Failscene Radio

Where should the radio go?

  • On a brand new homepage

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Integrate it with the forum

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Well I can't really. :/ I wish I never bought Red Faction: Guerilla. I've not played it cause I can't and it cost ?5.
Radios cost more than ?5 lmao - for a decent one anyway.



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I've already bought it on Steam. I can't get a refund.

And josh, we only need the shoutcast. Got a quote earlier, perfect specs for us to start off at - only ?2.



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I honestly have the money, but I can't give it as it's not on my paypal. Surely you've made enough from subscribers though, right?


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I think they just earn themselves Subscriber because they did something good for the site


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Integrate it with the forum. i can hook you up with a neat radio code. not some **** Windows media player ****.

i'll make it look nice :)



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I've never given out free subscriber and I never will. Proof:



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I've never given out free subscriber and I never will. Proof:



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Integrate it with the forum. i can hook you up with a neat radio code. not some **** Windows media player ****.
i'll make it look nice :)
Yay ;D

Edit: Ah right, my mistake Michael. So you have enough money in your paypal?



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No I spent half of it and JordanC is attempting to get his subscriber money back so I'm going to sue him for false claims. :)


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I know that djakariuz is willing to pay for two subs, for himself and I, but I don't know when. Maybe we can get everything except the radio prepared and ready so we can have a swift opening?


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When Life Gives You a Bad Romance, show everyone your Poker Face, buy a new Telephone, call Alejandro, and you guys Just Dance!

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@jared, shut the **** gay music, and learn what real music is.. lady gaga is just an ugly piece of **** called an wife with a *****.

uhm,, i dont get in anymore..

first there was enough money?? but now not anymore??



Active Members
We can get a "mini-site" setup for the radio including a player, radio panel etc. Then all thats left is to conncet and stream from the shoutcast.
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