
How Far Have You Gotten?

  • I Have Yet To Have A First Kiss

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • Kissing/Making Out

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • "Favors"

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • All The Way

    Votes: 9 24.3%

  • Total voters
XrockinfreakX said:
the furthest I have gone was making out, Yea Im saving my virginity until I find that "special" person.
same here, but its kind of embarassing to admit it in front of other dudes.
hahaha oooooh man.. Well i have gone all the way. My thoughts on Virginity.. well, i think when your the big "V" Sex seems so much more bigger, and complicated.. making you feel that its better to wait. But finally when you do have sex, after your like.. not a big deal. But then again... some do regret how they lost thier virginity.. and thats not always the best feeling in the world. Personally i did loose mine kinda shitty.. it was really nothing "romantic", but im not all like "Damn i wish i was a virgin still" so.. really the choice comes down to you. I personally.. didnt treasure mine.. but then again i guess im not all that good at respecting myself.. idk.. USE CONDOMS!! Thats all im going to say.. There is nothing more scarier (ladies) than sitting in the bathroom next to the pregnacy test... or waiting around woundering if the pull out method works..its scary.. and it gives you time to think about weather your going to have your period or not, or if your prego!
I've just kissed/made-out and stuff. I'm not one to foresay "treasure" my virginity, but I don't see how I could ever have sex with someone I didn't love. Or at least for first time. I don't think you should have to wait until marriage, but at least love eachother. But being "unexperienced" as I am, maybe things will change when I do loose virginity.
jomama10691 said:
I have

done...everything :D

all the way when i was 13

i agree with SB i don't find sex as like waaaaayyyy important

and waiting for marriage

i just don't see marriage as a sacred bond anymore

me and my ex boyfriend were more in love then my married parents are

just when your ready

EDIT- oh and with a girl......

1st and 2nd base

I Was 15....>.< isssssh
yah i lost my virginity when i was about 15
it was only 3 years ago but back then it was "kool" to lose ur virginity as an early age
now days eveyones waiting for that "special someone" or till they get married
if only i had that frame of mind
i wonder what type of person i would be if i was still a virgin
LP186 said:
yah i lost my virginity when i was about 15
it was only 3 years ago but back then it was "kool" to lose ur virginity as an early age
now days eveyones waiting for that "special someone" or till they get married
if only i had that frame of mind
i wonder what type of person i would be if i was still a virgin

wow..i lost mine about 4 months ago n im 16
Oh yeah Fribbio =) 17 and we've still got our virginities in tact *high fives* rofl. Just kidding but eh. I'm in no pressure what so ever to lose it and I'm glad I haben't done anything really stupid (So far lol).

I agree with the person saying ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! Yeah use a johnny, use a sock, but stay protected. One of my close friends recently did sleep with her boyfriend, she didn't use protection, she couldn't use the morning after pill because she was already on medication for her iron levels, and well... her period was late. You should've seen the state she was in wondering whether she was pregnant or not. It was a horrible time for her and I didn't even know what to say or do to comfort her. Thankfully she's not pregnant and she got tested and stuff and she's fine but it taught her a valuable lesson at least. Wow that's just scary. Imagine having a baby at our age :(

I don't know if I would wait till marraige, it just depends on the person and the place and the situation, and if it happens, it happens lol o_0 I understand it's in some peoples religion and I fully respect that. I don't have a religion so I'm not particularly religious at all, but I do have my morals ^.^

Eek, and the thought of 13/14 year olds getting it on *shudders* That seriously creeps me out lol. That's like my little sister sleeping around. Ahh lol, sorry but that's a horribly disturbing thought. At that age... it's just too young. What the hell do they know about sex eh.

I must be in a 'type loads of things' period right now :) I just missed loads and felt I had to catch up haha. Everyone brings up interesting and valid points ^.^
Chestersbabi7 said:
ohhh silly Brittany, and with Girls.. ive made out.. slash...felt up..rubbed (from the outside of the pants..) yeahh im bisexual.. sooo yeahhh

OMFG It's Brittany! *hugs* I missed you and always wondered wtf happened to you. But to what you just said. WOOT WOOT Go Brit!!
twilightcrimson7 said:
whoaa, well i haven't really even had my first kiss yet!! lmao. I'm so uncomfortable when it comes to these things o_O
dido i have the same problem and i havent had my first kiss yet though i think its coming soon^_^
woodyloveslinkin said:
i think he's getting overexcited which is scary for me cos im the one that likes him...OH **** !! did i just say that..i mean..ooops...
well i've done it all the way...
did i miss something? did i read that right??

LPGirl said:
^ yep he does how many has he made now? i guess like 6..? :\ more?
lol.... i know... i'm trying to think of them all...let's see... (if i missed one, please remind me...)
Guy on Guy Action? (which i did not forget about the picture i need to post.)
How Far Would You Go On A First Date?
Let's Talk About SEX...(baby)
Chester + Playboy (of this one counts)


Back Onto topic...
linkinrapark said:
All im going to say is USE a condom
Definately... i've never had sex without one.. ever. I've been told that it feels better without one, but i'm wayyy to scared to try something like that. safe sex always. :thumbsup:
Chesterbabi7 and SB....totally right


agh unfortunatly, I've had the pregnancy scare...and i was 13 at the time.

ah jebus it was scary but im just really paranoid, so ill use every method of safe sex.