Fan Fiction Rules

i agree

i agree with chester crazy i dont think too many people here if any people here aren't mature enough to decide wether they want to read a story or not. also im not depressed or anything but i like to use stories and poetry to release my feelings of anger or anything so it dosn't build to full blown depression... i dont think i am the only one that does that.
By the looks of it, I won't be able to post any of my fics here, ever. I'm a 'slash' writer, so the 'No Pornography' rule leaves me out. Can I post a link to my Chester/Jonathan Davis smut instead?
ATLien said:
Ok, I have noticed alot of disturbing fan fiction storys, so I have decided to make a few guidelines.

-No fan fiction can talk about the death or tourcher of either LP or LPF members.
-No fan fiction is alowed to feature vulgare or explicit story lines.
-No fan fiction can feature any members of this site without them first being consulted.
-No pornographics content (words or visual images) is allowed.

These are just a few, and I am open to more rules. Please use this thread to talk about fan fiction.

Hey ATLien could you please check out "Jammer's Poetry Journal thread and let me kno if the content is too explicit... if so will remove poetry deemed unfit.
I'm not too depressed, i mean when i'm w/ certain people THEY happen to make me feel upset. i can't write a story w/out a bit of that stuff. i used to write a whole bunch of 'chirpy bird' stories (no that's not what they were called), but they weren't all that appealing. i'm writing a novel, and that is just- ACTION, the basic story crap, and depression. there just aren't many good stories w/out the depression
I have a question about the rules....

when it says no vulgar stuff, does that mean violence? as in a certain level violence like no spilling guts and brains? or any violence at all? Because I have a fic that sortta has some violence in a sci-fi manner. and Now I'm wondering if it's okay to post it....
-No fan fiction can talk about the death or tourcher of either LP or LPF members.
-No fan fiction is alowed to feature vulgare or explicit story lines.
-No fan fiction can feature any members of this site without them first being consulted.
-No pornographics content (words or visual images) is allowed.

Just re-itterating the rules. Please follow them.

So, we've just to basically write fluffy stuff?
Okay, I can deal with that.
And is it only Linkin Park fiction that is allowed on here?
Sorry if this has been asked before.
Jonesy said:

So, we've just to basically write fluffy stuff?
Okay, I can deal with that.
And is it only Linkin Park fiction that is allowed on here?
Sorry if this has been asked before.

basically yea
and u can write about anything
but yea i cease to fallow these rules which isnt a wise idea

clam down x ur noob pwning days are over