fat people


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
read the title...nuff sed!

heres a link to what i would say if i was fat: www.somegayasslinkthatnobodygivesashitabout.com
if ur fat, i don't care wat ur excuse is "my mummy was fat" "i have a slow metabolism" heres an idea...if u eat less, even with those excuses, u will lose weight!

to those with legit reasons, plz list them here, i know of a few, and that makes it understandable if ur overweight. but to those without...im just glad of the fact that due to the fact that fat ppl are un****able that eventually they will all die out due to their inability to reproduce!!! :eek:
it wasnt spam, it was actually a link to a page that ONLY talked about obesity in a humerous way. i could copy and paste all the information here if u would like, but i thought offerring a link would be less taxing on the eyes, and only allow ppl who wanted to read it to do so
If people on this forum wanted to talk about, or read about fat ****s, they could simply follow THIS link. And type in the word "FAT PEOPLE"

Otherwise, we really don't give a **** about other website links
woopedazz said:
to those with legit reasons, plz list them here, i know of a few, and that makes it understandable if ur overweight. but to those without...

I'm fat because I eat stupid people.

You're next.
eddo said:
I'm fat because I eat stupid people. You're next.

In regards to the original post...

I don't believe in jumping on the fat people are lazy bandwagon. There are medical conditions which can transform a person from thin and fit to obese in a very short amount of time. Though age and metabolism play a major factor in gaining weight, people with lupus or thyroid conditions (to name a few examples) could do everything within their power and still balloon out.

People are people. To expect everyone to be perfect Barbie and Ken dolls is ridiculous.
Phantom said:

In regards to the original post...

I don't believe in jumping on the fat people are lazy bandwagon. There are medical conditions which can transform a person from thin and fit to obese in a very short amount of time. Though age and metabolism play a major factor in gaining weight, people with lupus or thyroid conditions (to name a few examples) could do everything within their power and still balloon out.

People are people. To expect everyone to be perfect Barbie and Ken dolls is ridiculous.

What I expect is for people to use their innate ****ing reasoning ability and negotiate a decent meal. Arby's and Wendy's is not healthy when you're scarfing down fries and fried meat and following it up with a Diet Coke.

Eat a descent meal and get off your ass.

Fat people are a ****ing pariah.
RoyalOrleans said:
What I expect is for people to use their innate ****ing reasoning ability and negotiate a decent meal. Arby's and Wendy's is not healthy when you're scarfing down fries and fried meat and following it up with a Diet Coke.

Eat a descent meal and get off your ass.

Fat people are a ****ing pariah.

If your diet consists of fast food and your luxury time consists of watching TV, then don't bitch. That's a given. :rolleyes: I'm only 120 lbs but I can still sympathize with those who at least try.
Phantom said:
If your diet consists of fast food and your luxury time consists of watching TV, then don't bitch. That's a given. :rolleyes: I'm only 120 lbs but I can still sympathize with those who at least try.

I can not recall my last fast food meal.

I'm a hundred pounds heavier than you, but I'm probably a foot taller.
RoyalOrleans said:
I can not recall my last fast food meal.

I'm a hundred pounds heavier than you, but I'm probably a foot taller.

I'm only 3'6". That makes you 220 and 4'6". Fatty.

Seriously though, fast food makes me want to gag. I used to eat it all the time when I was a flight attendant. Had no choice most of the time. But then something clicked and just couldn't do it anymore.
The fast food of choice for me at the mo is pepitas. Pumpkin seeds lightly sauted in olive oil, and salted to taste.

A snack food that the kids like, and the beer drinkers love.
I just can't handle processed foods anymore. Really complex dishes make me sick and fast food meals are usually heavily processed. I prefer pure foods like protein and veggies. Hate sweets. Love salty stuff though. It's my weakness.
Phantom said:
Love salty stuff though. It's my weakness.

I got something salty for ya....

It's a bag of peanuts. Just like the one you owe me...
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Phantom said:
I'm only 3'6". That makes you 220 and 4'6". Fatty.

Damn... I guess I am a fatty.

Phantom said:
Seriously though, fast food makes me want to gag. I used to eat it all the time when I was a flight attendant. Had no choice most of the time. But then something clicked and just couldn't do it anymore.

I have something you can gag on.
eddo said:
I got something salty for ya....

It's a bag of peanuts. Just like the one you owe me...

Eddo, I swear. Anytime I ever mention my old job you bring up my peanut debt! I don't owe you ****, burrito boy! :p
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How about you quit feeding these child/ticks I see when I am forced to go out into civilization. How about your responsibility as a parent to not raise bulbous children because you yourself have no self control. Fat kids piss me off more than fat adults... and to hell with the whole "metabolism" argument. We are getting fat in America. The VAST majority of people do not have some medical predisposition to it... they EAT badly and DONT exercise.

I have gained some weight recently BECAUSE I EAT DELICIOUS BAD FOR YOU FOOD and the only exercise I get is on a motorcycle. I started eating according to those percentages on the foods (basically just less than 100% of the daily required fat and sodium) and have visibly lost weight in the last 3 days. My pants dont bother me as much, and eventually will fit right again. Don't make excuses for the profoundly lazy. You are just encouraging them.