled so nobody could decipher his pain. Tears poured down his cheeks like rivers snuffing the fire inside his heart. Soon he began to sob, his body shaking mildly underneath the blankets. Footsteps approached his bunk, and he heard Mike's soft voice speak to him. "Chaz? Is that you under there?" he asked. Chester tried to find the words to say, but all he could do was mumble, "nnnnonononono,". "Come out from under your blankets Chester; it's only me," Mike said comfortingly. Chester peeked his head out from under his covers, tears streaming down his face. "Mind if I come in?" Mike asked. Chester shook his head and moved over to the wall as Mike crawled into Chester's bunk. "What happened dude? Why are you so upset?" he asked, propping himself up with one of Chester's pillows. Chester tried to speak again, but he still could only mumble nonsensical words; like he was speaking a foreign tongue no one but he could understand. "Shh sh sh, it's gonna be ok, I'm right here," Mike whispered gently, holding Chester in a close hug as he sobbed. "Nobody knows....fricken nightmare keeps coming back to haunt me....scares the crap out of me every time...it's so fricken real, like it happened yesterday..." Chester wailed hoarsley. "Do you mind telling me about it?" Mike asked. Chester looked up at Mike, his eyes filled with fear. "Might help it go away if you tell someone, right?" he said convincingly. Chester let go a shuddering breath. "Okay," he decided. "I will". A CD player turned on in the background, and the beginning arpeggios of "Excess Baggage" by Staind began to play....

tell me how you like it!!!!!
hey guys!!! glad you liked the first chapter!!! i may have to edit this, idk...something happens to chester, but he doesn't get hurt or nothin so, if i get a pm from a mod, i'll edit up ch2 straight away...here it is!!!!

"I was only fifteen when it happened. I was still considered this druggie losier that thought he could be something, you know? People picked on me, beat the crap out of me like a friggen rag doll. But I never thought in my whole life I'd get a gun pulled on me(this is the "thing" i was talking about...if this is bad, please pm me so i can change it....),"Chester started. "How'd that happen?" Mike asked incredulously. "I was walking over to the elementary school in Greenville to pick my half-sister up. She was only five or six at the time, so she couldn't go home alone. So anyways, as I'm walking along, these two sophomore jocks come up to me and they're like 'Are you Chester?'. I nodded my head and they go 'Your that stoner freshie, aren't you! We've got some things to sort out with you!' One of them, I think his name was Neil, says 'You got one of our girlfriends to trip with you, didn't you, you mofo'. The other guy goes 'We don't want our girlfriends to end up a loser like you, Chester. You better watch who you're taking hits with, or you're in for it!" "Well, did you though?" Mike asked. "No; I did some pretty stupid stuff when I was a kid, but nothing like that," Chester replied defensively. "So i run from there really quick, and i end up at my sister's school in about ten minutes"

well, you know what to do now!!!!
hey guys!!!! thanks again for the continued support....i didn't get a pm, so i guess ch2 was ok...so....here's chapter THREE!!!!!

"You never told me about your sister; what's she like?" Mike asked, hoping it would help Chester relax. "She was beautiful; the most angelic thing you ever saw," he said with a slight grin. Chester lied his head in Mike's lap and yawned. "When she was five, she had a smile that could light up the world. She was really energetic too. You couldn't get her to stop talking after school most days. But the day I picked her up was different. She was standing alone ina corner, away from the rest of her friends; and when I got nearer I saw that she was crying. She ran towards me and hugged me close around the waist, still sniffling. I asked her what was wrong, and she said 'Don't make me go back Chesser, no!" "Chesser?" Mike asked, confused. "She couldn't say Chester right yet, so Chesser was her pet name for me. I asked her, 'Where Em? Where don't you want to go?' Then I looked at her arms. They were bruised all along the forearm. She saw me looking at them, and quickly hid them behind her back. 'Emily,' I said 'Where'd you get all those?' 'Tobey was throwing balls at me again in gym. I don't wanna go back!' she wailed. I said 'Don't worry about Tobey, he's not a nice kid, that's all. Bullies like him are just jealous they can't hang around with nice kids like you.' I remember she looked up at me with her clear blue eyes and smiled, because I made her feel better. Then she asked, 'Can you give me a piggyback ride?' and I was like, 'Well, okay'. So I let her hop onto my back, and we ran home - slowly of course, but just fast enough to let the wind go through Emily's red hair." "She really makes you happy; doesn't she," Mike said, his eyes partway closed. "Yeah," Chester replied, looking up at Mike. "You can close your eyes if you want; I don't mind," "Nah, it's ok. I'm all right; just chillin'" Mike yawned.

tell me what you think!!!!!
hey guys!!! a hot fresh chapter 4 comin up!!!!! haha...here it is!!!!

"Anyways, my dad didn't get home from his shift until around 9:30 that night, so I was stuck watching Emily," Chester continued. "All that time, until around 8:30, I kept getting calls from people at school. Not nice, friendly calls, mind you, but the type of phone calls that send chills up your spine and make you want to stay up all night. One person would call up and be like 'Say your prayers, Bennington - you're gonna need 'em', and then another would call up and and say 'You're in for it now Chester!'. It spooked me pretty bad; all that night I lay in bed wondering what it all meant,". Chester began to shiver as his tale began more gruesome. "The next day comes around and I'm exhausted; I hadn't slept more than a hour the night before. As I walk to school, people pass by me and say 'You're gonna pay'. I didn't know what they meant, but it scared me nonetheless. But then, when i get to school, there's Neil at the front door holding a point 22 straight at me," Tears began falling in torrents from Chester's dark brown eyes. He began shaking more violently now, and Mike lifted Chester up from his mattress and held him close in the crook of his arm. "Calm down Chaz, it's okay. Nothing's gonna happen," Mike said soothingly as he hugged the now spluttering Chester.

hey, just so you know, i'm working on a new ff as we speak, so once this is done i'll get that one up too!!!!!
well, linkinparkrunaway, you got your wish....here's chapter 5!!!!!!

It was a good five minutes before Chester had calmed down enough to speak. By that time, he felt like a limp rag doll in Mike's arms, having expelled a lot of his energy shaking and sobbing into Mike's shoulder. Mike had been gently rubbing Chester's back and whispering "It's okay, I'm right here, you're okay," to help Chester's tears subside. Now the two of them were lying on their backs, their eyes shut. "Mike?" Chester asked. "Are you still awake?" "Yeah," Mike mumbled. "What time is it?" Chester opened his eyes to stare at his digital watch. "Quarter of four," Chester replied, closing his eyes again. "What happened next, you know, in your nightmare?" Mike inquired. "Umm, after that, I ran to another entrance at the side of the school to escape Neil. Unfortunately, he was able to catch up with me. I sped up the stairs to the fourth floor; the music wing. I probably had about a minute before he'd get me, so I hid in the practice section of the band room, which was a hallway with a bunch of practice rooms. I ran into the first one I could find, shut the door, and hid in a corner; hoping to God he wouldn't find me," "Did he?" Mike asked. "Yup. See, in the practice rooms, you can't hear the stuff going on outside, but people can hear what you're doing inside. Neil heard me trying to catch my breath and yanked the door open," Chester answered. "Then what?" Mike demanded. "He yelled 'Bennington! Get out here, little turd!' When I didn't succomb to his demand, he was like 'What are you! A coward?! A wimp?!' I didn't leave the room again, so he said 'I'm coming in there!' And that's where it ends," Chester finished. Even though his voice was calm, his hands were twitching uncontrollably. "Sometimes, I think he's gonna come in there and, you know, blow me away. I see him come in...his gun pointed at me, finger on the trigger...ready to, you know...." "Chester," Mike interrupted. "Nothing's gonna happen! It's only a dream, okay?!" "I know it's only a fricken dream! It's just come back every fricken night to haunt me!" Chester hissed frustratedly. "Okay, I believe you. But what got you so scared this time that you started screaming?" Mike asked. "He did it this time. He got me." Chester stated. He was too exhausted to sob, but silent tears streamed down his face, and he let out shuddering breaths. "Chaz, buddy, I'm so sorry..." Mike replied. He sat up, and helped Chester sit up as well. He held Chester very close to him, and out of nowhere, started humming a lullaby. "You are my sunshine...my only sunshine...you make me happy....when skies are grey..." Mike sang softly. "You never know dear...how much I love you..." "Please don't take...my sun....shine a..way...." Chester finished sleepily. Mike lied down in Chester's bunk, taking the now dozing Chester with him. He pulled up the covers so that only their heads would show. Then, he closed his eyes and finally fell asleep.

tell me what you think!!!! this isn't the end, btw...
Yay another chapter and it's not the end :) Hope you post another chapter soon. You keep making me feeling so bad for poor Chaz. It makes me wanna hug him and never let go. I think I'll go look for him right now and give him one. *goes to find Chaz*