Fat People Are Bad People

Flatearther said:
I happen to be a useless drunk. Booze sets me to sleep - I'm a whisky waster - it doesn't convert to the opiates that other folks are blessed (or cursed ) with. But give me an innocent codeine tablet (ostensibly for congestion) & I'm truly off with every pixie in flying distance (a faerie slut, if you will).

You drink too much in order to sleep at night. Therefore your addiction and abuse of alcohol is justified.

Flatearther said:
They forever trot out the endless wardrobe of euphemisms, excuses, spin lines, PC psychobabble and nauseating 'have a nice day' Jumping Jimmy Jargon - and it's NEVER their fault!There's always someone (else) to blame. Always some spurious 'medical problem' or 'society's out to get me' cop-out.

Excuses. Cop-out. Something else it to blame. Is your overindulgance in alcohol still justifiable as a sleeping aid? Is your dependence really less evil than a person who is dependent on food for whatever reason?
GF Admin said:
you better reread the portion of his post you quoted, read it again & again & again until you understand it....let me know when you have truly read & understand it, and you will then understand how absolutely and utterly ****ing stupid you are. Your draft offered as... heady... proof...:p

I'm tired and I'm an idiot. What do you expect....inteligens? Me not got no smarts, fo' sho.

Ahhlee wrote:
You drink too much in order to sleep at night. Therefore your addiction and abuse of alcohol is justified.
Maybe you were reading someone else's post to come to such a silly conclusion. I shall repeat my original observation - I do NOT drink because I DON'T LIKE IT! Anything ambiguous about that? It just doesn't work on me. Booze & I just NEVER got along. I have suffered all my life, trying to explain to morons like you that I was not being antisocial. I was FORCED to make up excuses for refusing or avoiding booze at parties. Is there any other little word that you're struggling with? Cheers!
Flatearther said:
Ahhlee wrote:
Maybe you were reading someone else's post to come to such a silly conclusion. I shall repeat my original observation - I do NOT drink because I DON'T LIKE IT! Anything ambiguous about that? It just doesn't work on me. Booze & I just NEVER got along. I have suffered all my life, trying to explain to morons like you that I was not being antisocial. I was FORCED to make up excuses for refusing or avoiding booze at parties. Is there any other little word that you're struggling with? Cheers!

Wow. Relax. Maybe a little shot of Jack would calm you down? (I kid, I kid.)

Yes, having reread that statement I was completely in the wrong. I scanned that part of your thread too quickly and comprehended something else and to use that particular quote in my own post obviously didn't work. I take full resposibility for looking like an ass.

My apologies.
Ahhlee wrote:
Yes, having reread that statement I was completely in the wrong. I scanned that part of your thread too quickly and comprehended something else and to use that particular quote in my own post obviously didn't work. I take full resposibility for looking like an ass. My apologies.
What the hell is WRONG with you Americans? An APOLOGY! - for ANYTHING? Outrageous! They can't even spell the word over here. Thanx, mate, it cheers me up no end to get some civilised to-ing & fro-ing. I just love this forum after the last jackbooted gulag I was in where you got your thread yanked out before you could blink, with no 'by yer leave' or 'ask yer pardon,sir". Great sportsmanship. Cheers!

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