Believe me, ive got my doubts about its realness... but this is actually almost more real that official interviews that you see in mags and stuff. Its not all cheesed up to look all fancy. For now I believe that it is real and it is definetly an interesting read. More interviews... Ill be glad to read em. Mike seemed to use "lol" more than I thought someone like him would... dont get me wrong I dont mean because he is 'famous' and all that spiel, I mean because of his vocabulary. I guess its just due to the fact that hes a busy guy...
Supposedly you are fixing this answer CC00...
"It kinda ****** me off, that we had to drop that name after doing the ep album, but chester had a really good name for the band and once we"
... I was wondering what the end of that answer was. thx
CC00... bringin the noise.... or at least the news