Fairly \


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I got a hold of Rossignol and they told me to send the board back to them and they'll see what they can do... Hope that means new board!!

Its in a box and heading to FedEx tomorrow.

6'4" and 235lbs of pure menace!! lol



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What kind of board did you snag up Ed?

I've been hitting the slopes hard this year.. Tonight will be my 24th time out. All this time on the slopes means my rebuild has taken a back seat.. Oh well :leghump:



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Its a rossignol circuit 161... I picked it up on craigslist with bindings and boots for $125. The kid went one day and hated it so his Dad sold it.

I rode for about 10-11 years before going into the military and getting stationed in Florida back in '99. I was putting around 100 days on the snow back then, working for ski mountains, rental shops and snowboard shops, I got free passes. I went once after I got out in '02 and ended up back in Florida till last year. So aside form the 2 times this week, I've only really gone one time in 14 years, lol... Wow, I'm old.

I wasn't bad back in the day, font flips, rodeo flips, McTwists in the pipe, 720's... Nothing compared to today's tricks tho. I hit a couple jumps in the park and floated a few knolls the other night. I'm just trying to get my carving and speed confidence back before I start working on aerial maneuvers, lol.



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That's so awesome! I'm in my 3rd year on a board.. Just getting into 3's now though I bomb every run on the hill and rip the park up decent amount.

I'd love to work for a local hill.. I wish I didn't already have a job haha I'd move to Alberta or BC. Still a possibility for the future though.

Did you see that retarded jump in the big air comp? SWITCH tripple cork 1440 haha *******



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I missed it... I don't want too much TV these days. It's amazing tho, that stuff wasn't even a thought back when I was riding. A few guys were doing 900's with out grabs and that was sick lol.


New member
Cold here today BOYS!




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Lol... this is out side right now and its still snowing.




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This was yesterday


This picture doesn't capture it but that flame starts about 6 feet down... I'm standing on top of a brush pile to take the picture... I lit that at 10am and got board with it about 6pm. That's when we lit the normal fire pit and got drunk lol... http://www.offtopic.forum/uploads/imported/2013/02/6utevutu-1.jpg



New member
That's a fire that will keep you warm. Yeah! nothing like sitting around a fire, drinking!! :gr_chug::gr_cheers::gr_cheers:


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Lol... We got snow.

My daughter was so bummed out when she woke up from her nap and saw the ground all white. She's been begging my to go to the cottage we have on the lake.... I'm ready too lmao



New member
Was warm here in the 70's for a few days, now its back to about 45F and RAINING! Next weeks supposed to be 60+ tho.


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I swear when I finally finish school Im looking for a job someplace warm. Florida sounds nice, maybe somewhere down south or out west. I hate the cold by now.
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