For me personally, I'm quite ****** the fed again steps in and lowers rates to throw a bone to all those great folks who feel it's their *** given right to spend more than they make.
I've been a saver my entire adult life and have got nothing for my efforts but rapidly decreasing value of my dollars.
Despite earning 9%, I can't even tread water.. Eventually the piper must be paid and I don't feel putting it off and selling the youth of our country into slavery so I can pretend I'm rich til I die is necessarily the best choice even though the guv seems to think so.
You paid 10x more than your house is worth in relation to wages? "We'll lower interest rates, trash the dollar, and not care because we'll delay the consequences of our actions til we die. Screw kids, we owe them nothing but the problems we create." << seems to be the current, onging policy that aint gonna change anytime soon.. Seems saving money is for suckers.. I shoulda blew it all on weed and booze when it was still worth something..
Eventually, the dollar must be strengthened.. or it will become a joke, along with our entire country.. I thought our government was there to BENIFIT it's citizens, not sell them into indentured servitude for the duration of their life..Not that indentured servitude is'nt a reality for most Americans already.. just gonna get a lot worse before if and when it gets better.. Prolly not in my lifetime.. Baby boomers are gonna retire and I get to pay! Yay me.
Falling $$ = price of oil rises.. Coincidence that our entire administration are/were oil men? I'm sure they'll be kind and generous when they own all of us.. no need to worry.
What's funny.. long term interest rates have actually risen since they lowered the fed funds rate the other day... Costs more to get a mortgage today than yesterday. Also costs more to buy a barrel of oil... Way to go Bernanke! What an idiot... gonna be funny to watch him take the rap when the bottom falls out of his bullcrap and people scream ****** murder that they can't sell their rambler for 1.2 mil. no matter what he does.. I'm sure business owners will love their employees telling them, "I need a raise, I can't survive on ramen and I can't borrow any more money to live beyond my means".
How do you guys feel about the current state of the economy? Make enough in wages to pay the obligations and save for a time when the body wont let you work but still needs to be housed and fed? Glad I aint a kid... Kids who aint even born yet have been sold out.. Sad. I'm ******..
Hey eddo.. remember that post I did at TJ about the commercial for centerpoint threatening deadbeats? I saw yesterday that 160,000 Minnesota households are in arrears on their bills and owe more than 55 mil.. Now I see why it's feasable to pay tens of thousands for a blanket commercial.. That's a **** of a lot of stamps.. And a lot of households for a state with a population of only 4 - 5 million individuals. I also saw Britain had a good old fashioned bank run the other day ala The Great Depression.. Nice.
I've been a saver my entire adult life and have got nothing for my efforts but rapidly decreasing value of my dollars.
Despite earning 9%, I can't even tread water.. Eventually the piper must be paid and I don't feel putting it off and selling the youth of our country into slavery so I can pretend I'm rich til I die is necessarily the best choice even though the guv seems to think so.
You paid 10x more than your house is worth in relation to wages? "We'll lower interest rates, trash the dollar, and not care because we'll delay the consequences of our actions til we die. Screw kids, we owe them nothing but the problems we create." << seems to be the current, onging policy that aint gonna change anytime soon.. Seems saving money is for suckers.. I shoulda blew it all on weed and booze when it was still worth something..
Eventually, the dollar must be strengthened.. or it will become a joke, along with our entire country.. I thought our government was there to BENIFIT it's citizens, not sell them into indentured servitude for the duration of their life..Not that indentured servitude is'nt a reality for most Americans already.. just gonna get a lot worse before if and when it gets better.. Prolly not in my lifetime.. Baby boomers are gonna retire and I get to pay! Yay me.
Falling $$ = price of oil rises.. Coincidence that our entire administration are/were oil men? I'm sure they'll be kind and generous when they own all of us.. no need to worry.
What's funny.. long term interest rates have actually risen since they lowered the fed funds rate the other day... Costs more to get a mortgage today than yesterday. Also costs more to buy a barrel of oil... Way to go Bernanke! What an idiot... gonna be funny to watch him take the rap when the bottom falls out of his bullcrap and people scream ****** murder that they can't sell their rambler for 1.2 mil. no matter what he does.. I'm sure business owners will love their employees telling them, "I need a raise, I can't survive on ramen and I can't borrow any more money to live beyond my means".
How do you guys feel about the current state of the economy? Make enough in wages to pay the obligations and save for a time when the body wont let you work but still needs to be housed and fed? Glad I aint a kid... Kids who aint even born yet have been sold out.. Sad. I'm ******..
Hey eddo.. remember that post I did at TJ about the commercial for centerpoint threatening deadbeats? I saw yesterday that 160,000 Minnesota households are in arrears on their bills and owe more than 55 mil.. Now I see why it's feasable to pay tens of thousands for a blanket commercial.. That's a **** of a lot of stamps.. And a lot of households for a state with a population of only 4 - 5 million individuals. I also saw Britain had a good old fashioned bank run the other day ala The Great Depression.. Nice.