Famous TH rants of stupidity in the shoutbox


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Thanks for admitting to having all my posts killed. I will make sure that comes up when I sue bob's ass

This site is HISTORY

Wave goodbye, CES... you and your butt buddies have just brought an end to WYPO.

All of the posts I made .. that contained the avatar I paid for have been stolen.

PayPal has already agreed to close Bob's account

Right, and I paid so I could post threads with that avatar.
You took that away by killing my posts.
CES killed my avatar just to be a dick.
This is why I will win.

I'm judgement proof!

The vote was fixed and I have proof. Therefore, you have no rights

I paid for a 100x100 avatar which was stolen from me by an abusive mod

All of my posts have been deleted... this is nothing but an act of terrorism.<-- my personal favorite comment

The court will see this as an act of retaliation

Tizz, you need to be fighting for your rights .

As an act of retaliation, I will have cause to seek punitive, compensatory, and nominal damages.

You own ****... there is a disclaimer that says the posts are the property of the individual posters.

Right... and CES stole my Avatar ... and then banned me... and then erased my posts.(side comment:was never banned, post hidden by Bob, not C.E.S., posts are not deleted)

Therefore, there is ABSOLUTE breach of contract


Also ...since my posts are MY PROPERTY... not yours ... you can find a way to undelete them...

Bob is goig to lose... he knows this ... it's why he quit making threats.

PW, you and CES find a way to bring back my avatar and posts and I will agree to calm down. <-- extortion ??

Care to play ... lets make a deal?

I am willing to kill all hostilities provided I get my avatar and my posts back.<-- more extortion

Your drug use will come up, PW. <-- blackmail ??:rolleyes:

m60, you know less then **** ... I have a good case and I WILL win. PayPal WILL PERMENANLY BAN BOBBY FROM USING THEIR SITE.

I am still going to sue your asses

My posts are MY property and I cannot get to them, which means I am being prevented from enjoying what is mine.
Therefore, there is ABSOLUTE breach of contract.and total and complete fraud.

I will make sure that I note that you interfeared with my purchased ability to use the shout box.

GF is going down

keep laughing you pathetic drug addict

phreakwars said:
I don't do drugs dipshit, PHREAKWARS is a persona... laughs hard

Don't lie asshole, Your behavior proves you are a liar , I have a copy of recent chat in which you admit to being high.

ph said:
laughs even harder

Trust me when I say ... its in your best interest to make peace with me.

You're bi-polar

It's timestamped ... so it's valid

Your violent mood swings prove it <-- ok now that comment was pretty funny:D

Bob's WYPO account will be closed and he will lose the ability to draw in funds.

Bob's lack of control and frequently allowing breaches of contract cost him his WYPO account.

phreakwars said:
Reasoned with ?? And what is it, might I ask that we can do for your sorry ass to relieve your "misery"

You can start by not being such a jerk.
At this point, I want my posts back, my avatar back, and I want to have regular access to the shout box.
I am willing to meet you halfway ..
Oh, and I want to be able to chat again

ph said:
Ohh... well if THATS all you want, then I'll be MORE THEN HAPPY to give it to you if you can prove to me that your $12 membership entitles you to these things.I'd also like you to show me where we DON'T have the right to Moderate you in GF fashion

I am entitled to read what I post.. WYPO's policy dictates that my posts are my property... since I cannot see my own posts and I not getting what I paid for.The avatar was stolen from me by CES. .. I do not have the jpeg so I cannot re-upload it. I am entitled to have my 100x100

ph said:
Ahh... not a prob at all, we can always show ONLY YOU your posts and keep them from everybody elses view, I see no rule saying posts you own MUST be shown to OTHER members of this board

Also ... I would appricate having the rep points you and CES took away .... given back to me One of my requests was that I be allowed to have what I had before I am trying to be reasonable here, PW

ph said:
We can always turn off the rep system, we don't HAVE to use rep, its not an option
Your unwarranted verbal assault on me in the chatroom was unwarranted as well. I am willing to forgive and kill my claim against GF but I want back what I had before this whole fight started.

ph said:
unwarranted verbal assault on you... THIS IS GF STUPID !! WE ALWAYS VERBALLY ASSAULT EACH OTHER... Are you NOW trying to tell me, since I am a MODERATOR, that I can not verbally assault others ?
MOD does not equal GOD ... I think you need to realize that
I will drop my claim if I get back everything I had stolen from me in the last few days.I had an avatar ... it was stolen from me by a mod. Therefore, I was cheated by a staff member It's an avatar tjat I cannot re-upload I was denied a right for which I paid .. therefore, Bob committed, or allowed to be commited, an act of fraud.

Also ... I am sure the WWE will like hearing about your unathorized use of their copywrited materials, PW.
Talk about money hungery, lawsuit chaser(referring to TH's threats)....That is just about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Get 'im Bob.
OMG I am laughing my ass off. Ya he owns his words but that only prohibits a site from moving them out onto other sites. What GF decides to do with HERE ON GF is up to whoever wants to **** with them. I never saw him bitch over other members messing with them in quotes. Geez it's the same thing. He may be a paralegal but he has NO CLUE As to internet rights. If you write something you like..... copy and save it on your box. Posts can disapear from forums all the time (winks at PW LOL) Once you put your words on a forum, as long as no one copy paste's them without a reference, to other sites, that forum can legally do ANYTHING they want with them. TH needs to do a little homework. As for teh accounts, Bob CAN sue TH for wrongfull accusation and get back the lost funds (I have seen that before) If TH has a paypal account, paypal can attach that to get the money. So basically, it may take forever, but TH is screwed
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Take this from a gal who changes dirty diapers and initiates "milk and cookies" time for a living. :p

HEHE ya I do

But I did have to do some research on this last spring as it pertained to legal issues I persuing. I found out there really isn't much that can be done in regards to the forums unless there is a physical threat, "STOLEN" as is taken elsewhere of copyrighted material, or reference to child porn (which is where my complaint went). Even the FBI was useless. They really don't care as far as paypal goes unless you are caught selling over 2000 dollars without delivery, or misadvertising soley to gain proffit (and that proffit has to be over $6000) How ISP and web servers handle the issues is very different and paypal sometimes goes over the top on complaints to cover their ass after some **** they went through when they were forst established. That is where I really feel bad for Bob, that paypal issues is gonna be a pain in teh ass
What I find most ironic, is his claim of his avatar ownership. I'm sure Hayden Christensen never sold him the photo, nor did he pose with his makeup on and yellow contacts. And neither did LucasArts Films. Furthermore, I am also 100% positive that TH never took the picture persoanlly with photo equipment owned by him. His big bitch was "that avatar was special to me, it was my property, you stole it, I deserve damages"

Yet all the while tells me my use of the Rock and Triple H photos are property of the WWE...

Sure, I'll remove it if Vince McMahon's lawyers contact me personally via snail mail and tell me Dwayne Johnson or Jean-Paul Levesque and the characters owned by World Wrestling Entertainment have somehow been infringed upon.

I am not surprised at all by his (TH's) behavior. He is and always shall be an idiot... and not just any idiot mind you, but the kind of idiot that makes other idiots look really intelligent.

I don't find his antics very funny at all, in fact I have a low tolerance for stupidity, and this retard really grated on my nerves! I hope he actually follows through with his assinine threat of a law suit, and blows a couple of thousand $ just to find out that the courts think he's an idiot too!
YAY! I'm an idiot.

So how long does it last? And I know...a lifetime. But really, how long do I stay in the box?
Sorry, your a.... um can i say ass in here? LOL I'm all screwed up.

Anyway, your ass is grass. I've already put a call into my lawyer and am going to see him first thing in the morning. You just better be glad you didn't steal my avatar! You would be kissing your sweet cheeks good-bye right about now!
After reading all this crap, I can't believe you people thought mine and sixes fight was weak...