Fav coke flavour?


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I like the original one. I used to like vanilla. The lime one tastes wierd, like i'm drinking lysol or whatnot. The cherry one is gross b/c i hate the taste of cherries. :)

but overall i don't drink soda all that much. i love OJ and that flavored water crap that has all the vitamins and stuff. yeah :)
im in <3 with that flavour *bows* thats a good one...i like all of them really apart from vanilla which just makes me feel sick..>.<
shadowfax1007 said:
i still have teeth lol, and shockingly my blood sugar is perfect, i had it tested, and it came back fine, its creepy lol

if anyone finds the medical side effects of drinking coke, please post them here, because i swear that stuff causes depressive mood swings and other assorted things.
god he'll be a diabetic when hes older not to mention really fat, god just as bad as the super size me meals maccas use to have

azemkamikaze03 said:
Vanilla owns all.
Original and Lime taste the same.(You can herdly taste the lime)
Cherry(BLEH)i hate the taste of cherries

V. Coke Will always pwn everything but Gatorade.
ill drink to that *drink vanilla coke*
do you guys know how bad coke is for you? god, it destroys your teeth esophagus and stomache. did you know in most states in the us state troopers carry a two liter of coke in the trunk because it removes the blood of the road after an accident, anyways, i dont' drink soda
Vanilla Coke is the best coke, because it tastes good and isn't syrupy like the regular old coke.